By John Solomon
The Justice Department found six new classified documents inside President Joe Biden’s Delaware home during a search by FBI agents, the president’s attorney announced Saturday night.
The discovery during a day-long search Friday marked the fifth time since November that classified materials have been found in an office or home of the 46th president.
“DOJ requested that the search not be made public in advance, in accordance with its standard procedures, and we agreed to cooperate,” Biden personal attorney Bob Bauer said in a statement.
“DOJ had full access to the President’s home, including personally handwritten notes, files, papers, binders, memorabilia, to-do lists, schedules, and reminders going back decades,” he added. “DOJ took possession of materials it deemed within the scope of its inquiry, including six items consisting of documents with classification markings and surrounding materials, some of which were from the President’s service in the Senate and some of which were from his tenure as Vice President. DOJ also took for further review personally handwritten notes from the vice-presidential years.”
George Washington University law school professor Jonathan Turley said the latest discovery undercut Biden’s defense of an inadvertent mishandling of documents and required more than his stated lack of remorse.
“It becomes increasing implausible that dozens of documents were distributed to at least four different locations by pure ‘inadvertence,’” Turley tweeted Sunday morning, “At what point do the mounting stacks of classified documents produce a modicum of regret?”
The six memos found Friday are in addition to 11 classified documents found at the Biden home in Wilmington, Del., beginning on Dec. 20.
In addition, more classified documents were found at the Penn Biden Center in Washington back on Nov. 2.
The discoveries have transformed the politics of a scandal that first started with the discovery of documents with classified markings in former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, which prompted an FBI raid.
Biden slammed Trump as irresponsible, only to see the controversy boomerang around on him with the discovery of classified materials in his own possession at insecure locations.
Would that be one of the lawyers that had already “searched” the home and found no more stolen documents? I guess it’s too late to search the palace by the sea; no doubt it has already gotten the El Paso treatment.
I wonder if this can get the far left green lunatic bloc of the Democrat party to turn on idiot Biden. He is lying (of course) about pursuing green energy as his torpedoing of US energy production enhances his profits from overseas fossil fuel holdings. The more he hurts the US energy industry, the better his foreign investments do. This is idiot Biden at his corrupt best.
This idiot is a direct threat to national security and it is the stupid morons that voted for him and accepted the election fraud that are responsible.
Everyone knows the Bidens are a pile of liars, he had to take the documents to prove what he was saying was true. He has also been stealing classified documents since he was in the Senate!
I wonder if the Tara Reade complaints are in there…
If you won’t rid the House of George Santos–a walking, talking lie, who occupies an essentially purchased seat–you can hardly expect anyone to take your concerns about truthfulness seriously.
Where did all of the campaign money come from, and where did it go? How is it that his campaign had so many $199.99 disbursements–one penny below the amount requiring receipts? How did he spend $40,000 in campaign air travel in a Long Island congressional district so small that it’s all readily accessible by limo or taxi?
It’s hilarious that you imagine you’re going to get rid of Biden based on mishandled classified documents, while simultaneously defending Trump’s mishandling and refusal to cooperate once the mishandling was discovered. Or that you imagine the media is conspiring against, when it is only reporting events. What you’re actually seeing there is an absence of bias; they’ll report on Biden’s problems as readily as they’ll report on Trumps.
Santos is a choir boy compared to the gang of pathological liars that composes the Democrat party.
“Santos, a Suburban House and $11,000 in Campaign Payments for ‘Rent’”
Maybe part-time work as a drag queen pays big money, if you’re entertaining the right crowd of donners…
greg has a boner for santos
More likely McCarthy and Trump do. Santos is younger than Rudy, you know.
So why do you avoid talking about your president?
biden is on the ropes about to be yanked out of office.
No he isn’t—and time will prove me to be correct.
Time will also prove Biden isn’t a president in the first place.
He’s about to removed, son.
You were wrong. You need to make peace with your errors and come around.
Gee… I dunno. Sounds an awful lot like OBSTRUCTION to me.
Do you think it was OK for idiot Biden to steal Top Secret documents and make them available to the CCP?
Are you aware that the next time you are proven correct will be the first time?
Yeah, it’s “complicated”. They’re still finding and counting them. Have they asked the CCP how many THEY have?
Santos, and Biden, should both resign immediate for lying out their *ss.
Nevermind. Biden will be removed from the Oval Office, presently.
Idiot Biden first. Then AOC, Schiff, Swalwell, Tlaib, Omar and Nadler. THEN Santos.
65 percent think Biden should not run…
64 percent think Biden should be investigated…
Screw Trump, Putin, and all like them.
Here’s you and your pig-c*ck fools doing what they do:
Committing insurrection.
I guess they are lucky they weren’t treated like the Capital Police treated the January 6th protesters.
