Biden Presser Goes Awry: Loses List of Who to Call on, Tells Whoppers, Forgets What Century He’s In

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By Nick Arama

I reported earlier on Joe Biden’s confusion, having to read off notes, and looking like he was having a “Weekend at Bernie’s” moment while meeting with the Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida.

That was followed by a press conference with the Japanese prime minister for a few questions. He was almost an hour late for that. When he finally showed up, Kishida appeared to respond to questions like a normal leader. Biden, meanwhile, had the teleprompter.

But even with that, he had trouble.

He also made a weird comment, encouraging Kishida: “Don’t stay in North Carolina.”

I think that was supposed to be a joke of some sort, but when people have to scratch their heads and wonder what you are talking about, it isn’t going over well. And maybe don’t encourage people not to stay in North Carolina when you’re in a race for the votes of people from North Carolina, one of the battleground states.

How much is prepared for him? Things go terribly awry when he can’t find the list of who he’s supposed to call on.

“Who am I supposed to call on next?” he asks the ether, not knowing what he’s supposed to do without it. “Hang on a second, I got my list here. Hang on.”

Then it appears that he’s reading his answers which again would suggest he also knows the questions. We’ve seen his notes before on other occasions have questions in them along with the answers. Meanwhile, when former President Donald Trump took questions, he took them from anyone for much longer, even knowing the media would often be hostile to him.

Here, he’s reading the entire answer about the Hamas hostages verbatim from his notes.

Biden being Biden, he also slipped in a big whopper about inflation. As we reported earlier, inflation rose again, and he was asked about that and how he previously predicted that there would be a rate cut.

Biden claimed that they “dramatically reduced inflation.” In fact, he helped to drive it up, sparked by his overspending, to nine percent, a number people hadn’t seen in 40 years. It’s gone down since then, but it’s still higher than when he came in. He said he thought there was still going to be a rate cut before the end of the year. Then he lied, saying it was worse when he came in when, in fact, inflation was at 1.4 percent. It’s now 3.5 percent year over year.

Not only does he lie about inflation, but he also got the century wrong with a bizarre remark.

“Elect me, I’m in the 20th Century,” he said. If he’s not even in this century, that’s another great reason not to vote for him. He does manage to correct himself, but it’s pretty bad when he doesn’t just flub the year but an entire century.

Then he snapped at the reporters as he finished and they all tried to get in another question, “Why don’t everybody holler at once?!” he sniped.

Then, Biden slipped in one more whopper as he left, following Kishida. He falsely claimed that his LNG move wasn’t going to affect Japan. Does he not know what his own administration is doing?

“Would you reconsider the [liquefied natural gas] export ban, sir?” he’s asked.

Biden claimed, “There is no ban, to Japan!”

It sounds like the reporters say, “That’s a lie” and “That’s not true” in response, although it’s hard to discern. They’re definitely questioning his claim. As they should, since it is impacting Japan and that’s one of the things they want to be assured about in the meeting they’re having with him. He says that right in front of Kishida, so what does he think Kishida is doing to say in response to that?

Biden is just so out of it that it’s dangerous at this point.


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M.S. Media Bottom Feeders have nothing to say about Biden’s Blundering

Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is the most ill-equipped person to be President of the United States imaginable. A complete and total waste of space. In addition to all that, he’s corrupt and a pedophile. Yep… this is what the left selects.

He has never been more on his game, he is leading in the polls, he has a stutter quit being mean to a guy with a disability.
He kept his promises he undid every good thing Trump did.

Stutters can be fixed.
Dave Taylor joined the Los Angeles Kings decades ago.
He was shy because he had an enormous stutter.
He became 1/3rd of the top offensive line the Kings ever had with Charlie Simmer and Marcel Dionne.
First thing he did with his money?
Got that stutter fixed.
Before he retired he had become a spokesman for the team.

joe’s “stutter,” is an excuse, nothing more.

Ya Porky pig never did, a huge star. We can use his disability for this admin
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We all know who was behind pulling the strings
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Last edited 10 months ago by kitt

biden is at risk of not being on the ballot for the general in Ohio and Alabama. Tough break for a swell guy.

Canada would have “put him down” already as his quality of life has diminished greatly .

Ezekiel Jonathan “Zeke” Emanuel (born September 6, 1957) pushed the idea that all Americans ought to be euthanized by age 75.
He’s 67 now.
So, now he says he would not end his life at 75, but rather that he would stop taking efforts to prolong his life.
joe, otoh, seems to be getting extraordinary efforts to prolong his life.