“Women clubbing in revealing clothing who go out late at night drinking alcohol and dancing provocatively should not be respected”, says Muslim women in UK. What do you think? pic.twitter.com/VUF7jOVtvU
— RadioGenoa (@RadioGenoa) February 11, 2024
Muslim woman in Ireland is not happy and complains about Irish culture. She finds Irish jokes offensive and says Irish humor needs to change within Irish community. What do you think? https://t.co/1HE2cB0RHi pic.twitter.com/E4Ov4w1N2A
— RadioGenoa (@RadioGenoa) February 11, 2024
Muslim woman complains that there are too many Finns in Finland. pic.twitter.com/xXuuoT6WjX
— RadioGenoa (@RadioGenoa) February 11, 2024
— RadioGenoa (@RadioGenoa) February 11, 2024
cultural enricher landed in Europe doesn’t seem very happy. Maybe he hasn’t received his pocket money and free house yet. pic.twitter.com/jVbsarOgKC
— RadioGenoa (@RadioGenoa) February 10, 2024
Welcome to Britain pic.twitter.com/UKlOwFaDsp
— #NaMo Again (@BhaktSanatani_) February 9, 2024
La mayoría ya habréis visto el video de las agresiones, pero por si hay alguno que no lo haya visto, aquí os lo dejo.
Tenemos que reaccionar contra estas agresiones de odio visceral, sobre todo hacia las mujeres. pic.twitter.com/VYlRUDVNmZ
— Jose Monte de Jano y Val de Ibia N✠N (@Jaen_Mashiaj) February 9, 2024
Cultural enricher beats up a French girl to show who’s boss. We must close European borders and carry out mass expulsions not in words but in deeds.pic.twitter.com/XHBaWfLlsp
— #NaMo Again (@BhaktSanatani_) February 9, 2024
Old Scottish man humiliated, mocked and beaten by pack of asylum seekers. In Europe we are hostage to these imported criminals. Deportations now. pic.twitter.com/elbFnYH9RG
— RadioGenoa (@RadioGenoa) February 8, 2024
Intolerable. https://t.co/QqS2j6wj5A pic.twitter.com/QI01HIGVHl
— RadioGenoa (@RadioGenoa) February 8, 2024
Are you catching on yet?
This is what comes from Open Bordes and Biult Bridges not walls liberal nonsense
Let me guess… if anyone says we have too many Muslims here, that’s Islamophobic… right? Oh, also, “Most Muslims are really, really nice. They just won’t do anything to rein in the miscreants that give the rest a bad reputation, Right?”
This is absolute self-inflicted bullshit. Know why that doesn’t happen in a lot of places here? Because some citizen will pull out their self defense and burn them down. THAT’S what this scum respects.
If they don’t like the culture HERE, they can take their asses back to DirtFlooristan and go back to eating shit. Oh, that goes for Democrats, too.
Then there is ever so romantic Paris

