By Mike Miller
Twilight Zone stuff, right? Of course, it is—and it gets worse. We’re talking about the “existential threat to mankind” (climate change) crowd. Except, in this case, an extinction activist wants humans to voluntarily stop having children–so humanity will eventually die out, thus giving the biosphere a “chance to recover.”
Sounds legit. Show of hands—who’s in?
Tuesday’s episode of “Dr. Phil” focused on the “ethics of procreation” and the debate about overpopulation, with Voluntary Human Extinction Movement founder Les Knight predictably spewing a variety of ridiculous statements. For the sake of the planet, Knight says, “May we live long and die out.”
Dr. Phil asked Knight, as reported by Fox News, to confirm his views:You’re involved with an extinction movement who basically says we just need to live long and die out, we just need to ‘feed, not breed,’ is that what you say?
Knight was on it:
“Feed ‘em don’t breed ‘em,” yes, that’s right, we’re not taking care of the people who are already here.
My plan is for everyone to think before they procreate, and if people really think about it, think it all the way through, and have the wherewithal not to procreate — which is a really big problem all over the planet — and if people think about it … 44 percent of young people are saying “No I don’t think I wanna do that,” just because they’ve thought about it.
And if we all stopped procreating we’ll go extinct, slowly, we’ll clean up our messes as we go, and the biosphere – what’s left of it, will have a chance to recover.Hang on a sec. If humankind goes “instinct,” as this guy said, then who’s going to be left as “the rest of it”? Radical left “intellectuals” like Knight and their silly visions of utopian bliss never seem to come to fruition. On the contrary, history has taught us countless times that their mad lab experiments don’t “quite” turn out as well as the masses were programmed to believe.
So, you know where this is headed: Knight plugged on-demand abortion as a cornerstone of his vision.Reproductive freedom is the most important thing we need today. … Hundreds of millions of couples are denied their right to not procreate. [Many people] don’t have contraceptive services – reproductive health services that they need. Those are not provided, and maybe people should supply their own, but they can’t afford it because they’re having more offspring that they can’t feed.
OK, so this guy obviously believes taxpayers should provide “free” contraceptive services and “reproductive health services” to everyone, particularly to those who can’t afford them because they’re having more kids than they can feed.
I might not be as “smart” as you are, Mr. Knight, but how about untold numbers of financially-challenged women and their partners, if any, not getting pregnant in the first place? Just a thought. Then this insanity:Try to get a sterilization here in America when you haven’t had kids and you’re only 22. We’re not allowing people to not breed.
Sorry, pal, but that’s just messed up.
Another guest, content creator Anton Daniels, told Dr. Phil that “these irresponsible people” end up having to be taken care of, “whether it be the prisons that we built for them or the social services that we have to create for them, and they do not become more educated and do things differently,” dispassionately adding: “They breed more, that’s what happens.”
And the above is what abortion and LGBT and ESG is all about.
Our resident Malthusians will be a long any moment to remind us.
Mass planet genocide where only the WEF types will survive. Those morons actually think man is capable of destroying the planet.
Man’s fatal combination of cleverness and stupidity are fully capable of destroying the ecosystem and all living things in it, including himself.
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Hell yes look at what China has done to its country, a toxic wasteland. They had full advantage of seeing America pull back from the brink but took a different path.
Why do you think that now?
The history of humanity has been to AVOID this, getting better at taking care of nature and farming and technology.
You don’t have a logical argument, but are instead a genocidal maniac that WILL be stopped.
“The history of humanity has been to AVOID this, getting better at taking care of nature and farming and technology.”
This would be more reassuring if there weren’t a mass of vocal Righties committed to the idea of *sticking it to the libs* by shooting down every concern about and plan for doing something to solve the very real problems facing nature.
For the sake of keeping the discussion straightforward, I’m specifically not referring to climate stuff here; I’m referring to stuff that we can see and quantify all around us, like the seemingly unstoppable spread of microplastics in the oceans, on the land, and in the digestive tracts of animals in both places; or the elimination of animal habitat in Africa, the Amazon, and Southeast Asia; or the insane proliferation of single-use everything that is seemingly demanded by modern consumer society.
