Biden Honors the Dead of Normandy By Dropping a Bomb In His Pants, Then Walks Away Leaving French President Macron to Welcome American Veterans All By Himself

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by Ace

A moving tribute. Bowel-moving, am i rite?

During a solemn ceremony commemorating the 80th anniversary of D-Day in Normandy, France Thursday, President Joe Biden appeared to nearly collapse into a non-existent chair.Key Details:

The 80th anniversary of D-Day saw numerous world leaders and veterans gather at the Normandy American Cemetery to honor the sacrifices of Allied forces during World War II. The event featured speeches, wreath-laying ceremonies, and tributes to the fallen soldiers​.

President Biden, while attending the ceremony, was seen visibly struggling as if to sit in a chair that wasn’t there. This incident happened while French President Macron was meeting with veterans, drawing attention away from the solemn occasion.

The D-Day landings on June 6, 1944, marked a critical turning point in World War II. The 80th anniversary was a moment for reflection and commemoration of the courage and sacrifice of the Allied forces.

Sitting in a chair more like shitting in the air, amirite?

Below, you see him honoring the dead by firing off a Mud Gun Salute into his PresiDepends (TM). In the second video, you see him blowing off the veterans he cares so much about.

The second video shows Macron being forced to welcome American veterans himself, because Jill walks Biden back to a private area to clean the presidential diapers.

According to the Jake Tapper Rule, Biden hasn’t admitted he shit himself, therefore it is Russian Disinformation offered Without Evidence which Corrodes Our Discourse to look at the video with our own eyes and draw our own conclusions.

Conservatives are not allowed to examine evidence and draw conclusions from it and make informed speculations; we are required to take the claims of the left as authoritative and “factual,” always, no exceptions.

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Gramps had the cramps. He could have been light headed, Jill does nothing except talk behind her hand then lead the zombie away. It could have been worse send in Kamala to talk about root causes of D-day,
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Last edited 8 months ago by kitt

Everyone knows the octogenarian dementia patient is failing fast. Such abuse of the elderly should be punishable in a NY court of law under the auspices of DA fat ass alvin bragg.

You could almost feel sorry for Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden in his decline if it wasn’t for the fact that he is such an incompetent, lying, corrupt, treasonous, degenerate pedophile that is intentionally destroying the strength of this nation.

HOT MIC: Biden Caught on Hot Mic Telling Macron His Team’s Plan to Get Him Out of D-Day Celebration Early (VIDEO)

biden took a shit in his pants

Why on earth would this moron say this?

An age-based attack, when those honored are all elderly…

Did he have a turd in his depends while mumbling?

2,501 Americans died on D-Day, but you talk about turds…

biden is an American embarrassment. He should not have been in Normandy. He shit his pants fuck head.

Maybe there should be a House investigation of the incident.

That Depends is it a real fit pull-up or fresh protection maximum.

How about an investigation of why it takes 3 round trips to get him and his piece of phony doctor of a “wife” there and back. Are their airplanes electric or something?

And Biden “runs” off without honoring the few surviors.

He probably considers them white supremacist extremists.

That’s because we had a turd speaking. I wonder how many of those who gave their lives on D-Day Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden would have considered white supremacist extremists like he considers every white male member of the armed forces today?

Why? Why did jill expeditiously remove biden before the ceremony concluded? Reminds us of the time he left a recipient of an award at the WH before that ceremony ended. biden has lost his mental capacity.

And they are all more cognizant of what was happening than Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden. It is embarrassing to have him be the face of the nation.

So, I guess climate change is over? Moron Jill flies separately on Wednesday to Normandy, flies back here today and is flying back day after tomorrow. What is it, does she have to give a lecture on “boggedahs” or human tacos or higher education? Oh, well… not their money.

Remind me again, who controls education in the country?

Testament to our “wonderful” liberal,gay, child grooming “teachers,” huh, greg?
When we had real teachers, who studied in the field they taught instead of in “education,” students learned a lot.

You have contributed to that statistic with all your posts.

Sure add a few million in low IQ refugees and a failing educational system.

