Chomsky – Moral and Political Idiocy

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I was quite prepared for the bedwetters of the left to whine about the “unseemliness” of Americans celebrating–joyfully, out in public!–our killing of Bin Laden, and even that Michael Moore would traffic in fresh conspiracy theories, but I was unprepared for Noam Chomsky’s reaction, which goes beyond even an execrable moral equivalence and straight on to 9/11 “trutherism” and more:

We might ask ourselves how we would be reacting if Iraqi commandos landed at George W. Bush’s compound, assassinated him, and dumped his body in the Atlantic. Uncontroversially, his crimes vastly exceed bin Laden’s. . .

There’s much more like this in the piece, if you have have a high threshold for disgust.

JOHN adds: In my opinion, Noam Chomsky is insane. He constructs sentences and paragraphs that have the syntax of logical argument, but are divorced from any connection with reality.

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Cromsky is captured in an arcane world of “reification” attempting through, in their own minds, to justify the Marxism Labour Theory of Value; which, in effect, puts value, exchange value, on the physical effort to turn the wheel over the actual product from the wheel being turned. After a million attempts to justify the equation the worker remains slave to the wheel.

It’s been long ago, but I read a good explanation for Chomsky’s appeal somewhere.
Can’t remember the exact phrasing but the idea was this:
As long as you don’t notice that his major premise is bunk, all the stuff he hangs off of it sounds marvelous!
True believers lap up his stuff like its candy.

@Nan G:

As long as you don’t notice that his major premise is bunk, all the stuff he hangs off of it sounds marvelous!

That sounds like the typical liberal to me.