F**K idiot Biden, Putin’s enabler and the CCP’s bitch.
Trump was Putin’s enabler.
So those of us who thought Obama was smart, although we did not agree with his Marxist politics, were Obama enablers?
Was FDR Stalin’s enabler? FDR thought Stalin was brilliant.
Biden is Putin’s whore.
Jeeze, you are one classic idiot.
Biden is Putin’s whore? That’s got to be one of the stupidest comments ever uttered. Biden is Putin’s nemesis. Had it not been for Biden, Putin would have steamrollered Ukraine and would already be sitting on NATO’s eastern borders, plotting his next move. I have little patience with people so woefully and willingly out of touch with reality.
Biden has a matter of days concerning his pretend-presidency.
By cutting off domestic production it sent the price of oil and NG soaring, smooth move “Nemesis”.
Biden didn’t cut off domestic production. The oil industry CEOs did that. They closed refineries and shut down domestic pumping when global prices bottomed out, because they could lower their own production costs and boost their profit margins with dirt-cheap foreign supplies. When global demand and prices increased, they delayed bringing refineries and domestic production back on line because they could simply boost prices while keeping their own production costs low. That’s how we got skyrocketing pump prices, and they got three consecutive quarters of the highest corporate profits in the industry’s history. If you don’t believe it, do a few minutes of online research.
Biden didn’t have a damn thing to do with it, because the federal government has little control over any of that. All he could do directly was release oil from federal reserves in an effort to moderate prices—and the right raked him over the coals for doing so.
That’s the reality. Consumers got screwed by corporate America, and they will again, at every opportunity. All they require is a bit of cover, and propagandists will supply it for them at the drop of a hat.
The right believes whatever they’re told by their propaganda outlets, have been methodically conditioned to reject all other news and information sources, and surround themselves with social media that continuously echoes the approved messages. You believe things that are not true without evidence, and reject truths that there’s compelling evidence for. You won’t even check to learn the truth for yourself.
You have no clue how this looks from outside the box you’re in.
Get mental health help. You’re delusional. Your Marxist crap doesn’t work here.
It wasn’t the right that believed Hillary’s “Russian collusion”. It wasn’t the right that believed in “Nazis are fine people”. It wasn’t the right that believed in Russian bounties. It wasn’t the right that believed the Covington kids were racist. It wasn’t the right that believed the Alfa Bank hoax. It wasn’t the right that believed Hunter’s laptop was “Russian disinformation”. It wasn’t the right that believed the Russians put Trump in office. It wasn’t the right that believed the southern border is secure now.
You stupid leftist dumbasses devour so many leftist propaganda lies they are too numerous to list. The stupider and more anti-American the lie, the more enthusiastic you are about believing it.
Biggest lie of all: you dumbasses believe idiot Biden won an election.
Bullshit propaganda crap, they have total control over that through regulations, who shut down the pipeline from Canada? You can not brown bag oil from the fields to a refinery.
Right now, millions of gallons of natural gas could be streaming out of the central Pennsylvania town of Wyalusing, then shipped out of a new export facility in Gibbstown, NJ. Instead, environmental extremists emboldened by the administration’s heavy-handed regulation spent the last year and a half shutting down this critical project.
Green weenies and lawfare tactics stop pipelines and expansion of our refineries.
If the weenies are so passionate turn off the pipeline to their own houses first.
Your Marxist b/s continues to land with a thud. You really need to find a better use of your time.
Idiot Biden did it. He cut off all production on government land. Do you have any idea how much land the federal government has taken over? Idiot Biden ended energy independence, sent energy costs skyrocketing, caused massive inflation and gave Putin all the money he needed to invade Ukraine. He did this so his stocks in foreign energy companies would increase in value. That’s just the kind of piece of shit corrupt garbage he is.
And to hurt Americans.
Now, he wants to build solar “farms” on over 1 million acres of government lands, all in five Western states.
Utah, Ca, CO, AZ and NEV.
Think about how much wasted land.
Solar doesn’t work.
solar destroys birds and ecosystems.
It is equal to a 395 mile square.
Bigger than California.
Materials built by his buddies in China using slave labor.
And his compliant lefty media kept it quiet until the time for public comment was almost over.
Then you clearly don’t read what you post.
Showing your idiocy again, Comrade Greggie? Had it not been for Biden, Putin would have never crossed the Ukrainian border. But Putin knows that he has Joe Biden by the short hair because of Hunter. Or do you think throwing money at Ukraine is really going to stop Russia from absolutely destroying Ukraine? That money is going into Zelenskyy’s pockets because he, like Putin, has Biden by the short hair.
You’re an idiot and that has not changed since the day you showed up here. Frankly, I don’t give a hairy rat’s a$$ about your patience because you are nothing but a liar.