I’ve seen a lot of contempt from other commenters at this very site for the idea that any of this actually a problem, or that we have the right to inconvenience business or consumers in any way by reining it in. In fact, I’m guessing that my use of the phrase “consumer society” is rubbing people here the wrong way.
As just one example, government regulations are necessary to keep big business from polluting and deforesting and strip mining the planet to hell, but the Right fights tooth and nail against these regulations. Eliminating regulations is, in fact, is one of the things you people celebrate as one of Trump’s triumphs.
Let’s just take one of your “problems.”
Researchers have already developed and waste treatement plants are already using these four technologies to do just what you want done……
But you understand that it is not the 1st world that pours raw sewage into oceans,lakes, rivers and streams.
Do you really want to sterilize and then let die all of the people of the 2nd and 3rd world just because they don’t clean up their messes the way you would like?
And, to ask something Jordan Peterson used to ask, Is YOUR room clean?
The elites have brainwashed you real good.
They’ve got you as frontman for their plan to depopulate YOU from earth.
And you fell for it.
Ever see those college girls in Cuba as Che was lining them up for execution?
THEY thought he would see that they were on his side.×415
All he saw was useful idiots who had to go.
“Do you really want to sterilize and then let die all of the people of the 2nd and 3rd world just because they don’t clean up their messes the way you would like?”
No, and one way you can tell I don’t want it is that I never suggested anything remotely resembling that.
You don’t have to “suggest” it. You support an ideology that promotes it.
Since you are so dedicated to preserving the planet, what are your thoughts on the destructive and fossil-fuels intensive mining and processing necessary to produce renewable energy components?
“Since you are so dedicated to preserving the planet, what are your thoughts on the destructive and fossil-fuels intensive mining and processing necessary to produce renewable energy components?”
Doing that is preferable to using destructive and fossil fuel-intensive mining and processing to produce technology that then needs the continued input of fossil fuels every couple of days for the entire lifespan of the technology.
Surely that’s not difficult to understand.
Goes without mentioning you are avoiding the bigger stories of the day.
I’m commenting on the topic of this thread.
That is the point pussy. There is active discussion on other threads You are visibly absent and that tells us all that we need to know. You cherry pick those threads that give you a safe space because you are a pussy.
I understand that you bloviate about every topic, whether or not you know or care anything about it.
I tend to stick to threads on topics I care or know about.
The fact that you’re trying to use that fact as an avenue of attack says much more about you than it does about me, frankly.
Also: I don’t care about Hunter Biden. Lock him up. I don’t give a shit.
No, not difficult to understand. To satisfy your misconceptions about climate change and the future or “renewable” energy (which is by no means renewable or sustainable, but anyway…), you condone destroying large swaths of territory, exploiting slave labor pursuing tiny quantities of the materials necessary for “sustainables”. This is instead of the relatively damage-free extraction of fossil fuels, which is cheaper, more efficient and better adaptable for 3rd world emerging countries.
Some eye opening:
What does it take to eliminate fossil fuels?
The incomprehensible cost of green energy expansion
Seems anti-intuitive for you to worry so much about your own waste issues while the majority of humankind treat the planet like it’s a toilet.
Look at China, not an impoverished country.
The Chinese allowed their farmland, their waterways and their air to become utterly toxic.
And instead of cleaning it up, the Chinese gov’t simply colonizes African countries and forces their laborers to grow food for export back to China while living on subsistence as slaves of their Chinese overlords.
Your outnumbered by major polluters.
But you try to make a case for Americans, who have cleaner land, water and air, to tax themselves out of “guilt” while the polluters carry on.
“But you try to make a case for Americans, who have cleaner land, water and air, to tax themselves out of ‘guilt’ while the polluters carry on.”
I have said nothing at all about anybody taxing anybody else, either out of guilt or for any other reason.
I am confident mikey thinks it appropriate for American taxpayers to pay reparations to third worl countries because of our alleged destruction of the planet.
“Seems anti-intuitive for you to worry so much about your own waste issues while the majority of humankind treat the planet like it’s a toilet.”
