by Bonchie
As RedState reported, Fani Willis finally responded to the allegations that she hired the man she was having an affair with to be a special counsel in her office. For some reason, she decided to give her remarks in front of a black church congregation. In doing so, she interspersed claims of racial persecution with a total disregard for her moral and professional failures.
In other words, she’s in full panic mode.
WILLIS: God, why don’t they look at themselves and just be honest? I mean, they can’t keep it a hundred with themselves? Why are they surprised that a diverse team I assembled, your child, can accomplish extraordinary things? God, wasn’t it them who attacked this lawyer of impeccable credentials?
Nothing makes me cringe more than when a politician who has obviously engaged in immoral acts starts using God as a prop to defend their behavior. That is exactly what Willis is doing. Instead of taking responsibility for the fact that she allegedly had an affair and then hired her “lover” to be a special counsel in a completely improper and unethical fashion, she’s citing God and playing the victim.
It’d be different if Willis was apologetic, or in a religious context, repentant. She hasn’t shown an ounce of contrition, though. Instead, she’s doing what Democrat politicians who aren’t white always do: Claim racism.
Willis pointed out during her speech that the other two prosecutors assigned to the case, Anna Green Cross and John Floyd, both are white, and noted that allegations have only emerged targeting the two prominent black members of the prosecution — her and Wade.
“Isn’t it them playing the race card when they constantly think I need someone from some other jurisdiction in some other state to tell me how to do a job I’ve been doing almost 30 years?” she asked.
Green Cross and John Floyd, the other special counsels, are indeed white. They also didn’t have an affair with Willis, which is the entire crux of the matter. So while the audience she was speaking to nodded along, I don’t think any fair-minded person would agree with her framing.
But according to Willis’ alternate reality, if only she were white, no one would care that she hired her boy-toy to a high-level professional role while prosecuting the former President of the United States. Her evidence for that? She provides none because there is none. There is no reason to think race has anything to do with the criticisms being levied at her.
In fact, there may be reason to believe that her race has helped her avoid scrutiny, which is what we saw with former Harvard President Claudine Gay.
She is toast
Democrats love to get that taxpayer money a-flowing so they can steal from it. Fani and Nathan are just your typical, corrupt, thieving Democrats.
Nathan is a Gigolo.
A photoshopped hat, sunglasses, and cigarette don’t turn an idiot on Twitter into Hunter S Thompson.
But, how do you feel about Fani hiring her plumber (the guy laying the pipe) and paying him $1,000,000 when he doesn’t have any experience other than chasing ambulances? You don’t care what that does to your beloved case?
I don’t think slandering judges, court clerks, and prosectors is going to do Trump a damn bit of good in the courtroom.
Neither does evidence, truth, due process or the Constitution. Democrats ignores it all. The judges, clerks and prosecutors are all trashy, lying scum that deserve NO respect. It’s only slander if it isn’t true, scooter.
That’s because they have no concept of faith, morality, religion or honesty. We’ve seen it right here with our resident leftists. When they are getting their asses kicked by harsh reality and truth, they fall back on “Shouldn’t you be a good Christian or something?” not even realizing how ridiculous an immoral, degenerate liar looks invoking religion of any kind, at any time, any place.
Play the religion card. Play the race card. Play every card but the honesty card. Only a trashy scumbag would bring a phony case like this for purely political reasons, so what would anyone expect? She want Nathan’s hot dog and paid taxpayer money to get it. She got caught, so now it’s racist to expect public servants to be public servants, not fascists that use taxpayer money to get their nut and persecute political rivals.
Truly, you can’t make this shit up.
You were hired because of your race and will be fired based on your content of character. Deal Fanni.
The Fulton county case will be dismissed.
Those in the WH that colluded with fat ass willis will need to go to prison as well.
The Prissy Defense : I is an ignorant black woman with a DEI law degree so I don’t be accountable for shit
“I don’ know nuthin bout hirin’ no ‘turneys!”
Perfect. Yes. Perfect analysis of what went on inside that empty, rattle trap brain of hers.
Well said, my man. Very well said.
EXCLUSIVE: Contracts Show Fani Willis Offered Top RICO Expert Lower Hourly Rate Than Her Alleged Lover In Trump Case
Well now, come on. Be fair. What Wade lacks in experience, he makes up for with romance. Are any of the other attorneys laying pipe with Fani? I mean, look at her… that’s got to be worth at least $100 an hour to fight through.
Plus, in a case like this, perhaps experience, knowledge and training is not as important as ideological ardor and penis length.