When President Donald Trump canceled a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery, near Paris, in 2018, he blamed rain for the last-minute decision, saying that “the helicopter couldn’t fly” and that the Secret Service wouldn’t drive him there. Neither claim was true.

Trump rejected the idea of the visit because he feared his hair would become disheveled in the rain, and because he did not believe it important to honor American war dead, according to four people with firsthand knowledge of the discussion that day. In a conversation with senior staff members on the morning of the scheduled visit, Trump said, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” In a separate conversation on the same trip, Trump referred to the more than 1,800 marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as “suckers” for getting killed…

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg

Jeffery Goldberg, never Trumper writing for the Atlantic a leftist rag.

biden shit is his pants on stage.

Did he write what Captain Bonespurs says in the video?

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg

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You mean like, when he said there was zero visibility for the helicopter trip? OMG!

Only leftist pieces of shit can even conceive of making such a statement as KIA soldiers were “suckers and losers”. That’s why it came from the Atlantic. Meanwhile, Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden (Captain Cough, Cough, I Don’t Think I Can Serve In The MIlitary) thinks every white male member of the armed forces are white supremacist extremists. He thinks the Border Patrol are racists. Do you think we don’t notice that everything you accuse Trump, conservatives and Republicans of is what you Democrats are already actually doing?

Last edited 8 months ago by Just Plain Bill

Biden a star football player got out of service for fake asthma. You see the symptoms everytime a white females hair is near.

You never really wonder why all your objections to Trump are based on lies, do you? You just go along with the Ministry of Propaganda making you look stupid and playing you for a fool.

debunked long ago quit recycling your media lies.
Didnt the old vets clap did Biden call them stupid bastards too?

Last edited 8 months ago by kitt

This is how utterly desperate the left is. They see disaster looming. All they can do is lie because there is NOTHING in their record to cheer about.

I can’t imagine anyone but a leftist saying things like that about veterans. Remember not too long ago some leftists in the media declaring those who fought in combat weren’t heroes? Probably where The Atlantic got the idea for that lie.

America does not want biden. Nearly half of his voters do not want biden. biden is illegitimate. That fact must be revealed to the American People so they can begin regain confidence in the institutions that exist to protect and not punish them.

I’ve heard even some of the copy machines that voted for him are unplugging themselves.

Video of Joe Biden at D-Day ceremony is deceptively edited (What a surprise)

The unedited video:

Remember: Convicted Loser Trump can only win by LYING.

“…The post features a brief clip of Biden — standing between First Lady Jill Biden and French President Emmanuel Macron — bending over as though he is preparing to sit.

The video quickly pinballed across X in multiple languagesamplified by conservative influencers such as commentator Kyle Becker and Fox News host Jeanine Pirro.

“Our commander-and-chief trying to sit in an imaginary chair on stage in front of the entire world. Lights on, but Biden’s not home. Embarrassing is an understatement…. THERE IS NO CHAIR !!” Pirro wrote in a since-deleted post.

Other prominent right-wing voices, including the Hodgetwins and Dave Rubinalleged that Biden lost control of his bowels.

But the claims are false — the latest disinformation designed to frame the Democrat, 81, as senile, confused and incapable of leading the nation ahead of November’s presidential election.

The moment in question came shortly before US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin spoke at an event commemorating the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings, when tens of thousands of Allied troops stormed the beaches of Normandy in northern France to fight Nazi Germany in what became a turning point in World War II.

Full livestream footage of the ceremony from The Times, a British newspaper, shows Biden started to sit as the music stopped, then paused to wait for Austin’s introduction (archived here).

He fully sat down as Austin’s name was called, along with the first lady and French president. The clip shared online is edited to leave out the part where Biden eventually took his seat…

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg

biden shit his pants in stage

They lie, and then they lie about lying.

Oh, the poor, poor victim. Everyone is against him, daring to point out his degenerative senility, infirmary, incompetence, corruption, treason and his pedophilia. Waaa. Waaa. Waaa.

You can’t promote Trump’s virtues because there are none.

