Bolton: Obama is a Man Lives in a World of Words, Who Thinks His Rhetoric Affects Reality

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No, John. You have got it slightly wrong.
His reality IS what he says. If it is on TOTUS (the Teleprompter of the United States), then it is real.
His Universe is invisible to the rest of us. He exemplifies the Emperor who has no clothes.
Reality is that he can spend as much money as he likes playing golf, going on vacation, dropping $10 million here and $20 million there to get his wife out of town, and no one will protest. All he does is raise money, play golf, and otherwise amuse himself. No leadership, no executing the laws of the United States, none of that.
He is the most dangerous President in history. When reality bites him, it will bite HARD.
Reality is like that. Just wait until Putin finds out about all the Russians in Brooklyn. Goodbye, Long Island.
Brooklyn will soon join the reborn Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
And the Won will write another letter.

For a “news” organization, the FOX Propaganda Network itself seems very much out of touch with reality. Bolton is not an ambassador. He hasn’t been an ambassador since December 9, 2006. He has absolutely no respect for the United Nations, has stated as much throughout his career, and consequently should never have been appointed as the nation’s ambassador to that international body in the first place.

The man is a member of the neocon Project for a New American Century. They’re the people who pulled George W. Bush’s strings and maneuvered the United States into the invasion of Iraq. They were planning that war long before Bush was even nominated.


If we follow your logic:

then Bill Clinton is not entitled to be called (a) “President.”

Al Gore is not entitled to be called (a) “Vice President.”

Bloomberg is not entitled to be called “Mayor.”

Janet Reno is not entitled to be called (an) “Attorney General.”

The deceased such as J. Christopher Stevens (U.S. Ambassador ) is no longer to be called “U.S. Ambassador”, nor could any other office holder be referred to by their previous office.

Unfortunately Greg, you are incorrect, due to your faulty grasp of common rules of the English language in regards to title and former title usage. You however, shall still be entitled to be called your rightfully earned titles as “fool” and “partisan tool” because you are still operating in those functions.


If we follow your logic:

then Bill Clinton is not entitled to be called (a) “President.”

Al Gore is not entitled to be called (a) “Vice President.”

Decorum differs for former presidents and vice presidents. In the case of the second two examples, routinely referring to Bloomberg as Mayor or Reno as Attorney General doesn’t really strike me as appropriate either.

@Kraken, #4:

FOX News actually is a propaganda outlet. I think they’ve dropped endless repetition of the “fair and balanced” slogan because repeatedly making the claim invited people to think about the truth of it. As has been observed regarding FOX News, sometimes Stuff is just made up. They’re purposefully shoveling manure on a daily basis.

@Greg: Did Fox actually drop “Fair and Balanced”
I congratulate their honesty.

@Ditto: Ditto, if our dear friend Greg doesn’t understand the complete and total ‘b’ slapping you gave him he’s beyond hopeless.

Greg, if Fox News is a Propaganda Outlet then what, is CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC? You’re delusional, get treatment, please go on Monday and get HELP. You need an intervention.

@Rich Wheeler: Greg can’t read, it’s so sad. Because the Fair & Balanced is right under their logo for all to see. I’ve suggested he get help, he needs it’s sooner than Monday. Greg, go and have a voluntary commitment. Please for the sake of your family. You are a danger to yourself and to those around you.

@UpChuck.Liberals: Oh well. At least they can stop saying it so damn much. That would be progress. Any truth beautiful Meghan is replacing one hit wonder “pretty boy Sean?”

@Rich Wheeler:

The Fox lineup was changed months ago. Any chance you’ll catch up soon? Or is news slow to filter into California?

Greg’s focus is very narrow. Over 6 minutes of video and Greg’s focus became a comment on whether or not John Bolton should be called or not be called or is or was an Ambassador…Sheesh!

Greta introduced John Bolton as; Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations.

There is something called Honor and Respect “for the position” – The liberal educational system we now have probably doesn’t teach these two important ‘virtues’ anymore…probably why Greg is clueless as to why Greta, out of professional ‘respect’ refers to Ambassador Bolton AS Ambassador.

