Democrats Spun Biden’s Classified Docs As ‘Six Items,’ But Special Counsel Report Reveals It Was 300-Plus

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by Margot Cleveland

The media smeared Trump for retaining ‘more than 300 classified documents’ but then parroted Biden lawyers’ spin that the Democrat’s 300-plus pages were just ‘six items.’

Thursday’s bombshell report by Special Counsel Robert Hur concluded that “President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen.” And though the material concerned “issues of national security and foreign policy implicating sensitive intelligence sources and methods,” and presented “serious risks to national security,” Hur recommended against charging Biden in his 380-plus-page report, saying it would be “difficult to convince a jury” to convict such “a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”

Hur’s damning assessment of Biden’s degenerative mental state launched a media frenzy concerning his fitness for office, prompting the president to angrily condemn the report for including what he called “extraneous” matters in a hastily arranged press conference Thursday evening.

Coming on the heels of Biden claiming he had recently conversed with two long-dead foreign leaders, Hur’s conclusion that the president suffered from a “significantly limited” memory as early as 2017 should lead the country — and the Cabinet — to consider Biden’s fitness for president. But the focus on the passages related to Biden’s mental infirmities has distracted from another huge takeaway from the report: the vast amount of top-secret and classified material Biden had removed, stored in unsecured locations, and communicated to the ghostwriter of his memoirs.

Following the FBI’s surprise raid on Mar-a-Lago, headlines blared that former President Trump had retained “more than 300 classified documents” after leaving the White House. In contrast, when news broke that Biden’s attorneys had alerted the National Archives to the discovery of classified documents in a closet at a Washington, D.C., think tank, the accomplice media repeated claims by Biden’s attorney that “’a small number of documents with classified markings’ were discovered as Biden’s personal attorneys were clearing out the offices of the Penn Biden Center.”

A Biden lawyer would later report finding a few additional classified documents at the President’s Delaware home, prompting the FBI to conduct a 12-plus-hour search of the residence. After the search, Biden’s attorney issued a statement acknowledging the “DOJ took possession of materials it deemed within the scope of its inquiry, including six items consisting of documents with classification markings and surrounding materials.” The DOJ also seized “for further view personally handwritten notes from the vice-presidential years,” Biden’s personal attorney announced at the time.

We now know, though, that the “six items” and the “personally handwritten notes” consisted of hundreds of top secret or classified documents, including notebooks filled with Joe Biden’s summary of classified briefings. A quick count from the special counsel’s appendix reveals the government recovered more than 300 pages of top-secret and classified documents. The FBI also seized a hard drive, but the appendix lacks any details on its contents

The top-secret and classified documents, as well as many others marked confidential, were discovered at the Penn Biden Center, the University of Delaware, and Biden’s Delaware home, including in his garage. According to the special counsel report, the material included notes from classified briefings that discussed “U.S. intelligence sources, methods … capabilities,” and activities, as well as the activities of foreign intelligence services. Other notes discussed “U.S. military programs and capabilities, foreign military programs and capabilities,” and “plans and capabilities of foreign terrorist organizations.”

The quantity and significance of the recovered material far exceed what Biden’s lawyers and their media accomplices had led Americans to believe — that it was but a few documents inadvertently retained. The special counsel’s report also reveals that Biden knew about at least some of the classified documents as early as 2017, when he told the ghostwriter of his book about discovering them.

Yet when asked about Trump’s retention of classified documents at Mar-a-Lago, Biden asked rhetorically how “anyone could be that irresponsible.”

“What data was in there that may compromise sources and methods?” Biden added about the materials Trump retained

Hur also tried to distinguish Trump’s situation from Biden’s, noting that Trump retained the documents after being asked for them to be returned and then allegedly had them moved. According to Hur’s report, though, Biden knew he had the classified documents as early as 2017 and didn’t try to return them.

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There’s buying and there’s selling. My uncle, long ago, was buying a used car. The salesman told him, when trying to justify his price, “Now, this is a Mercury Marquis!” Later, when my uncle went back to the same guy to trade it in, the salesman says, “OK, it’s just a Mercury Marquis, right?” So, the corrupt liars of the Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden regime counts every paragraph of Trump’s documents (which he had a right to have) but merely count Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s by the carload.

Plus, Trump’s documents all pertained to HIM. What he retained was information relevant to Crossfire Hurricane, all declassified. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden stole documents with market value, as evidenced by Hunter making use of them to sell his Ukrainian “expertise”.

Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden STOLE documents. Trump legally and lawfully took his. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden stored his documents anywhere and everywhere, even in an office building co-habited by Chinese nationals (no… really) while Trump had his locked in a secured room, even inspected by the FBI. Plus, Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden and Hunter shared the information. Trump did not.

According to the special counsel report, the material included notes from classified briefings that discussed “U.S. intelligence sources, methods … capabilities,” and activities, as well as the activities of foreign intelligence services. Other notes discussed “U.S. military programs and capabilities, foreign military programs and capabilities,” and “plans and capabilities of foreign terrorist organizations.”

Does any of that sound familiar? It sounds strikingly similar to the accusations made about the documents Trump kept (though not found in the charges). Are we again witnessing Democrats trying to accuse Trump of doing exactly what Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden was guilty of?

Trump was negotiating the return of his documents. Naturally he wanted to be afforded the same courtesy and rights as previous Presidents. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden knowingly kept his stolen documents until too many people were aware of them, making it risky to keep them without suffering a damaging leak. No doubt there were negotiations PRIOR to the revelation of the stolen documents to get the media to soften the blow.

The bogus lawfare charges against Trump need to be immediately dropped and, as soon as he is out of office (by losing the election, impeachment or the 25th Amendment), Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden should face charges for the stolen documents.

The Democrat Lemmings running off the cliff

As they are all saying the President is of sound mind the charges should go forward. Jill should be charged with poor house keeping, that garage is a pigsty. I cant imagine what the WH would look like if she didnt have a full staff to pick up after them.

Presidential immunity will not protect joey here. That is unless he has taken classified documents to his beach house on one of his 100 vacations. The stuff he stole as a Senator and VP is a felony and joey is guilty, full stop.

Which way do you want it?


The actual count of Top Secret, Secret, and Confidential documents each had is known, you effin’ LIARS.

Trump had far more, they were far more sensitive, and they were far more current. Worse still, he knew damn well he had them, and bragged about it.

Have you forgotten about the U.S. contingency plans for an attack on Iran?

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

Trump had NONE, as they had been declassified. “Far more sensitive”? What were they?

greg is in a hopeless spiral of continual losing.
It probably has dawned on him yet that biden is a mentally unfit. Where is khlmydia the slut vp initiating the 25th amendment?

biden clearly committed a felony by violating the PRA.


Hey folks! I released a new project featuring Joe Biden called “My Mind’s Going Blank Now.” It’s a celebration of his greatest brain farts, mind flubs, and word salads. Hope you enjoy!

Last edited 1 year ago by TrumpWon

Are you forgetting Trumpbo told his guests that he couldn’t show them his amazingly incriminating documents because they were still classified? There’s an effin’ recording of the moment. It will likely be entered into evidence at his trial.

Trump had NONE, as they had been declassified. “Far more sensitive”? What were they?

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

Are you forgetting that Biden had secret and top secret documents from when he was a Senator? Think it will ever be revealed how he got them out of the SCIF?

As to recordings, Hur has recordings of Biden trying to think with a blown mind.

Did you find Joey Soft Serve’s comments on immigration from 9/3/19? Or are you too lazy?

Last edited 1 year ago by retire05

biden committed a felony by stealing classified documents. Those facts are not in dispute.

If Biden did, Trump did it even more. And Trump is the one who’s going to trial for it.

Nope. Trump declassified his and had his secured. Trump had Crossfire Hurrican documents and the FBI wanted them back, because they show the actual insurrection that was going on.

Hopefully Trump didn’t fax copies to Putin…

No, Trump’s not a greedy traitor like Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, so sold his documents to the CCP, let Hunter peddle the information and sharing it with a writer.

Is that anything Biden can do Trump can do better?

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What I’m not forgetting is that you make a lot of bogus claims for which you have no evidence.

If there weren’t evidence that grand juries found convincing, Trump wouldn’t be facing 91 felony counts in upcoming trials.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

Oh, really? And Jerk Smith repeated the same charge, over and over and over again… why? For some judicial reason or simply to run up the scoreboard for propaganda purposes?

Why didn’t they convene a grand jury in Florida? Why use one in leftist DC, then transfer it to Florida?

Either you are the most naive and stupid person around or you merely think we all are. Either way, it smells of bullshit.

It was repeated for each separate instance of fraud for which compelling evidence exists.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

It was repeated to scoreboard in order to impress the weak minded and easily fooled stupid that will go forth and constantly crow, “91 counts!! 91 counts!!”. It means not a goddamn thing, except that Democrats have shit all over the Constitution and justice system.

