by Neo
You may wonder how it is that Biden (or those handling him) thinks he can get away with a lie such as this one:
Joe Biden is at it again with yet another lie about the vaccination plan, claiming President Donald Trump didn’t have a plan, despite the demonstrable fact that Trump was getting about a million people vaccinated a day by the time that Biden came in…
Here’s the Biden statement that’s being referred to:
BIDEN: "Just over four weeks ago, America had no real plan to vaccinate most of the country. My predecessor, as my mother would say, 'failed to order enough vaccines,' failed to mobilize the effort to administer the shots… That changed the moment we took office."
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) February 19, 2021
The first point – an obvious one – is that there is no serious effort by the press to call Biden on anything he does or says. If Biden knows anything at this point (and he does still know quite a few things) he knows that. Here and there you may see some mild fact-checking, but the administration knows it has a general pass (what in one of my earliest blog posts I called a “press pass”) to make whatever claim it wants.
In addition, in the case of the COVID narrative, this idea – that Trump did nothing and had no plan, and Joe will do everything and has a plan – has long been a basic meme of the Biden campaign. And the American public appears to have bought it. I certainly know people who did, and most of them had been saying since last March that Trump was doing everything wrong regarding COVID. That’s what they read in the MSM, that’s what they heard their friends say, and everyone knew it was true. In vain I would point out certain facts – for example, I’d ask them when they thought Trump had appointed the Task Force on COVID. No one ever got it right, and they had trouble believing me when I told them that Trump had announced its formation quite early – on January 29, 2020 – and that Fauci and Birx were already onboard at that time.
But even learning that, or any other fact about what Trump had done early on to fight the disease, didn’t really change much in their minds. That’s because the media was relentlessly pushing another story, and to open oneself to the possibility that the media was lying was just a bridge too far and would require too great a reorganization of reality. If reality was that Trump was an incompetent liar, it would take a lot more than a few facts to change that idea, and why bother when all the smart people were on the “Trump is an incompetent liar” side?
So at this point it’s not all that hard for these same people to believe that Biden – or at least, the people under Biden who are really in charge – are finally going to fix everything that Trump did wrong. Declining numbers of cases will be used as proof. It isn’t really that hard to avoid the perils of cognitive dissonance because the MSM will guide and lead the way.
As for Joe Biden himself and the obvious indications that he’s cognitively challenged, I really haven’t had that particular discussion with any of the Democrats I know. But I think I can imagine what most might say: “It’s worth it just to get rid of Trump.” They also almost undoubtedly think that the people who will be running the show in the Biden presidency will be far better than anyone Trump appointed. Once Trump was successfully demonized, almost anything can be rationalized.
Well, when this is all the Demediacrats report and all most people ever hear, what ARE they to believe? It is a serious problem that the public is subjected to propaganda, not information.
It took the Democrats far longer than it took Trump to take the virus seriously and the first, and apparently the only, thing Democrats sensed about the crisis was that it was just another opportunity to exploit. Exploit it they did, doing all they can to spread fear and doubt about Trump’s response. They’ve done nothing to help and then, as now, the media never called them out.
I wonder if the Democrats would be such unredeemable scum if the media didn’t make it possible?
A “pincer movement” happens when forces advance towards the center of an opponent. At the same time, other layers of pincers attack from more distant sides.
What the Left has been doing has been brilliant.
They attacked America from every angle simultaneously.
The economic.
The political.
The intellectual.
The social.
The religious.
Americans got battle fatigue and would, at best, only fight against one front at a time.
Many Americans simply hunkered down hoping it would go away.
It isn’t going away.
Covid is not a battle but a diversion.
Biden had a 2 hour talk with China’s Xi.
In it he made a moral equivalence between his treatment of our poor and sick VS China’s treatment of their Muslims.
Apparently it is just a cultural difference that soon we might adopt here to wipe out all those non-Leftist supporters in America.
@Nan G: We need the full transcript and recording of the call with Xi and Putin. The impeachment proceedings can begin.
He could be right that imprisonment, torture and murder of people for racial or political reasons can be a cultural condition. That doesn’t make it acceptable; it’s just an excuse to make the question go away. The Democrats could easily adapt that “culture”.
Half-a-million Americans are now dead from a viral infection that Donald Trump told you 12 months ago was under control and would just go away, and you’re talking about Biden’s Big COVID Lie?
@Greg: Probably about half of those actually died of COVID. That’s just one of the big lies. Another is that this idiot Biden has any idea what to do about it. Biden is now personally responsible for thousands of deaths. Blood on his shaking hands.
@Greg: Yes thats what we are talking about, the Actual President was telling us what experts were telling him. That comes from Faux xis testimony to congress.
BTW 500K Americans died from various causes that had a test that is horribly up to 95 % false positive. The germ the CDC never isolated nor does it have a sample of. Seems to have an over 98 % survival rate.
