Don’t doubt this trial is weaponized as part of a political campaign. The judge is conflicted, the jury was selected from a nearly 90% Democrat pool, and the prosecutors have sworn to get Trump. As if that isn’t enough, the witnesses are notorious liars, one a thief as well.
Additionally, there is no crime here, and the judge said the jurors don’t have to agree on a predicate. That’s what Leverentiy Beria used to do – show me the man, and I’ll show you the crime. In the US, you are not supposed to look for crimes or create one without any evidence. Never mind that the statute of limitations passed.
Biden sent his campaign to rant outside the Manhattan courthouse as if that wasn’t obvious. Donald Trump’s attorney explains in this clip, followed by Jason Miller.
Trump Campaign Press Secretary @kleavittnh: Joe Biden sending his campaign outside of this criminal courthouse—it is a full-blown concession that this trial is a witch hunt that comes from Joe Biden.
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) May 28, 2024
Politics has nothing to do with it? Watch Jason Miller, a Trump aide.
Trump Senior Advisor @JasonMillerinDC: The Biden folks have finally done it. After months of saying politics had nothing to do with this trial, they showed up and made a campaign event out of a trial day for President Trump.
Why? Because Joe Biden's numbers are in the tank.
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) May 28, 2024
Biden’s campaign is outside the courthouse, almost drowned out.
Biden campaign holds a press conference outside their orchestrated trial of President Trump in NYC and the guy could barely speak he was so nervous
Pro-Trump Hecklers nearly drown him out
Not a good start!
— DC_Draino (@DC_Draino) May 28, 2024
Biden’s administration set up a presser with lunatic actor Robert DeNiro, who had his face wrapped up in an N95 mask.
The Biden campaign is holding an urgent press conference at the Trump trial.
Their expert? Robert De Niro in an N95.
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) May 28, 2024
De Niro is unhinged. He had no problem with Democrat protesters and rioters. You can hear some pro-Trump protesters screaming in the background.
Anti-DeNiro protesters told him his movies suck. Has-been De Niro didn’t take it well, calling them gangsters while cursing.
“Your movies suck! You’re trash!” Robert De Niro is not having a good one at the Trump trial
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) May 28, 2024
This scene shows you how important a good director is. Many actors like De Niro can look like amateurs when they’re thrown out on their own with a script. The Biden campaign was hoping for vintage De Niro but got *angry old man yells get off my lawn* instead.
— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) May 28, 2024
Robert DeNiro now being shouted down by “Fuck Joe Biden” protesters outside the Manhattan courthouse. He looks openly rattled by it. Keeps sighing. Doesn’t want to be there, clearly. Just doing it for cash I guess. DENIRO $$$!
— Raheem. (@RaheemKassam) May 28, 2024
Trump should promise to release the list.
DeNiro way too much Booze and Dope has caused uncontroled Stupidity for this Hollywood Pinhead we have more reasons to Boycott his rotten Movies
Major failure to launch.
I honestly wish we could return to a more civil time (before Democrats got so desperate that they destroyed it), but I do love it when the left themselves get the far left shout-down-any-speaker treatment they employ so frequently themselves. This is exactly what Maxine Waters told her lemmings to do to Trump supporters. But DeNiro didn’t seem to take it in stride.
What a pretend tough-guy crybaby. Is he getting shorter?
Such geniuses running the Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden campaign. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden won’t (can’t) go out and campaign, so they recruit a big-name movie star as a representative and HE goes out and tells people, “FUCK YOU!” Yeah, that should swing some votes, for sure.
If 54% do not want biden to run where would their votes go? Obviously many will stay home but we know several are considering Trump instead of biden. How long will the democrats keep biden on life support? They have now announced they will conduct a virtual convention in so they can nominate biden in order to meet the deadline requirements to be on the Ohio ballot. Trump does not think he will make it to the starting gate.
They also fear the not-so-nice images of their own former supporters inflicting violent riots on their convention. Democrats are truly gutless on so many levels.
I’m sure in a high school gym, the acoustics makes it sound really raucous.
All it takes is one skeptical juror, and we have found him.
His eyes lit up when JD Vance entered courtroom.