Thus… stupid memes that never reflect fact. See, they are only funny if they have an element of truth in them.

Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden STOLE top secret documents and put them on the market.

Bring it on he didnt show them the documents.
Biden asked his Ghost writer to try to interpret his crappy handwriting. Was reading the documents verbatim, thats on audio. He said “they dont know I have this”.

Both guys had documents. Biden cooperated in returning his; Trump didn’t. That’s the essential difference here. That’s the basis for Hur’s decision.

biden did not have authority under the Presidential Records Act to retain classified documents. biden committed a felony having illegally obtained the classified documents as a senator and then vp.
Cooperation has nothing to do with it. It is the law.

Intent, cooperation, or being mentally retarded also not written into the law.

Hur finds it to be a factor nonetheless.

“We have concluded that there is not a prosecutable case against Biden. Although there was a basis to open the investigation based on the fact that classified documents were found in Biden’s homes and office space, that is insufficient to establish a crime was committed. The illegal retention or dissemination of national defense information requires that he knew of the existence of such documents and that he knew they contained national defense information. It is not a crime without those additional elements. Our investigation, after a thorough year-long review, concludes that there is an absence of such necessary proof. Indeed, we have found a number of innocent explanations as to which we found no contrary evidence to refute them and found affirmative evidence in support of them.”

Last edited 1 year ago by Michael

If the classified documents are outside the scif, a crime HAS been committed. The documents have been moved to Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden house, so I guess an investigation is in order to find out who put them there. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is trying desperately to throw his staff under the bus, but let’s see if any of them will go to prison for Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden. What do you bet if Top Secret documents were found in YOUR home, it wouldn’t take them longer than 10 seconds to figure out that a crime had been committed and exactly who was going to be charged? Like they did with HIllary, they specifically describe a crime, then say no one would ever consider prosecuting it.

Doesn’t sound like the investigation is completed.

At the beginning of the report, the Special Cousel makes it clear that Biden “willfully” removed documents to his house in Virginia, his home in Delaware and to the Penn Biden Center (which btw, was funded by the Chinese).

His excuse for not prosecuting Biden was pure Comey. Once again, we have a two-tiered justice system under the control of Merrick Garland. You see, poor Joe was so mentally deteriorated even in 2017 that he would only get sympathy from jury.

Basically, this, once again, as in the case of crooked Hillary Clinton, a decision made by a Special Counsel, not a judge.

There are two choices; if Biden is too mentally deteriorated to stand trial, he is too mentally deteriorated to be POTUS and Amendment XXV should be exercised. If he is sound enough to be POTUS, he should be prosecuted and not given the Hillary Clinton treatment.

Too many nicknames; lost interest.

Those are his aliases. Hunter named him “Pedo Pete”… I wonder why? I’m not surprised you are too ignorant to know about them. Henceforth, that is his name; Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, the corrupt, treasonous pedophile destroying this country thanks to election fraud. He stole Top Secret documents to peddle them and make more money for the Biden Crime Family.

Blind ignorance won’t make the facts go away, Teacher Boy.

To old and forgetful to face charges but fine to be CIC? Its bullshit to get Biden off the hook, a ploy, as intent was a ploy for Clinton.
The documents themselves were enough to establish a crime a long term crime spree going back to his days in the Senate.

Then don’t complain about Trump doing the same thing and getting busted.

Except he didn’t, but thanks for playing.

Reading comprehension issues, the decision is Biden is a dotard and the imaginary jury of the prosecutors mind wouldnt find him guilty, so dont even try.

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Last edited 1 year ago by kitt

Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden “cooperated” after he got caught. He had the documents for 12 or more years and made money off them, even let Hunter have access to them. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden had no right to have them, stole them and stored them haphazardly.

Trump declassified his documents and had a right to have them. He cooperated with the FBI in every way and was negotiating to keep at least some of the documents when his home was unnecessarily raided, for propaganda purposes.

Nevada, Received 97.6% of early share from Republican caucusgoers in state
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Last edited 1 year ago by kitt

In South Carolina, Trump is talking about countries being “delinquent” in paying for NATO. He still doesn’t understand how it works.

He knows exactly how it works. He got NATO members to pay their share and made NATO stronger than ever, that according to the NATO President.

If you make an agreement to pay X amount for what ever the agreement is and you fail to do so you are delinquent.
The USA as the worlds ATM must come to an end.

Last edited 1 year ago by kitt