Biden Border Crisis: Military-Age Men From Across the Globe Flood Across Arizona Border

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by Fuzzy Slippers

Joe “I am the Democratic Party” Biden has overseen the largest influx of illegal aliens flooding through his open borders in U. S. history.

Not only are military-age men flooding in from China, but they are also coming from all over the world, including Africa and the Middle East. The most recent influx of military-age men, with no families with them (i.e. no women, no children, just a relative army of young men), is happening in Arizona.

This is not so much the typical humanitarian crisis Biden’s created at our border but a true national security risk. So much so that Yuma’s former border chief is sounding the alarm.

Fox News reports:

Retired Yuma Border Patrol chief Chris Clem joined “America’s Newsroom” Wednesday from Lukeville, Arizona, where the border crossing has been overrun by an influx of mostly adult male migrants. Clem said people from all over the world, including eight Syrian nationals, are showing up at the border to be let into the United States.

CHRIS CLEM: There’s no making sense of this. This is three years running. What we’re dealing with down here. … What you’re seeing right behind me, this is military-age, single, adult males, mostly single adult males. We just had about eight Syrian nationals come across. There’s people from all over the world showing up here, right here in Lukeville.

. . . . “I love you Joe Biden, thank you for everything, Joe Biden!” the male African migrant told Fox News in Lukeville, Arizona.

Both he and another migrant said they are not seeking asylum and instead wanted work and opportunity in the U.S.

. . . . The Tucson Sector saw nearly 3,000 encounters in a single day and has seen 17,500 encounters in a single week, the highest weekly total ever recorded.

In a separate report, Fox News has more:

A remote part of the Arizona border is being overrun by a massive surge of mainly adult male migrants from across the globe, including countries in Africa and the Middle East — just as the state’s Tucson Sector has seen record numbers of crossings in recent days.

Fox News was on the ground in Lukeville, Arizona, where Customs and Border Protection (CBP) have been forced to close the local port of entry due to the surge in illegal entries. Fox footage showed that, as of Tuesday morning, hundreds of single military-age men camped out against the border wall waiting to be processed into the U.S, and not a single woman or child among them.

Of those camped out, there were a large number of Africans from countries Senegal, Guinea, Mauritania, Egypt and elsewhere waiting to be processed and potentially released into the U.S. Others were from the Middle East and Asia.

I have never been one of the “this is an invasion” people, though I have sympathized with that viewpoint. At this point, though, what else is this if not an invasion? I mean allowing (inviting?) thousands upon thousands of single, military-age men to flood across our border from countries and regions that make no secret of their desire to destroy America, countries where the majority of young men are trained in warfare and/or terrorism (often from an early age) . . . just seems to me like a mistake with unimaginable potential consequences.


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 “I love you Joe Biden, thank you for everything, Joe Biden!” the male African migrant told Fox News in Lukeville, Arizona.

… Said no US taxpayer… ever.

Both he and another migrant said they are not seeking asylum and instead wanted work and opportunity in the U.S.

But they’ll be treated as asylum seekers, given an imaginary report date and released. This IS an invasion, in every sense of the word. Every one of these people, coming from all quarters of the earth, share a similar motivation: get into the United States and drain the US taxpayer dry.

How many years ago (12) did Momar Khaddafi warn Europe that he was holding back a tide of military-age men from flooding Europe?

Back then the median age of Western European countries was 41.

Millions of “refugees” later, Muslims have taken over entire cities.
They rule in some areas like London and Ireland, Scotland and Malmo.

Now OUR median age has reached 41.

Now OUR border is being breached by millions of military-age men from many places, like China, Muslim countries and Latin America.
We see the example from Europe of how this turns out.
Democrats are deluding themselves if they think, this time we can control them.

Democrats are deluding themselves if they think, this time we can control them.

Well, look at the current surge in pro-Hamas protests and violent demonstrations. Do you think Democrats want that? They don’t care about the Palestinians any more than they care about the Jews or Americans. But, they don’t want to piss off potential voters. We saw university presidents refusing to even denounce support for genocide because they don’t want to “offend” those who support genocide. You think THEY could keep Sharia at bay?