I guess with this many dead the “experts” were wrong about everything and may have ,with their lousy advice, killed 10s of thousands.
The Chinese flu hit the U.S. in January 2020. Since that time until January 20, 2021 the death toll was 397,611. Since January 20, 2021, under Beijing Biden who said he could stop the dying, 99,763 have died from the Chinese flu. That is almost 100,000 Americans dead in one month since Beijing Biden took office compared to the average of 33,134 per month under Trump. BEIJING BIDEN’S AVERAGE IS THREE TIMES GREATER.
After all the bragging Beijing Biden did on how he was going to control the deaths, after being sworn in he said:
“There’s nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months,”
You claimed Trump was killing Americans because he was doing nothing to stop the Chinese flu. Well, it seems Beijing Biden is killing Americans three times faster and you say nothing about Beijing Biden’s total failure in that arena.
You are a hypocritical idiot, Comrade Greggie.
pedophile joey is just a progressive idiot like wilson. the fairy journalist wallace interviewed the child sex predator and faux pres., the other day and Glourions America posted the interview when the pedo fell from heaven:
Fictional President Joe Biden entered the lion’s den this week when he appeared on Chris Wallace’s show. Wallace, who once applied sunscreen to Obama’s back so evenly it made Barack cry, didn’t hold back.
“You know what, President Biden? Here at Fox, our ratings are low and people are demanding accountability more than ever. So I’m just going to hit you with the tough questions,” Wallace warned.
“Did it hurt, sir?” he asked in a soft tone. “Oh, don’t give me that blank stare, Joe Joe. When you fell from heaven–did it hurt?”
Biden continued to give a far-off look until someone clearly hit him over the head with a broom.
“OH! Waaaaaa? Oh, boy. God bless me,” Joe said scrambling. “I’ll answer your question this way; You gotta pluck all the feathers before boiling. That way you can unhook the bra before Colonel Sanders walks in.”
Wallace’s eyes darted around before getting the interview back on track.
“You know, I think your inauguration speech was the best I’ve ever heard. Strike that, the best I’ve ever…had,” Wallace said winking to the camera. “By comparison, you made John Kennedy sound like Pee-wee Herman on fentanyl. Question: Do you wish you were here in the studio with me as much as I do, sir?”
For some reason, Joe was only able to make clucking sounds and the interview was cut short.
Update: KFC has asked Joe Biden not to come within 100 yards of their restaurants
@Deplorable Me, #6:
From Wikipedia’s entry on Denial, as postulated by Anna Freud :
@Greg: Is that part of your self-help program?
@MOS#8541, #9:
Whether you realize it or not, the “Biden pedophilia” b.s. has come to you by way of QAnon. There’s no corner of the Trump base that some aspect of QAnon’s craziness has not touched.
Handsy feely Biden was being talked about long before QAnon ever existed. There’s years of videos showing his fondling of young girls.
Noticed you don’t want to talk about how many Americans Beijing Biden has killed with the China flu in just one month. Why is that? Is it because if a Republican is in the White House your tact is to blame them for what China is responsible for but if a demented Democrat is in the White House that same benchmark doesn’t apply to them?
You’re a hypocritical idiot, Comrade Greggie.
@Greg: @12 bwaahahaha Qanon boogey man. Joe being a old pig was an open secret just like your Lincoln Project boy love heroes.
You seem to have an love of Pervs in powerful places.
Biden lies no vaccine before he took office but photos of him getting both doses.
There have always been people who see everywhere the evils that they can’t acknowledge when they’re much closer to home. Trump supporters’ blindness to the misconduct of Mr. Grab-’em-by-the-whatever would be an excellent example.
Did you ever see a photo of Biden smiling the the Cheshire Cat with his mini-skirted adolescent daughter sitting on his lap? How about photos of Biden and wife out on the town with Jeffrey Epstein and his procurer?
It’s utterly predictable now that people will accuse their enemies of the very things they are guilty of themselves. Trump has made it a standard part of the liars’ tool kit. A list could be made of the personal issues he has successfully countered in this fashion.
@kitt, #14:
People on the right generally don’t have a clue where much of the conspiracy theory and disinformation bouncing around inside the right wing echo chamber originated. Once injected, it disperses across the entire propaganda mechanism and then takes on the appearance of self-evident truth because it seems to come from so many different sources. It has come to the point where the most gullible can take utter nonsense like pizzagate seriously.
What does it mean when you’ve got someone as influential as Michael Flynn posting a video of himself and family members taking the QAnon oath in the back yard? It means the lunacy has gone mainstream. It all ceases to be a joke when the craziness inspires a violent mob to invade the Capitol Building to stop a vote count because their Head Idiot has assured them he actually won by a landslide an election that he lost by 8 million votes.
