The Democratic establishment would no doubt love to have a repeat of the 2020 election in every way next year. We’ve already seen them try to restart pandemic panic, but that’s gone nowhere for them. They’ll continue to try, of course, because they don’t back down easily. In an election year, they’re more the “double down on insanity” types.
A big part of their 2020 strategy involved the suppression of any information that they found uncomfortable. Democrat friendlies in the mainstream media and social media spun a fictional Joe Biden out of whole cloth, then shut down anybody who had a perspective counter to the preferred narrative.
They were able to successfully keep Hunter Biden’s laptop from doing any damage to his old man. They lied about its existence, then deplatformed people in conservative media who tried to write about it.
Because Hunter Biden oozes sleaze, they couldn’t keep his unethical stink hidden forever. Now, with the election year just around the corner, things just got worse for him, which Matt wrote about:
According to multiple reports, Hunter Biden, the scandal-plagued son of Joe Biden, is facing brand new federal charges in connection with the ongoing Justice Department investigation.
“The charges span nine counts, including failure to file and pay taxes; evasion of assessment; and false or fraudulent tax returns,” CNN reported Thursday evening. “The case was close to being resolved in July when a plea deal fell apart. The new tax case stems from Hunter Biden’s lucrative overseas business dealings, which are at the center of House Republicans’ impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden.”
Fox News reports that “According to the indictment, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California, the younger Biden engaged in a four-year scheme to not pay at least $1.4 million in federal taxes between 2016 and 2019.
Yeah, they really do wish that they could have gotten it out of the way last summer. This was not the Christmas gift that anyone on Team Biden wanted.
The longer Hunter stays in the news, the more difficult it is for the Dem water-carriers in the media to keep up the ruse that President LOLEightyonemillion was never involved in any of his little boy’s questionable side hustles. As Matt goes onto explain, this news coming so close to the vote on an impeachment inquiry is awful for Biden and his handlers.
Then there is this news from my colleague Mike Miller over at RedState:
Poor Joe Biden. He just can’t stop the bleeding. Then again, when you constantly — and intentionally — shoot yourself in the foot, the chances of pulling out of a full-blown nosedive are pretty much zero.
Such was the case on Wednesday when a new CNN poll — such irony — revealed that Biden has now reached the lowest approval rating of his miserable presidency. The most intentionally inept U.S. president in history stood at just 37 percent approval in November, two points less than in October, and the lowest since he assumed office in January 2021.
The media is still as corrupt and in the pockets of the Democrats as it ever was. The hacks will be doing everything they can to prop up Biden. They can’t use Twitter to shut people up anymore though, and they’re obviously chafed about that.
What’s really going to ruin their efforts to recapture the 2020 vibe is that Joe Biden’s messes are too big to be glossed over with some casual spinning. His son’s problems might have ended up being a convenient election year distraction, but not if it’s all a family affair.
Hunter Biden is the mess that keeps on messing, and Daddy is too checked out to fix things for him now.
Daddy’s also got other problems of his own.
Hunter is the scumbag face of a scumbag family. The entire family. No matter what, Democrats will support them because they are a scumbag party.
Like Father Like Son Both Joe and Hunter along with Soros and his Brat should live in the Swiss Alps for Life
Which should be about 15 minutes at most.
Hunter Biden isn’t running for anything—unlike Trump, who faces 91 felony counts and counting.
Trump has paid $900,000 of your political contributions to a single expert witness to muddy the waters in a single trial.
So, Hunter should not be held accountable for intentionally skip out on $1.4 million taxes? Speaking of trying to muddy the waters…
Yeah, I thought that was such a big deal. You know, tax cheats cause the nations debt to increase. Some moron said that here.
Hunter Biden amended his returns and paid all back due taxes TWO YEARS AGO, after sobering up and entering rehab.
Is it your position that parents should be punished for the behavior of their adult drug-and-alcohol addicted children?
Cocaine found at White House, I wonder who used that locker.