That doesn’t make any sense at all. That’s like saying that refraining from participating in a gang rape is counterintuitive, since the victim is being raped anyway by someone else.
The depth of your depravity is beyond the capacity of modern science to measure.
You should stick to making up lies about Herschel Walker.
Real science not the pseudo religion you espouse has solutions.
It isnt the plastic its the disposal, I am all for glass deposit bottles an old solution. I buy a certain spaghetti sauce because it is sold in a real canning jar. Rather than getting tossed into the recycle bin I reuse the jars.
CO2 is not a pollutant its plant food.
If you want depopulation lead by example.
“CO2 is not a pollutant its plant food.”
You couldn’t help yourself, could you? This is the same lie you pulled last time: pretending that I was talking about climate problems. I wasn’t last time, and I specifically said that I wasn’t this time. You’re unable to keep yourself from lying.
The microplastic-eating bacteria is great, but there’s no reason at this point to think that it can keep up with microplastic production, let alone deal with everything that’s already out there.
And, of course, that was only one of the problems I mentioned, and there are scores more that I didn’t bring up.
I am doing what I can to stop the cycle. I’m eliminating single-use items from my life, buying items with reduced or no packaging, and so on. I’m trying to point out the problem to people who haven’t given it any thought. Fortunately, most people I speak to don’t fight me and tell me everything is under control.
“If you want depopulation lead by example.”
You’re an astoundingly shitty person. It would be nice if other commenters here—or, more to the point, Curt—believed that telling me to kill myself over my desire to have a cleaner planet is going too far, but I can’t imagine it will be the case.
CO2 is plant food where is the lie?
Strip mining like for lithum and other rare earth minerals for green batteries?
The enzyme is but 1 possible solution, Plasma disposal another but you dont seek answers just scree about issues.
Do depopulate yourself.
“Do depopulate yourself.”
Very Christian of you. I imagine that Nathan will be along soon enough to tell me that I don’t know what I’m talking about, and that Jesus was fully behind telling people we disagree with to kill themselves.
You’re such a disgusting human.
“where is the lie?”
I already told you: “This is the same lie you pulled last time: pretending that I was talking about climate problems. I wasn’t last time, and I specifically said that I wasn’t this time.”
Geeze Mikey if you are not into depopulation then dont, You just cant post on the subject,yes I know how to get under your skin its so easy.
I didnt lie, I put in one sentence that is a fact that your religion finds heresy. You just freak out, You never told me what the lie was, you just lose your narrow little mind.
Go to an old science book and look The best way for converting CO2 to O2 is via photosynthesis in plants, algae and bacteria.In this process, green plants absorb water from the soil and carbondioxide from the air in the presence of sunlight to produce sugars.. In this case green leaf chlorophyll acts as a catalyst and oxygen is produced from carbon dioxide through the process of photolysis. Carbon capture! The Plant uses it to grow, long before the invention of gas engines.
I know Gretta Thunberg doesnt know this, Al Gore wont let the secret out.
I dont use exfoliating beauty products they are another source of micro plastics and they would ruin my soap dispenser.
You cant talk about Climate cause you know nothing about it.
You cant talk solutions cause your mind wasnt trained for anything except the government has to do this.
Really boring since the government causes problems doesnt solve them.
“subject,yes I know how to get under your skin its so easy.”
When two people are interacting, the one who’s upset enough to tell the other to kill himself is pretty clearly the one whose skin has been gotten under.
You dont interact, you dont know how, you scree.
Mikey is a pathetic toddler.
I know toddlers, they can interact much better than Mikey. They have a cuteness factor that the groomer lacks.
Some single use items are in your best interests, mike.
For instance, I remember when medical and dental tools were made to be used over and over.
Ever wonder why we all use disposable syringes, dental tools, surgical tools?
Prion disease.
Prions, also called “spike proteins” stick to tools like these right thru a normal sterilization process.
Disposable instruments are usually cheaper than investing in one of the devices that seems effective against prions on medical and dental tools
In the old days we also used “paper-or-plastic” when we shopped.
