BOMBSHELL: 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Rules Modied mRNA “Vaccines” Are Slow Kill Bioweapons

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by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals did not exactly come to the obvious conclusion that these Modified mRNA “vaccines” are in fact slow kill bioweapons yet, but their monumental ruling that they do not qualify as vaccines proper does mean that at some point in the not so distant future (when the excess deaths and turbo cancers become even worse) they will ultimately rule that these gene altering “therapeutics” are a mass eugenics program.


The PSYOP-19 DEATHVAX™ never prevented the spread of any “pandemic,” nor did it attenuate symptoms whatsoever; no, the “it would have been so much worse if I didn’t get vaccinated” excuse for those that contracted COVID post their poisonous injections was just more of the same “Trust the Science” reality inversion.

The Intelligence Industrial Complex along with Fauci’s NIH and NIAID and BigPharma always knew that their DEATHVAX™ would be utterly unsafe and ineffective as per the ferret, mice and rat studies that they themselves funded decades ago — not a single animal fared well in any of the Modified mRNA trails, and this deadly platform could never ever get to human trials, which is precisely why they foisted their scamdemic to push through Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). In reality there was never any emergency; well, actually, the illegitimate and captured governments along with their partners-in-crime are the only true emergency, but we digress.

Here, however, plaintiffs allege that the vaccine does not effectively prevent spread but only mitigates symptoms for the recipient and therefore is akin to a medical treatment, not a ‘traditional’ vaccine. Taking plaintiffs’ allegations as true at this stage of litigation, plaintiffs plausibly alleged that the COVID-19 vaccine does not effectively ‘prevent the spread’ of COVID-19. Thus, Jacobson does not apply.

The Jacobson v. Massachusetts ruling that, “mandatory vaccinations were rationally related to “preventing the spread” of smallpox” remains wholly unconstitutional and is an egregious violation of all human rights. Jacobson should never apply in any case, even if there was some kind of legitimate Bubonic Plague 2.0 outbreak, but we digress yet again.

The 9th Circuit ruled that the DEATHVAX™ cannot be considered a vaccine if the claim is that it does NOT prevent the spread; therefore, all Legal Liability Protections are now stripped, and major lawsuits may commence.

And on October 22nd, 2014, during the Gain of Function (GoF) moratorium, Fauci authorized Ralph Baric at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to continue his illegal bioweapon research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology:


Hence, PSYOP-19 was always a U.S. made bioweapon as funded by the American tax slaves, and these “voluntarily” extorted Americans ended up paying for their very own demise given that the “free” EUA “vaccines” were always the primary payload, not the GoF virus.

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So is this how their going to reduce the Human Population all over the Malthus/Ehrlich ideologies? Is Depopulation on its way to us?

Is Depopulation on its way to us?

Why do you want there to be as many people as possible on Earth one hundred years from now?

We don’t. There are many we already prefer would leave. You support engineered mass extinction operations?

Where are those posts of those predicting Trump’s acquittal and those pushing for civil war? Golly, we sure are interested in seeing them.

Where are those posts of those predicting Trump’s acquittal and those pushing for civil war? Golly, we sure are interested in seeing them.

I linked them in the thread where you last did this. I’m sorry you didn’t see it when I did so. I’m assuming you index all your comments with key words or something. Do a search in comments. You’ll find them.

You support engineered mass extinction operations?

No, but I’m okay with people having fewer children over the course of time, with the result being that the overall human population goes down.

What thread? You are merely trying to misdirect attention from your lies.

No, but I’m okay with people having fewer children over the course of time, with the result being that the overall human population goes down.

So why don’t you demand that Muslims stop reproducing like rats? The western civilization is doing its part; we aren’t even replacing ourselves.

So why don’t you demand that Muslims stop reproducing like rats?

I’m suggesting that everyone stop reproducing like rats. Humans are a cancer on the planet.

Just humans like you mikey.

Pay attention. The West is not even replacing itself. If you think the world is overpopulating, why is it you and your ideological co-idiots coddle Muslims instead of spreading your message to them? What’s wrong… afraid of being beheaded?

Yup, but you will not see much coverage on cable “news” networks. At least not until the lawyers are paying for their ads and sponsoring every damn thing.

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals did not exactly come to the obvious conclusion that these Modified mRNA “vaccines” are in fact slow kill bioweapons yet

…But if you say in your headline that it did, most MAGAs won’t bother to read further, and they’ll share it on social media.

Trump got his COVID shots.

The traditional definition for “vaccination” used to read, “the act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.”
Once covid came on the scene with its mRNA shot the word “immunity” was switched to “protection.”

The covid shot destroys the body’s ability to fight various diseases.
It turns the entire immune system into one that only fights a version of covid.
That’s not good for humans in the long run because we get exposed to multiple diseases in our lives.
In fact, the shot, itself, introduces spike proteins into people, which is a disease it usually takes a lifetime to get very much of.