That leaves you to smear his opponent with shit, which you are obviously full of.

Really. I’ve provided that long, long list of his great, positive accomplishments for this country numerous times. As usual with any leftist, you try to take the pathetic attributes of Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden and apply it to Trump. Trump outperformed Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden by about 10,000%. ALL Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden has done is fail and produce one disaster after another. AND he’s a pedophile.

Great dad no druggie kids, peace maker, wife that isnt as big of an embarrassment as Biden is, doesnt wear grandmas upholstery fabrics or whore fishnet stockings.Went after pedophiles did not enable them.

Trump is a quasi-religious political cult figure. He’s running the biggest con in the history of America. How do people not see this? How do they not see where he’s leading them?

“When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.”

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg

You leftists are really running scared. This is where election fraud gets you. The people never voted for the corrupt, treasonous, incompetent pedophile, Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden. They knew better. Only election fraud brought that disaster down on the nation.

Some of them, of course, have fallen down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole and may never reach the bottom…

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg

You see the phrase “conspiracy theory” was coined by the CIA to belittle those that dont believe or will dare to question the government narrative or story.
Now they have gone so far as to criminalize questioning the “servants” of the people.
You really need to look into de-programming.
If not then just fuck off with your clown world, mk ultra, horse shit wasting Curts server space, we can just watch the boob tube.

“Where we go one, we go all” was remotely implanted by electronic CIA mind control devices the moment they took off their tinfoil hats…

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg

Remember when 51 members of the IC lied to protect Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden and told us Hunter’s laptop was full of Russian disinformation instead of evidence of corruption? Remember that? Are you smart enough… do you possess the intellectual power to draw ANY conclusions from that? Eventually what you believed was that the filth on that laptop was so corrupt, so degenerate, so incriminating that only the goddamn Russians could conceive of such horrific kompromat.

Yet it turned out to all be true.

How do you know that it isn’t? You don’t know where most of the disinformation you swallow comes from.

…Hunter’s laptop was full of Russian disinformation instead of evidence of corruption? 

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg

You really don’t pay any attention to anything that doesn’t fulfill your prejudices, do you? The contents of the laptop have been fully vetted and verified authentic. In Hunter’s trial, the FBI have confirmed its authenticity. The House committee’s investigations have corroborated much of it as well.

Everyone involved knew from the very beginning it was genuine. Everyone that claimed it was “Russian disinformation” intentionally lied to the American people and enabled a sick, perverted, corrupt, treasonous pedophile, Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, to wreak untold damage upon the nation.

Like Epoch Times, Gateway Pundit, Newsmax, The Daily Signal, Hannity, Tucker Carson, Laura Loony, etc?

You really don’t pay any attention to anything that doesn’t fulfill your prejudices, do you? 

Maybe we should make a list of all the media outlets that went full bore with Russian collusion, Russian disinformation, quid pro quo, secure border, great economy and there’s no evidence of Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s corruption, even after they know the truth. Then let’s see now many of your sources and how many of my sources are on that list.

“Went full bore?”
I accidentally caught MSNBC this morning and they are STILL acting like Hunter’s laptop IS Russian misinformation!

They rely heavily on the stupidity of their viewers.

WWG1WGA IYKYK but you have no idea or basis of information what it is, not even enough to form an intelligent question.

Odd you would mention “conspiracy theories” when you leftists generate about one a day to try and draw attention from your own corruption and failures. Russian collusion? Russian disinformation? Quid pro quo? Inject Lysol? Suckers and losers? Fine people? If you left didn’t lie to create your own issues to hate about, you might be pretty happy people.

So he is a cult figure?
What makes you willing to vote for a career scum like Biden, the filth he surrounds himself with, thieves, insane, sexual perverts. The human trafficking the open border nightmare of missing children, allowing terrorists, murderers, rapists, gangs, disease, spies and leeches.
War mongering slime merchants of death.
Dont call me a cult member when you blind yourself to the pure evil of this admin.
I will choose the peace-maker the man that raised normal kids, 3 wives, and children from each that love each other.
You allow media and TV make you hate a guy its quite pathetic that they control you.