Now we are encouraged to bring those reuseable bags that fall apart if you wash them.
I made my own cloth bags because you can throw them into the wash and keep the germ levels down.
Frankly, paper-or-plastic can be reused a time or two each.
And they are healthier than those filthy bags that can’t be washed.
This is why things won’t turn out well, the way Nathan suggests. I mention the idea of cutting down on single-use products in order to reduce the production of waste, and Nan writes a multi-paragraph rebuttal.
It’s the most gentle of suggestions about something positive we could do to help mitigate the effects of a world-wide problem, and there’s pushback.
THAT’S why Nathan’s solution won’t work.
More like pick health over sickness.
There might just be some areas of products where the more multi-use option won’t make you sick.
I only pointed out, 1. the medical equipment was changed to save lives and 2. the paper-or-plastic options were multi-use while the so-called multi-use bags spread e-coli and other health risks to your food.
otoh, The option of not using a straw is good.
The option of bringing your own cup or glass at a fast food place if they let you.
Not placing veggies that you will later clean in individual bags to buy them.
Using metal utensils and washing them instead of plastic.
But don’t forget to think about the entire cost.
There’s added water waste, added soap/detergent use, and, of course, your health.
I think you are missing the bigger picture, mike.
The WEF and elites from it are buying up farmland so we don’t have food, not so we do.
Look at Netherlands, once the “breadbasket of Europe.”
The gov’t is forcing 2,000 to 3,000 farmers off their land so the gov’t can use that land to house migrants.
Bill Gates and the Chinese gov’t are buying prime farmland but not farming.
The “extinction” crowd is just one tip of these elitist’s spear.
They don’t want you out of your gas vehicle and into an electric one: there will never be enough electric ones to go around.
They want to CONTROL you so you stay home, in the cold, or hot, eat bugs and die young.
All so they can have the best for themselves IF they can trust servants to not kill them.
You might remember why so many things that we used to reuse are now single use.
For example, we used to have reuseable medical and dental surgery instruments.
Are you old enough to recall a dental assistant pulling tools out of some pink antisceptic bath and laying each one out for your dentist to use?
Syringes also were reuseable.
But guess what.
Mere autoclaving cannot kill prions, the spike protein that causes brain and nerve disorders in humans and animals.
So, to save lives, we switched to disposable.
Now, you might think getting early onset Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s or blindness, fatal insomnia or other nerve diseases is a trade-off we should make, but most others think not.
Even using reusable cloth or clothlike grocery bags leaves you open to food borne infection.
If you play it safe with such bags and wash them after every use, your electrical, water and soap bill far outweighs the savings to the planet that dumping single-use paper-or-plastic confirs.
(And actually most paper-or-plastic bags can be used at least twice.)
Just the whiff of the rumor that this or that vaccine is actually going to render you sterile is what kept thwarting the eradication of polio.
The covid vaccines’ spike proteins concentrate in the reproductive organs.
Vaccinated men are having lower sperm counts.
Vaccinated women are having spontaneous abortions and stillbirths.
In countries with high birth rates there are also high death rates for children.
In those countries, Family is valuable.
Multigenerational family members take part in raising children and in being taken care of by younger members.
Just because the loveless, anti-family environo-whacko groups can’t imagine a loving extended family sacrifing for one another doesn’t mean it isn’t the norm on earth.
THEY are the abberation!
It all started with all this bunk about overpopulation which Ehrlich had babble in his The Population Bomb back in 1968 hut back in 1962 Carson and Silent Spring and we have these screwballs from the Extinction Rebellion and Just Stop Oil
That’s just word vomit. Pick a point and try to make it.
Canada is really getting into the just kill yourself there is no hope.

When anyone starts talking about having fewer humans on Earth, why do you people always jump to “So you want to kill everyone, eh?!”?
It’s possible to reduce the population by simply having fewer babies over the course of time.
I’ve still encountered nobody who can explain why having eight or nine billion people on Earth is *preferable* to having three or four billion. (And it must be preferable, or you wouldn’t react so violently to the simple idea of gradually trimming the number back.)
