Fauci discussed ‘chimeras’ with Wuhan research collaborator in Feb. 2020, email suggests


by Greg Piper

The Department of Energy’s reported conclusion that SARS-CoV-2 most likely leaked from a Chinese lab, affirming the FBI’s assessment, is not the only recent evidence for the hypothesis still dismissed as a conspiracy theory by some establishment scientists.
Anthony Fauci discussed “the outbreak and chimeras” — fragments from different viruses stitched together into a new creation — with an American scientist collaborating with the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in February 2020, Freedom of Information Act documents suggest.
Previous FOIA disclosures imply that Fauci, then-director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, played an unacknowledged role in a paper concluding that COVID-19 emerged naturally.
A new preprint study, not yet peer-reviewed, found a “novel coronavirus contaminating agricultural rice RNA sequencing datasets from Wuhan, China,” whose composition suggests gain-of-function research related to Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome, caused by a coronavirus from the same family as COVID-19.
The genetic sequence shows “use of a previously unpublished HKU4 [MERS-related] reverse genetics system,” the researchers wrote, which “clearly undermine[s]” the popular argument that “SARS-CoV-2 or any potential precursors could not have been manipulated in a laboratory” because there was no “published backbone closely related” to it.
House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) and Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Chair Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio) on Monday called on the DOE, FBI and State Department to share what they know about COVID origins.
DOE’s blockbuster conclusion, reported over the weekend by The Wall Street Journal, was actually a reaffirmation. The department’s Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory called the lab-leak theory plausible and deserving of further study in a May 2020 report, also classified, previously reported by WSJ.
Paul Thacker, who formerly investigated financial ties between physicians and pharmaceutical companies for the Senate Finance Committee, said he was told the DOE reaffirmation was based on a classified report by its Los Alamos lab, whose duties include pandemic preparedness. He declined to share more information with Just the News.


While the new report gives “low” confidence for DOE’s conclusion about COVID’s origin, that refers to the number of sources on which it relied, not the agency’s confidence in them, according to Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Kan.), a fellow doctor derided as a “moron” by Fauci. (The FBI’s confidence was reportedly “moderate.”)
Marshall’s view was backed by public health watchdog U.S. Right to Know, whose FOIA requests revealed a National Institutes of Health staffer deleted genetic sequences from NIH’s Sequence Read Archive at a Chinese researcher’s request in March 2020. NIH tried to hide both their identities after the fact.


In a report last week, USRTK said it found the “chimeras” conversation with Fauci buried in a 1,611-page FOIA production. It’s mentioned in a Feb. 18, 2020 Slack conversation between two coronavirus researchers, the University of Maryland’s Matthew Frieman and University of Texas Medical Branch’s Vineet Menachery.
Frieman told Menachery about his “long” conversation with the University of North Carolina’s Ralph Baric, in whose lab Frieman once worked. Baric collaborated with WIV on alleged gain-of-function research funded by NIAID.
“He said he sat in Fauci’s office talking about the outbreak and chimeras,” Frieman wrote. “I joked about his link to WIV, he wasn’t amused.” That meeting took place Feb. 11, 2020, according to Fauci’s official calendar obtained by Open the Books.
Baric and NIAID did not respond to Just the News requests to elaborate on the contents of the reported conversation with Fauci. Deborah Kotz, senior director of media relations for the University of Maryland School of Medicine, said Frieman declined to comment.

The new preprint concerns the surprise discovery of a novel coronavirus in a “rice sequencing study” by Huazhong Agricultural University, published in NIH’s Sequence Read Archive.

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Fauchi has deserved a short rope since the days of AIDS, he is a perfectly possessed lil basdid.
Father Malachi spoke of those who were perfectly possessed.
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Last edited 1 year ago by kitt

And, what do you know, there was hero St. Fauci to solve the problem!

The same people that told us Hunter’s laptop was “Russian disinformation” tell us that the lab leak theory is wrong, ridiculous and impossible. Gee, I wonder if we should believe them?

I also wonder when Fauci will be charged with perjury. Of course, I wonder when ANY leftist will be charged with perjury.

Protect then turn on China..almost like they are trying to lay the groundwork for a war against Evil China who set this virus loose on humanity. China doesnt invent, they steal and copy, Fauchi funded and WHO funded this kind of research everywhere, who owns the virus patent? Who owns the Patent on the mandated bio weapon? The Chinese are well educated in STEM so back engineering out inventions is a piece of cake. The “students” from China are most likely better educated than the nutty professors in our universities that have well funded labs. To get that funding they crank out some bullshit on climate change or some deepstate DOD project. You dont really believe they are studying the sex life of snails…do you? While Klaus talks about mind reading devices, the kind my tinfoil hat wont protect me from. 😉

Soon our research universities will be like the research labs in Nazi Germany that would rather purge great minds than work on theories tainted by Judaism. We will fall further and further behind and become nothing but a raw materials shopping center for the rest of the world.

Operation Paperclip we used them in our space race.

Last edited 1 year ago by kitt