Last edited 8 months ago by kitt

Funny how in the Trump family, you have no sons getting the widows of their freshly dead brother hooked on crack so he could screw her. None of Trump’s sons knocked up a stripper then turned he and his family turned their backs on the child. No daughters confessing her father forced her to shower with him. No uncles sending out dick-pics, money laundering or evading taxes.

But they are the scum.

Trump is gold-plated trash, just like his stupid gold statue.

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg
Last edited 8 months ago by Greg

I remember when Obama was warned about Russia attempting to interfere in the 2016 election and he told the IC to stand down. I guess he knew they would be assisting Hillary. Will Obama (who pulls Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s strings) order a stand down now?

Comrade Greggie, you obviously have missed who the article attributes the cause to; Joe Biden and his insane open border policy.

But then, you’re not all that bright.

Better than everything being shit-plated, which is what Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden provides.

How do you see having three wives as being a point in Trump’s favor?

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“Trump creates chaos because WE riot and loot when he wins!”

Hold up there, scooter. Your side has been threatening full-blown *civil war* if Biden wins.

Last edited 8 months ago by Michael

Your side has been threatening full-blown *civil war* if Biden wins.

Link? Did someone get ahold of B(urn), L(oot), and M(urder) and Antifa’s battle plans?

Hold up there, scooter. Your side has been threatening full-blown *civil war* if Biden wins.

Yeah? Show us who has been threatening civil war. It is the acolytes of Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden that provides the violence. Why would he worry so much about holding onto the Hamas terrorist supporter vote?

biden idolizes Hitler. biden is a wannabe dictator.

With all the success of Mussolini.

Then why is Trump the one following Hitler’s playbook?

You just cant help yourself. Any bit of historically ignorant propaganda. You need some alone time buddy, attend a Biden rally.

greg is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. The momentum going President Trump’s way. biden is floundering and with 149 days to go shows no signs of turning his campaign around. democrats are in a panic.

This is why he sympathizes with Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden. He probably has the nervous Hershey squirts himself.

I don’t think there is a single leftist that has ever read a history book. All you know is “Hitler bad. Orange Man bad. Orange man must be Hitler.” Then the foot stomping and drooling commences.

The left demonstrate THEY are the fascists. Of course, that’s why they accuse Trump of it.

Comrade Greggie, you are really getting desperate. Robert Reich? Really? That little gnome is trying desperately to stay relevant. As are you.

I told you years ago; you need mental health help. Nothing has changed.

bending over as though he is preparing to sit. woops spell check deleted the H

Last edited 8 months ago by kitt

He’s bending over to sit because he did, in fact, sit.

What did he sit on? Was there an invisible chair or just his own “stool”?

Stool comes in a range of colors. All shades of brown and even green are considered normal. Only rarely does stool color indicate a potentially serious intestinal condition. Stool color is generally influenced by what you eat as well as by the amount of bile.

Last edited 8 months ago by kitt

On the chair behind him, which is clearly visible in the unedited video.

November 5th is America’s pass/fail national intelligence test. At this point it might as well be a coin flip.

What did he sit on? 

He dropped down twice to shit his pants. Why would he sit when everyone else was standing?
jill rush him off for a diaper change and some baby powder for the chafing.

What is She Wearing?! Jill Biden Dons Velvet Dress with Obnoxious Train to the Élysées Palace for the State Dinner (VIDEO)

Can’t see her diaper bag for joe

Biden Mumbles Through Remarks in France, Claims He’s a “Student of French History” (VIDEO)

I wonder if he was a better student of French history than a law student where he finished 76th in a class of 85.


At least he went to college. Did you even graduate from high school?

Why does college make some people stupider?

Jill is in competition with Michael Obama for worst dressed First Lady Evah!!!

Too close to call. And the left used to make fun of Melania, who is a fashion model.

There was no chair on the stage. It does look like he bent over in distress and Jill dashed him away. They cant even admit that, just make him a fool by saying he was going to sit on an imaginary chair let the memes take over. Your pols are sick bastids.