We have already done that now the government that pushed it says we must import population to make up for having less babies.
I’ve still encountered nobody who can explain why having eight or nine billion people on Earth is *preferable* to having three or four billion.
You are one of the 8 or 9 billion justify yourself. Why is it preferable you are here?
Great inventors were one in billions.
You keep acting as if I’m talking about reducing the human population by killing people.
No that is your narrow mind lack of grasp.
“No that is your narrow mind lack of grasp.”
I appreciate your brave willingness to post comments here in English, which appears to be your third language.
It’s clear you think Planet Earth is becoming over populated (based on what you have never said). Once a majority decides that the best thing that can be done to protect the integrity of the planet is to reduce the number of humans on it, it becomes clear that “reducing the human population by killing people” is the answer. This just shows what a Socialist you are and you are just regurgitating old Socialist mantra.
“Sir or madam will you be kind enough to justify your existence…if you’re not producing as much as you consume or perhaps a little bit more then clearly we cannot use the big organization of our society for the purpose of keeping you alive. Because your life does not benefit us and it can’t be of very much use to yourself.”
Sound familiar?
So through some weird labyrinthine process in your own mind, you’ve decided that I actually mean the opposite of what I said, even after I specifically said that I’m not suggesting what you accuse me of suggesting.
You’re so desperate to hate everything I type that you’ll twist yourself into metaphorical knots to give some weird interpretation to my words.
It must be tiring to be you.
Retire05 could not be more clear. You have advocated for genocide of the human race as a method to control and limit population and population growth. Time after time your comments reflect the evilness of atheism and progressive Marxism.
You are not an advocate of life instead a scourge
Either you’re lying, or you really don’t understand anything about human psychology, including your own.
Deciding that the planet can only survive with less people on it isn’t scientific.
It’s Cultic dogma. And the people who are responsible for feeding you this moronic idea are LITERALLY committing a genocide by pretending they are doing it indirectly. ESG-caused famine, released Covid-19 while Gates/the WEF talks about “the next pandemic” because they are going to cause one, and war (200,000 dead in Ukriane on both sides already).
I feel like the WEF read Revelations one too many times, so intent are they to create “war, famine, pestilence, and death” on purpose..
You are.
That you could be so ignorant to not understand what such an ideology, and ideal, could possibly be achieved is remarkable.
If you are one of those Cultists…and it’s truly a cult…who think the world is better off with less people on it, your goal is achieved only one way: murder.
This can be murdering a mind by perpetuating the “LGBT” idiocy, or killing a person by just rationalizing that it’s not a person.
You DO suggest killing people off. We know your kind, like Hitler and the Nazis, feel very justified in your lunacy.
But the bill comes due.
Humanity is meant to grow, and more minds are welcome. We’ll adapt, fix our problems, heal the climate, like we ALWAYS have done.
“Humanity is meant to grow”
Says who? You?
That’s where your moral blindness is obvious, mike.
The left screams that “the ends justify the means.”
To get to 3 or 4 billion from a growing 8-9 billion requires …. What, mike?
Can’t you guess?
Stalin didn’t come out and SAY he was going to let 5 or 6 million farmers die.
He simply implemented policies that killed them.
The WEF doesn’t care about you.
81% of “farmed” bugs are contaminated by various parasites, yet they want YOU, not themselves, to live on insects.
If it kills you, so what.
The covid policies killed between 5-to-8 million worldwide.
If you followed the official advice you are lucky to be alive and healthy.
The WEF vs BRICS oil policies is killing Americans and Europeans this winter.
The WEF is on the side of letting you die in the cold and dark.
The moral bankruptcy of the WEF and you is pretty sad.
If you are taking marching orders from the elites, are they, at least paying you?
“To get to 3 or 4 billion from a growing 8-9 billion requires …. What”
Lower birth rates and patience.
What is wrong with a growing population dipshit?
Who are you and others to make that decision?
What decision are you referring to?
Incoming House Democrat Whip: I Remember My Child Waking Up with Nightmares Over Concern Around Climate Change
I’ve explained in exhaustive detail elsewhere in this very thread.