Pearl Harbor-
2403 Americans killed9/11-
2996 Americans killed#Jan6–
1 trespasser murdered#KamalaHarris is a disgrace— Jim Hanson (@JimHansonDC) January 6, 2022
By Debra Heine
Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis mocked the corporate media’s “nauseating” coverage of the Jan. 6 Commemoration at the Capitol Thursday, calling it “Christmas” for Democrats, and a “politicized Charlie Foxtrot,” using military slang for a poorly-managed operation, or “clusterf-ck.”
”This is their Christmas,” DeSantis said, meaning Washington and New York-based media outlets. “They are going to take this and milk this for anything they can to be able to smear anyone who ever supported Donald Trump,” he added. DeSantis made the remarks during a news conference about COVID-19 testing in West Palm Beach. The governor took a number of questions from reporters on COVID-related issues. The last question related to the Jan. 6 anniversary of the Capitol Hill riot.
The likely 2024 presidential contender told reporters that “obviously” he would not be watching any of the media’s histrionic coverage.
“I don’t expect anything good to come out of anything that [House Speaker Nancy] Pelosi and the gang are doing,” he said. “I don’t expect anything from the corporate press to be enlightening. I think it’s going to be nauseating, quite frankly, and I’m not going to do it.”
DeSantis compared the media’s obsessive nonstop coverage of the Jan. 6 riot to their light coverage of the congressional baseball shooting in 2017, when a left-wing activist opened fire on Republican lawmakers as they were practicing for the next day’s Congressional Baseball Game for Charity.
On June 14, 2017, Bernie Sanders supporter James Hodgkinson came to the park with a GOP kill list, and shot U.S. House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, U.S. Capitol police officer Crystal Griner, congressional aide Zack Barth, and lobbyist Matt Mika.
DeSantis, who was one of the 24 Republicans who was in the park that day, said that the Capitol Police protected them and saved lives.
But the media, he noted, turned the attempted slaughter into “a one-day, two-day story” because “that’s not something that the Capitol-based press wanted to talk about.”
The governor said the reason for the media’s disinterest was “because it totally undercuts their preferred narratives. Jan. 6 allows them to create narratives that are negative about people who supported Donald Trump.”
“I just look back and compare when I was in Congress, what event that we faced was the attempted assassination of Republican members of Congress on the baseball game,” DeSantis exclaimed.
“I was actually on the field, this guy, who was a big Bernie Sanders guy, it definitely was a politically motivated attack, came up and pulled his van in…we walked out to go to the car and we came in contact with him. He wanted to know if it was Republicans out there.”
The governor went on to blast Democrats who have compared the Jan 6 riot to the al Qaeda terrorist attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001, and questioned the widespread use of the term, “insurrection” to describe a protest that got out of control.
Um, the more anyone sympathizing with the Biden regime highlights Jan. 6th, the more they are admitting they rigged the election and installed a dictator.
It’s what illegitimate regimes do: double down on their own undoing.
Good thing the Majority of Americans dismiss these clowns.
They need to explain how this protest was going to overthrow our government, no one has been charged of insurrection. The FBI found nothing. Evidence in the hearings has been intentionally altered. They got nuthin’
Or why, if Trump was planning to overthrow the government, he wanted 10 to 20,000 National Guard on hand for security. Pelosi and Bowser rejected their presence, mainly because it would get in the way of the riot they would need to justify them invoking their Enabling Act.
Trump’s concern was that, based on history, BLM/ANTIFA would show up to attack the peaceful protesters.
They(pelosi et al.) knew the joint session on January 6 was likely to be successful in enough state challenges to lower the electoral count below 270, thus throwing the election to the House of Representatives. The election would be decided as per the Constitution in the House where the Replulicans held a plurality of delegations. President Trump would have rightfully won re election a second time.
The reason the January 6 hoax can not reveal the truth is because the riot was intentional to thwart the proceedings and install biden as the feckless puppet his is.
January 6 was a power move by the DC establishment to maintain the hold on control and power that President Trump would threaten should he have his second term.
Much was at stake for these corrupt dirtbags…
Once again the M.S. Media proves why it can not be trusted their the Propagandists for the left with the News York Pravda(Times)being the head of this Cobra
I really enjoy how Ron (DeSantis, not Ron/AJ) is able to speak the truth and cut through the Democrat disinformation net.
Perhaps there is hope after the Democrat insurrection?