You know, you stupid idiot, just saying something doesn’t make it true. Trump made the US a net exporter of energy, which kept global prices low, which hurt Putin’s profits. Idiot Biden destroyed our production, drove world prices up which provided Putin the money he needed (and an additional weapon to blackmail the EU with) to launch his attack.
Note that Putin launched no attacks under Trump. That would have been disastrous for him. He waited until the weak, incompetent, corrupt idiot Biden, cutting our production so his overseas investments would make more money, to fraud his way into office (with Putin’s help).
A net exporter of vital, unrenewable resources to make quick profits, and who cares about the consequences, because those who pocketed them will be dead when their greed and stupidity catch up with the next generation…
That’s literally the United States, you f*cking idiot. The largest in the world.
We have several hundred years of proven reserves. As you leftists are want to point out, oil is a global commodity and what we produced kept costs low and hurt Putin and OPEC. But, if course, whining, crybaby leftists can’t comprehend strategic thinking.
Greed is idiot Biden undercutting our energy industry to improve the gain on his foreign investments. Idiot Biden is a verified piece of shit.
Trump was Putin’s jailer.
Biden’s puppet regime allowed Putin to act.
Wasting my of your life away here today?
What the hell else does he have? Having something that actually has some truth to it is much more fun than just making up lies about Trump. Problem is, he doesn’t seem to mind the massive and widespread lies and corruption of his own party. Because, if he did, he couldn’t be a Democrat.
Nobody cares about Santos. He should resign, and with him about 80% of the Democrats for lying far and beyond his level, and for taking bribes from foreign countries, banks, and corporations.
If you are against Santos, you’re against Biden et al.
Just so you understand.
The plain, simple truth is that McCarthy will sell out anyone, anything, or any principle to remain in power. As with Trump, there’s no true allegiance to higher standards of conduct. Such men only pay lip service to moral behavior, and will do anything to their advantage that they believe they can get away with.
McCarthy has kissed Trump’s ring, just as Trump has kissed the Devil’s—a metaphor, of course, but entirely appropriate. If we extend the metaphor, Putin might be the Devil’s right-hand-man.
Rewarding Santos with committee positions when everyone knows he’s a fraud should open eyes, but it doesn’t.
DNC tied to Burning Atlanta…
HOW COULD IT HAPPEN?!? You stupid f**ks ENABLED IT! THAT’S how it could happen.
Yeah, they’ll ponder long enough to allow the idiot Biden gang to El Paso his seaside palace and everywhere else he has stocked with classified documents. Maybe they’ll take the word of idiot Biden’s “honest” attorney’s again, THAT worked out so well last time.
Hmm… Well, so far, McCarthy is sticking to every commitment and Trump, as President, defended the Constitution from the anti-American Democrats. Santos has 1,000 times the credibility than any of your Democrats.
But, what he have here is MORE lies from idiot Biden and MORE classified documents he stole. Why hasn’t the DOJ raided all his other homes and anywhere he lighted for more than a few hours? There is no telling how many documents he stole over 47 years of corruption, so anywhere and everywhere he has set up corrupt shop is suspected of housing stolen classified documents. Idiot Biden is shit, along with anyone that overlooks this latest (in a long list) of laws broken, and especially those who accused Trump of illegally taking documents and wanting him imprisoned. Know anyone like that?
Maxine Waters pays her daughter hundreds of thousands of dollars to “work” on her campaign. AOC hires her boyfriend to “work” on her campaign. Tlaib caught in campaign finance violations, get a slap on the wrist. Omar sinks campaign money into her “husband’s” business, commits immigration and income tax fraud. Again, once you clean the trash out of YOUR party, you can complain about a Republican that stretched a little truth to get elected.
Ha. Like the rest of the Democrats, those doing the accusing wind up doing the committing.
Santos should step down, and so should Hobbs for not recusing herself and overseeing the rigging of her own election in her favor.
That’s far more egregious than Santos.
I’m suppose to get rid of Santos? Me, damn I had no idea hell if I have that kind of power i start with the ones bought by China first then work my way down to weasles like Santos.

So back on subject a little time line for mishandling classifed government documents
The media has received their orders. Time to make joe a pariah so his numbers drop precipitously and will aid in his removal.
I dont care who you are this is funny
joe’s Chief of Staff jumps ship.
Jill is nowhere to be seen or heard.
joe is being sent down by his own puppetmasters who installed him.
They only needed to wait until the 2year+ mark so Kamala could be promised her right to run TWO more times after serving out joe’s last months.
This whole thing is a Kabubi theater, minus the absence of Jill.
I think they tricked her into a facelift so she’d be on meds and all bruised up so, effectively muzzled during this.