A crime completely impossible, apparently, to solve, despite cameras being everywhere. I guess it depends on who shows up in the video.
How Hunter Biden blew $5M on crack, prostitutes, suits, cigars and new teeth— to fury of ex-wife
Hunter Biden’s estranged wife was furious. “Your spending is documented and irresponsible,” Kathleen Buhle …. “I am sick of trying to figure out how you are hiding the money,” Buhle .. cited in “Laptop from Hell .. by .. Miranda Devine. Buhle wrote that he had spent $122,000 in two months — and at the
same time cut monthly payments to Buhle and their three daughters from $17,000 to $1,700. … Biden “rarely” spent anything on his family, she charged, but was blowing hundreds of thousands on alcohol, strip clubs, gifts to other women, and travel — sometimes charging multiple…
I’m sure Melania was OK with Donnie humping a porn star. Nothing like a little worry about STDs reassure the wife.
EDIT: Melania got the gold mine, stormy got the shaft
On December 7th, Hunter Biden was indicted on nine charges relating to tax evasion for failing to pay income taxes on “millions of dollars in income” from 2016-2020. These charges are in addition to three federal gun charges that were filed in September 2023. In total, the charges could result in more than a decade of prison time for Joe Biden’s son.
What’s missing from the indictment is any reference to the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA), which was recently used to charge Senator Bob Menendez for conspiracy to violate FARA. According to the US Department of Justice:
FARA requires the registration of, and disclosure by, an “agent of a foreign principal” who, either directly or through another person, within the United States (1) engages in “political activities” on behalf of a foreign principal; (2) acts as a foreign principal’s public relations counsel, publicity agent, information-service employee, or political consultant… (4) represents the interests of the foreign principal before any agency or official of the US government.
Yes. All recovering addicts who have paid all back due taxes should be prosecuted for it two years later, and their parents should be punished as well.
Do you really think this is going to be a popular view?
The real question isnt not paying his taxes. Its where the money came from and why.
greg is parroting the msnbc talking points. The evidence is overwhelming and implicates the entire biden crime family.
How would you know? Are you a regular MSNBC listener?
You knew nothing about the monthly payments to Biden from one of Hunters shell companies. An attorney paid Hunters taxes it took 2 years for them to draw up a loan agreement, just shortly before the indictments.
We know what you are watching and parroting, by the time your media gives a 2 minute blurb with a lame excuse its old news to us.
You know nothing but your propaganda. You don’t even know you’re IN a cult.
Yup exactly what you Boob tube MSM tells you , polly wanna cracker?
It’s known where much of the money came from. Hunter Biden was running a influence peddling scam. Never trust a drug addict, no matter what his last name is.
I never trust a MSM addict.
Try sweeping this.
As long as Trump is the only alternative, the man above will be the next president.
Only through election fraud, just like last time.
That takes a shovel.
12/09/23 – Liz Cheney’s 2024 campaign mission: Defeat House Republicans – The former GOP congresswoman wants to oust House GOP majority to block Donald Trump’s every possible path to the White House
Ha. You got that right. Now, you confess Hunter was running an influence peddling scheme. You can’t do that in Russia, Ukraine, Khazikstan and China without being a foreign agent, which requires a FARA registration. Where is Hunter’s?
Hunter hasn’t paid any. He gets rich benefactors to pay them back… which qualifies as income, which has been unreported. The fact remains he lied on his taxes and has paid no penalty, just as all Democrats caught cheating on their taxes get a pass.
So, become an addict and you don’t have to pay taxes? Show us that tax code.
Hunter Biden:
Truer words were never spoken.
Sounds like the ramblings of an addict knowing he will go to jail and not get a fix, Im dying! Joe enabled his Son, bad daddy. Joe used his kid for gain, bad daddy. Are daddys own bills more than he can handle?
How can anyone destroy a Presidency that has destroyed itself through failure? Maybe Hunter should have paid his taxes. Maybe the DoJ shouldn’t have tried to have all of Hunter’s crimes swept under a rug instead of prosecuted. Then all this would not be taking place.