This King of All Jackasses is going to be a guest speaker at the upcoming C-PAC convention. After what happened on January 6th, I think they’ve got to be out of their f*cking minds. Michael Pence declined their invitation. Evidently he’s not politically suicidal. Evidently he has reservations about lending his support after the aforementioned Head Lunatic incited a violent mob that called for him to be hanged.
@Greg: Of course we have seen the photo, it isnt nipple pinching and groping minors. If you listen to the bush tape its what women would let him do, some women allow much, thinking they will land a big fish or get a sugar daddy.
We knew he was a banty rooster, we still dont care, you try to cover for creepy pedo-like behavior along with his grabby sniffy habits with every woman under 90 he came in contact with. Jeff Sessions slapped his hands away from his grand kid…everybody knew and it was long before Q.
Jill follows Hillary’s footsteps allowing her husband and Hunter unspeakable behavior, a true beta female.
I think you’ve all lost your minds.
That would have been Bubba Clinton who was on Epstein’s flight log (without his wife, of course) more than once and also accused of rape in a case settled out of court that cost him his law license that you would be thinking about.
Ah, come on, Comrade Greggie. We all know that you support pederasts like the fabulous guy you supported from the Lincoln Project. Trump has nothing to do with the fact that Beijing Biden is a groping, handsy dirty old man. And has killed more people with the Chinese flu that he could have ever hoped for. Maybe Beijing Biden’s trying to compete with Cuomo.
Qanon didn’t take the videos of the idiot, degenerate Biden groping children, nor accuse him of rape. For future reference, a valid example of a “conspiracy” was Russian collusion, something you gobbled up with a spoon. When we have real video of the idiot Biden groping children, his bragging about loving having kids sitting on his lap and numerous parents and young women complaining about his gropey nature. Will he have the Secret Service supplying him with young girls and boys, as Clinton had Arkansas Highway Patrol supplying him with girls?
Yeah… they’re called Democrats.
I absolutely cannot believe you played that card. Really? This is EXACTLY the Democrats MO. Russian collusion? Democrats. Tax evasion? Democrats. Extorting Ukraine? Democrats. Racism? Democrats. Promoting violence? Democrats. Sedition? Democrats. We’ve covered them all in explicit detail. Democrats commit the crimes, then blame Republicans.
That was how you spread the Russian collusion lie.
In your case, the craziness is combined with an obvious streak of malevolence. Whatever passes for joy with you seems to come from your unceasing efforts to find some angle you can use to hurt others. I’m sure there’s a explanation for this somewhere in your past, but that’s your issue, not mine.
There was a time when there was actual intelligent debate and discussion around this place. That ended around the same time that Trump showed up. There are no traditional conservatives left. Rational discussion is dead. Trump and his cult followers have killed all that, just as they’ll kill the GOP if the party can’t somehow rediscover its soul and foundational principles, and take a stand for them. This seems increasingly unlikely.
I look forward to Trump being utterly destroyed in court. That isn’t because I give a damn about Trump. It’s because I care about what happens to America.
Boy, you got THAT right. You leftists leapt upon and promoted every unsubstantiated lie about Trump you could find and ignored the gross negligence, trampling of justice and the Constitution committed by your degenerate party. Every time you got your rhetorical ass kicked, out came the race card. Then, when Trump was gone, you say, “OK, it’s up to YOU guys to commence the healing.”
@Greg: Biden lied about the vaccines and the moderator didnt call him on it he also wants to paint all leo and vets as terrorists, maybe because he is a domestic threat to the constitution, and those that take an oath will clearly see him as such if not now very soon.
And then you showed up with nothing but bullshit and lies.
Nope, like I said, when you got here pre-Trump.
You have no ideal what a traditional conservative is. Hell, you think the grifters of the Lincoln Project are “traditional” conservatives.
Rational discussion is not possible with liars like you.
If I were you, I’d be more worried about the damage Beijing Biden will do to the nation in the next four years that will totally kill the Democrat Party which is losing its traditional “blue collar” voter as we speak. But please, continue to contribute to that bleeding by calling every day American voters a “cult” because they don’t support a doddering old fool like Beijing Biden who is rapidly proving his policy is America Last.
What is unlikely is that you will ever admit that you are really another America Last proponent, which you are.
comrade greggy poo: you did a lot of weed and drugs in your younger days and still do. bet you are a big fan of the movie “Up in Smoke”. there are several videos on the internet of child molester biden working his magic hands. you watch a lot of cnn?? bet you are a big fan of nyc gov.?
I don’t know what’s worse; the idiot Biden lying and not even caring that the facts are well known, not getting called out for his outrageous, absurd lies or his lemmings simply accepting the fact that he either lying or a babbling moron and they don’t care.
@retire05: Imagine that; a “rational discussion” with someone that STILL believes Russian collusion, STILL thinks the Covington kids deserve to be killed, STILL ignores the violent ravages of BLM/ANTIFA, STILL thinks Trump called Nazis “fine people” and will not admit the existence of all the proven fraud Democrats committed.