Todd Beamon:
Harvard Law School professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz told Newsmax TV on Tuesday that “I don’t see a crime” in Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting last year with a lawyer with ties to the Russian government.
“Even if there was coordination, even if the worst-case scenario as far as we know now is the Russians getting in touch with Trump Jr. and saying: ‘We have some dirt on Hillary Clinton. Come. We’ll give it to you,'” he told Miranda Khan on “America Talks Live” in an interview.
“And he goes and gets the information.
“That’s what The New York Times did in the Pentagon Papers. That’s what The Washington Post did and many other newspapers did with information from [Edward] Snowden and [Chelsea] Manning.
“You are allowed legally to use material that was obtained illegally, as long as you had nothing to do with the illegal nature of obtaining the information.
“So, at the moment, I see no legal jeopardy for Trump Jr.,” Dershowitz concluded, “but of course we have to know more facts.
“Simply using the material that you know was obtained illegally is not at the moment regarded as a crime.
“It would be wrong to prosecute somebody for that non-crime.”
the liberals want to prosecute everyone who does not agree with the mentality of a terrorist. if the slut would have been placed in the oral office-thought crimes would be investigated and arranged as a felony I. it is obvious that dc is truly of city of whores thatt line up everyday for a paycheck.
1. Didn’t some Hillary operatives go and visit a foreign Miss Universe loser to see if she had dirt on Trump?
But so what?
And, 2., if Dems think they can impeach based on acts done BEFORE a person takes office, why not go after Trump for his infidelities between marriages? (At least those are his own actions, not an associate’s.)
Hillary would be in trouble, too, were she to try to run again.
In fact, so would anyone with only one exception: Jesus Christ.
(And he wouldn’t run.)
Unfortunatly the demac-RATS are on a witch hunt trying to bring down Trump and they’ll use any dirty little trick in their little black books to do so
@Nanny G: I know a number of people who voted for Jesus Christ–I believe he finished 5th or 6th just behind John Kasich and Mickey Mouse.
DT’S “infidelities between marriages”? How bout the ones during his marriages?
“Witch hunt” is Trump Team and his Trumpeteer’s meme. Nobody else buys it.
Trump wanted to form joint cyber-security network with Russians to prevent future hacking. Did HarryTruman huddle with Japanese Emperor to discuss a security program designed to prevent future Pearl Harbor attacks?
@Rich Wheeler:
You sure those weren’t registered Democrat voters?
@Deplorable Me J.C. supporters were Evangelical Christian Conservatives/Repubs. who deplored aforementioned Trump infidelities..
Disgruntled Dems backed MICKEY.
@Rich Wheeler:
Name one state in the USA where marriage infidelity is a ‘crime’? Did you feel that the dozens of affairs that both JFK and Jackie had were something impeachable? Both had numerous affairs. Jackie even had affairs with two of her brother-in -laws. I’ll bet you’ll even deny any of that happened, based solely on them being Dimocrats.
@Rich Wheeler:
I have no knowledge if he ‘huddled’ with the Emperor, but I know the US certainly had many many discussions and agreements and treaties with Japan to insure that a future Pearl Harbor didn’t happen.
Would you be opposed to US-Russia negotiations to prevent any future war between the two powers?
@Redteam: To quote RR There you go again RT. I never said infidelity was a crime or an impeachable offense—I said Evangelicals tend to bash it–though they’re often the worst offenders..
It’s bad enough you throw around crazy allegations about others—please stop putting up stuff I haven’t said—Thanks
In fact if you promise to stop telling lies about me I’ll promise to stop telling the truth about you. thanks Adlai
@Rich Wheeler: Got your boogey men RW.
Those thumpers and the Russians. You need to go soak your head. Take a good look at Podesta he made big bucks from Russian deals, had Hillary won there would be no investigations.
Keep sucking up the CIA directed MSM its a grand production.
@kitt: Reason To Believe/ Maggie May—doesn’t get any better–Thanks for throwback this Thurs.
You go ahead and dig those Ruskies—not me.
Thumpers being Trumpists? I find that absurd–though telling.
CIA/ FBI Trumpists now in charge–they say Russians hacked–investigation not a witch hunt–Mueller to be trusted.
Fake news–most of DT’S tweets
@Richard Wheeler:
RW, you don’t really think that just because a new president comes into office that the CIA automatically changes their allegiance, do you? Then how can you explain the CIA being heavily involved in the death of JFK?
that was in comment 4, prior to the admission of Evangelicals into the discussion. Stick with the truth, as I do, and you’ll do ok.
@Redteam: RT—You and The Truth are rarely compatible—Like I said before you post B.S purely for effect–kinda like DT. I got it.
Once again Trump’s appointed CIA and FBI directors disagree with him–He’s on a limb with his kids and some old white guys–that’s it.
@Richard Wheeler:
Not me but I wont make them a boogeyman either. Seems they are only pals when cash is pouring into Dems poketbooks, they no longer are useful, 97% chance of winning was found to be another media hoax. Get the uranium monies and chuck em under the bus. Mosul is taken, lets not report too much on victories, we are too ticked-off about middle America not buying the crap they released during the election.
So against the Superpowers getting along ?
@Rich Wheeler:
The Truth, as in, you mean ‘your truth’. Which is not related to reality.
But you just said that they are ‘Trump’s Team’. Try to keep up RW. Saw where the Rainbow Warriors marches are now showing their ‘formerly’ sexual tools to little kids in the parades. Sounds like ‘life in gayfornia’. Hope you’re staying at home while your pals are doing that crap. Not something you should get involved in, unless you’re trying to stop it.
Didn’t you say you had donated your chaps to a fundraising deal?
@Redteam: You’re the guy that can’t stop talking about chaps RT.
Have you seen the Congressional hearings?–Trump’s appointees don’t agree with him–he should stay in Paris.
Kitt–Trump eeeeked out a win but he’s doing his best to turn it all back—totally inept circular firing squad and 70% of America knows it.
@Rich Wheeler: He has shown enough wisdom to let the military handle ISIS, not drawing imaginary lines in the sand, or arming the terrorists. Trumps flexibility with the Russians may not be as pliable as the last administrations. Setting up safe zones or safe cities may save Europe, they might even start sending those under investigations back before they bomb another kiddie concert.
@Rich Wheeler: Y