Deport the type and their entire family as well. We wouldnt want to be cruel by separating families.
Should have been done long ago.
Let us set the example.
Chuck them out in the Channel, they can swim home, or feed the fishes, it’s all good.
Come here to get your outrage fix. Being a total asshole is unrelated to race, nationality, religion, or gender. It’s a matter of being a morally defective human being.
RadioGenoa on X: “It looks like Islamabad but it’s Manchester. UK has lost its identity. https://t.co/ZIUcQN0vtU” / X (twitter.com)
RadioGenoa on X: “Naked Muslim prays to Allah in Paris airport. https://t.co/kVEfHlJwTA” / X (twitter.com)
It should make the search for weapons and explosives very easy.
I suspect he’s just a sad, broken human being who finally couldn’t take it anymore. Maybe God was his last hope.
Biden left behinds weapons for the Enemy to use when he plans to disarm us all you Pinhead
This kind of thing (praying anywhere that disrupts others) is very common.
RadioGenoa on X: ““I want to pray to Allah now!” A Muslim pray on motorway in Istanbul. What do you think? https://t.co/f3GmzHZj9y” / X (twitter.com)
RadioGenoa on X: “”You can’t pass, we have to pray!” Streets in Amsterdam become mosques. https://t.co/BunKUwjjFH” / X (twitter.com)
RadioGenoa on X: “UK has lost its identity. These people did not come to assimilate into European culture, they came to conquer and replace British people. Allah wants this. https://t.co/B5TBQSv8Tl” / X (twitter.com)
He can find his God back in his home country.
RadioGenoa on X: “Muslim immigrants in UK want to impose Sharia law. https://t.co/2FNzVLJUGL” / X (twitter.com)
Christianists want to impose religious law in the United States. Keep religion out of the law.
How so?
One example: those who wish to make gay marriage illegal again because it offends their religious sensibilities.
So what? Are religious people not allowed to have sensibilities? Or is it that the lefts is the only opinion that anyone should have?
Hell, you don’t even know why “marriage” laws were instituted in the U.S. to begin with. Another subject you are illiterate on.
Who is trying to make gay marriage illegal again?
Like thou shalt not murder, steal, lie?
The insanity is deep in you.
These are not isolated incidents
RadioGenoa on X: “Cultural enricher attacks defenseless woman from behind while his friend films and laughs. Intolerable. https://t.co/20jwl6wtuC” / X (twitter.com)
Rape and murder are not isolated incidences either, mental illness or cultural difference is always the excuse.
Authorities never correct the issue, “‘Hamas a future partner for peace’: says new Nationalist Northern Irish First Minister,” then there are the delusional.
The shooter at the mega church was a sympathizer and thought she was a man, got her kid shot the child not expected to make it.
Another mentally ill trans shooter.
Not trans. Stop spreading hateful lies.
What hateful lies, groomer?
Trying to lay responsibility for a murder on the doorstep of a group that is not responsible for it.
So by your rules, you can’t call a black a “chocolate” although the black mayor of New York does; you can’t call a self-identifying lesbian a lesbian, and now you can’t call a trans-gender a trans?
How about the left stop with the MAGA names?
You asked a question, I answered it, and your response indicates you didn’t read my answer.
Oh, I read your answer. But what does calling a trans what they claim they are have to do with a “group?” What “group?”
Is that like the plural Christianists?
According to Hassig, Moreno used “multiple aliases, including Jeffrey Escalante.”
It is a sickness in the gender confused whackjobs
And the left promotes it, instead of promoting treatment.
What do you call a male that identifies as a female? I thought we called them “trans”. I guess there’s a new euphemism for trans that try to commit mass murder?
Trans radical. Numerous mass shooting recently by people confused whether the have an inny or an outy.
Not trans. Stop spreading hateful lies.
So hard to hate the dead.
Moreno also used the name Jeffrey Moreno Carranza in a divorce case, CNN reported.
Another beauty
RadioGenova on X: “https://t.co/cJtm2IL2qU” / X (twitter.com)
Hashtag #Right Wing Fear Porn
Reality isnt exactly fear porn, saying we are all gonna die from a virus you have 99% chance of survival, is fear porn.

If you dont want to see Trump be President go get a fucking booster.
Dont forget the maintenance on your car
It’s political porn. Trumpworld runs on fear and anger.
Damn the left just cant meme.

Anything you can do I can do better.
Caught this, do they know why we dont need a police force?

Our men are well armed in the city it would be called a cache.
100 deep? thats just 3 guys with a 30 round clip and grandma with her old 10 round bolt action. No we are not afraid.
Oh, you’re so tough. So, so tough! The 101st Keyboarders shall Rise again!
Avoiding my questions again, groomer?
Just Mikey looking for a bone, again.
They dont want to comment on the invasion of Europe.
You are insane.
Like I said, Trumpworld runs on fear and anger.
It runs on hope, we hope we can fix the FU of 4 years of a corrupt lawless regime that hates Americans.
Remind me again, who it that is trying to get Trump kicked off ballots because they are afraid of him as a Presidential opponent?
Show us where that has ever happened, or anything close. YOU are propagating lying made up fear porn. How about all your Trump fear porn?
He can probably get a deduction for it on his 1040… if he even files. Democrats don’t usually have to pay taxes.
So, it’s your position that none of this happens?