One other thing….You don’t ‘get’ respect…. you ‘earn it’
Yet another thing liberals fail to recognize or teach anymore.


Decorum differs for former presidents and vice presidents.

No, Greg. It doesn’t.

In the case of the second two examples, routinely referring to Bloomberg as Mayor or Reno as Attorney General doesn’t really strike me as appropriate either.

Unfortunately, your inability to accept centuries old established rules of grammar pertaining to polite, respectful recognition honoring a government servant’s highest past public office, has no bearing whatsoever on it’s proper use. Nor does anyone care about what particular usage of linguistic art you feel are appropriate. So get over it.

For those on the left on the subject of media propaganda.

Do a little research on the term “journolist” and on the 30 people who have left their media positions to join the Obie administration. Propaganda indeed.

It was also reported Obies toughest interview in 2013 was John Stewart. A COMEDIAN.

You guys need to pull your heads out of your arses and get some fresh air.


I can’t be certain, but I believe FOX has changed their slogan to, “Fair. Balanced. Unafraid.” Someone can correct me if I’m wrong.

The problem here with Eric Boehlert’s piece and the Media Matters articles it links to, is that there isn’t any actual evidence presented to support the accusations they’re making. There really isn’t much to separate Media Matter’s FOX insider, from say, Nancy Pelosi’s super duper double secret Republican friends. Most of what the Media Matters articles have to say, pertains to the audacity of FOX to offer a different perspective on the day’s issues, or the use of words that run counter to the Collective’s approved Newspeak dictionary. These just aren’t the smoking guns that the hyperventilationists of Media Matters try to paint them as, and thinking people understand this.

This merely serves as yet another example of how the Collective abhors the 1st Amendment and the notion that people would be allowed to express opinions contrary to its own. This of course is why the Collective wants to license journalists, use the FCC to enforce national speech codes, wants to place spending caps on free speech, enforces academic speech codes, supports policies like the Fairness Doctrine, and on and on. Policies that would make fellow leftists Joseph Goebbels and Vyacheslav Molotov green with envy. They want to silence criticism, because they’re fully aware that they possess inferior arguments that are incapable of withstanding debate, hence “the debate is over” syndrome.

Now, it could be that repeatedly making the claim “Fair and Balanced” invites people to think about the truth of it. Or it could be that it’s a reference to the fact that Fox airs a more diverse array of ideological voices. Or it could be reference to the fact that FOX airs more actual news. Both of which go a long way towards explaining why it is that conservatives understand liberal positions, better than liberals understand conservative opinions. This in turn would explain the Collective’s incessant babbling about Faux Noise.

Don’t get me wrong, if FOX news is making stuff up I’m more than interested in reading about it. But I’ll need to have specific instances cited, such as Rachel Maddow reporting manufactured distortions about the Koch brothers and refusing to retract them when blatantly caught, Dan Rather reporting on bogus George W. Bush documents, or the routine mischaracterization of the Tea Party, etc. Using verbage that the Collective disapproves of, just doesn’t count.

Now, in order to be able to comment on the nature of propaganda, one must first know what propaganda actually is. To that end, I highly suggest you review some old animated Soviet Propaganda, which unsurprisingly seems to parallel much of the political platform of today’s Democratic Party.


He has absolutely no respect for the United Nations, has stated as much throughout his career, and consequently should never have been appointed as the nation’s ambassador to that international body in the first place.

The UN warrants respect?

@retire05: Thanks for the reminder. RT mentioned Meghan had replaced Sean who was bumped to a later slot? Next step is out?
I watch CNN primarily—do enjoy O’Reilly. You guys keep me up on Fox.

I was unaware the left has ‘opinions’. I am of the understanding that civilized societies create and have laws which all citizens and ‘visitors’ must obey and follow which is considered “equal according to/under the law” –

Funny, and I thought the American left leaning propaganda machine said we don’t have equality? (sarc)

Dictatorships and Rulers don’t ‘have opinions’ nor do they follow set laws.

British ‘control’ – British ‘Rule’ – True ‘over reach’ of the day, and other historic occurrences/ factors which actually lead to an (American) Revolution is precisely why America needs to wake the hell up!