There was no chair on the stage. 

Yes, there was. If you find a version of the clip that goes a few seconds longer than the clip you’re creaming your jeans over, you’d see Biden sit in it.

Last edited 8 months ago by Michael

You accidentally made the point that joe couldn’t even stay to greet and talk with American heroes after the flyby.
He couldn’t wait to leave a ceremony that France HOSTS so America can honor heroes of D-Day.
But he left.
So France’s president, Macron, was left alone to do what American presidents do: honor the few remaining heroes of D-Day.

No way joe can make it thru a debate where he must stand and think for an hour-to an hour and a half.

No way joe can make it thru a debate where he must stand and think for an hour-to an hour and a half.

I guess we’ll see, unless Trump finds a pretext for ditching it.

WHY would Trump ditch it?

 joe couldn’t even stay to greet and talk with American heroes after the flyby.

He couldn’t wait to leave a ceremony that France HOSTS so America can honor heroes of D-Day.

But he left.

So France’s president, Macron, was left alone to do what American presidents do: honor the few remaining heroes of D-Day.

Not so much.

Biden and first lady Jill Biden met with 41 veterans from the Normandy campaign, 33 of whom served on D-Day, according to reporters traveling with the president. Biden gave each a commemorative coin bearing the presidential seal and images of troops on the beaches of Normandy.


Yep, groomer, Biden spent at least 30 seconds with each veteran, handing them a stupid silver coin. Of course, he was behind Macron as Macron greeted the veterans placing a kiss on each cheek as is the custom of the French. It made Biden look like he was nothing but an aide to Macron.

Biden left early. Why? He couldn’t even spend one whole day with veterans 96 to 106 years old. it’s not like he really does anything. Jake Sullivan is in charge.

If Biden is your idea of a good representative of the United States, you’re as nuts as Comrade Greggie.

Well, Jill had to fly BACK home so she could breast feed Hunter.

On our dime.

Well, the Biden’s are only millionaires. They have to be careful with their spending with inflation and all.

Well, the Biden’s are only millionaires.

Joe earned it the old fashion way, he sold access to his office like all shake down artists do.

He wasn’t called Senator DuPont for no reason.

Yeah, I’m going to watch 45 minutes of a video just to find out you don’t know what you are talking about.

Yeah just need the 13 second clip showing him dropping down twice the pinch a loaf

The link jumps straight to the part that proves you’re all idiots.

Yeah, I’m going to watch 45 minutes of a video just to find out you don’t know what you are talking about.

How does him standing there like an idiot lost in the fog prove anyone but yourself to be an idiot?

biden bide leave a pile after he popped his pants!

YOU left a pile on a ceremony honoring the D-Day survivors—to promote a damn draft dodger.

biden bide leave a pile after he popped his pants!

biden defiled the ceremony simply being there embarrassing America and then pooping in his pants in front of the world. That is your guy, I am ashamed of his mere presence.

How much did it cost the taxpayers for “Dr” Jill to make two round trips to France because Sonny Boy can’t sit in court all by himself?

YOU left a pile on a ceremony honoring the D-Day survivors—to promote a damn draft dodger.

When did TrumpWon promote Joe Biden? I must have missed that post.

Let’s talk about the demented asshole that now soils the Oval Office. From one of your favorite sources:

“Biden obtained five student draft deferments at a time when most draftees were sent to the war.”

I think most would consider him a draft dodger.

“Based on a physical examination, he was given a conditional medical deferment in 1968;”

Got that, Comrade Shithead? Biden was 26 in 1968 and he was still dodging the draft. And on a medical deferment, too boot.

“in 2008, a spokesperson for Biden said his having had “asthma as a teenager” was the reason for the deferment.

Well now, Biden stopped being a “teenager” in 1962. That is the year he was 20.

If you don’t like talking about Biden’s draft dodging habits, we can talk about the military service the other two Democrats you voted for, Clinton and Obama.

Google Snubs 160,000 Men Who Landed at Normandy 80 Years Ago, Instead Celebrates ‘Lesbian Chicana Activist’ on D-Day