After Brutalizing Trump For Doubting Elections, Joe Biden And Jen Psaki Tell Americans To Doubt Elections

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Leftist media and the White House are in full damage control mode after Joe Biden said the same kinds of things Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and others have said about past elections, but this time about an election that hasn’t even occurred yet.
During his second press conference in more than a year in office, Biden slipped in several comments about the trustworthiness of American elections similar to those that got Trump and myriad others banned and sanctioned by every major social media platform and pummelled by Republican Party leadership after the 2020 election. Here are a few of the many things Biden said about elections during that Jan 19. press conference (emphasis added):

I’m confident that we can take the case to the American people that the people they should be voting for — who are going to oversee whether your elections, in fact, are legit or not — should not be those who are being put up by the Republicans to det- — to determine that they’re going to be able to change the outcome of the election. 
…I’m going to continue to make the case why it’s so important to not turn the electoral process over to political persons who are set up deliberately to change the outcome of elections. …

Q    Thank you, Mr. President.  Speaking of voting rights legislation, if this isn’t passed, do you still believe the upcoming election will be fairly conducted and its results will be legitimate?
THE PRESIDENT:  Well, it all depends on whether or not we’re able to make the case to the American people that some of this is being set up to try to alter the outcome of the election.
…We have significantly beefed up a number of enforcers in the Justice Department, who are there to challenge these unconstitutional efforts, in our view — unconstitutional efforts on the part of the Republicans to stack the election and subvert the outcome. 
Q    Thank you, sir.  I just wanted to clarify: A moment ago, you were asked whether or not you believed that we would have free and fair elections in 2022 if some of these state legislatures reformed their voting protocols.  You said that it depends.  Do you — do you think that they would in any way be illegitimate?
THE PRESIDENT:  Oh, yeah, I think it easily could be — be illegitimate.

Doing her usual after-the-fact message tightening for the geriatric “world leader,” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki essentially said Biden hadn’t said the 2022 midterms were going to be illegitimate, but the midterms are going to be illegitimate.
It’s nothing short of amazing that Psaki has finally realized that elections without transparency and voter protections should be assumed to be “nefarious.” It’s interesting that she and Biden are returning now to this longtime Democrat allegation about elections Democrats lose, however.

This is all the more curious as not two weeks ago, Biden again declared Trump’s objections to the 2020 election’s outcome were scandalously out of bounds: “He [Trump] has done what no president in American history — the history of this country — has ever, ever done: He refused to accept the results of an election and the will of the American people,” Biden said in a Jan. 6, 2022 speech.
Two weeks later, as president, Biden pre-emptively refused to accept the results of an American election. And his press secretary indicated that unless state legislatures keep the least secure form of voting — mass mail-in ballots — voters should not trust election outcomes.
Anyone who was around last year for the aftermath of the 2020 election will add this messaging reversal to their long list of insane things Democrat voters are asked to believe before breakfast, right next to “men can become women” and “it’s okay that the same people who claim to fight discrimination and punch fascists support taking children away from parents who don’t vaccinate them against a disease that poses less risk to them than the seasonal flu.”
Someone who can’t tell a man from a woman is in no condition to exercise power over others, he needs therapy. The same goes for people who aren’t handicapped but can’t manage to show up at a polling location on voting day. If you are able-bodied and don’t care enough to get yourself there at the right time, please don’t vote, okay? My rights are on the line here. Those are important enough for people to take a little effort to respect. I don’t want my rights to be as easy to erase as it is to shout down people on Twitter.
Remember ten minutes ago, when it was effectively illegal to say online just about anywhere that one has doubts about whether elections are secure? It’s still effectively illegal for Trump to say that online. I’d love to see videos on social media, in fact, of people reading the above quotes from Biden’s press conference, and nothing more, and putting them on social media. I bet you $10 it gets people banned by some woke, low-level Twitter censor.

That’s what was happening when Trump said the same sorts of things about the 2020 election. In advance of the count, social media companies worked with the Democratic campaign to choke and censor his and others’ claims about election integrity. He was ultimately banned from virtually all online platforms partly because of his election claims, according to the companies.
Trump’s urging to “stop the steal” was cited as an incitement to violence in hundreds, if not tens of thousands, of not only media reports but also his post-office impeachment. He was famously asked during his presidential debates with Hillary Clinton whether he’d agree the election was legitimate if he lost, and answered, “I’ll look at it at the time,” which earned him massive media condemnation.
But, as the video above shows and my colleague Mollie Hemingway documents in her bestselling book, “Rigged,” the left has spent decades questioning the results of elections they lose, as well as the integrity of voting machines and paper ballots, while not only facing zero sustained blowback over it but in fact being taken seriously by the entire political complex. These are not fringe Democrats we’re talking about, but marquee names like Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Al Gore, and John Kerry.
The cognitive dissonance demanded of people here is brain-breaking.

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Cognitive dissonance.

Cognitive dissonance is a term for the state of discomfort felt when two or more modes of thought contradict each other. The clashing cognitions may include ideas, beliefs, or the knowledge that one has behaved in a certain way.

Dems have it so bad they are blind to it.
If Dems could be consistent in their thinking for even a few weeks it would cure them of so much of their odd beliefs, like this one about doubting elections.

Valid comment!

It appears that there is a new therapy to combat TDS in democrat politicians being described by the New York Times. This would allow President Biden to regain his popularity by just implementing some of Trump’s policies.

Ensuring that citizens doubt the outcomes of elections is key in any authoritarian takeover.

This started with Bush (some still think Gore won), and continued on with any and every Republican victory.

Democrats are cheating. They rigged 2020 and they will rig 2024 if given the chance.

Projecting the opposite just to cover their own actions is what they do about everything.

Biden’s handlers have him saying things just to flaunt the fact that they installed him illegally, with voter fraud, and got away with it.

They have the chance and they will do it. It simply has to be identified, stopped and punished without the left being allowed to run out the clock.

What are we supposed to understand from all of this? At least three things: the left believes people the left hates are not allowed to exercise the same freedoms the left wants for itself; the left thinks they can tell their voters just about anything and they will accept it, even if it contradicts other narratives; and the left believes that they cannot win secure elections.

In a nutshell. Democrats understand and accept they are lied to on a regular basis. They accept that they HAVE to be lied to, for the truth would only drive them away. So, one minute they are told Trump treacherously denounces elections then a minute later they are told, according to idiot Biden, elections are going to be illegitimate because fraud was not legalized, and they accept both lies.

No, Democrats don’t want secure elections. In fact, that’s the LAST thing they want, and that is a danger to elections. We saw how fraud works in 2020 and we saw how disastrous the outcome can be.

I’m tempted to quote Joe Biden’s open microphone comment of earlier today. His observation was accurate, and it has a very wide application.

Joe said that inflation was a great asset.
A great thing.
When you are so far in debt that your interst alone mounts up over $1,000 per SECOND, this makes a twisted level of sense.
For all the rest of us, it does not. the 4 biggest things in the US budget:
Medicare/Medicaid, Social Security, Defense/War and Interest on the US Debt.
Joe doesn’t care that high inflation destroys the value of the USDollar.
Joe doesn’t care that high inflation turns that new $15/hr min wage into a wage loss.
Heck, probably Joe didn’t even realize he made any valid point.
His brain is mush.
All he was trying to do was be contrary when it came to Fox News.

You’re probably tempted to be objective instead of a partisan morin who is easily dismissed…but we know you’ve said no too much of your identity riding these with these un-democratic idiots down into a Marxist hell.

Biden must be removed and new election, free of Democrat fraud, held.

There’s just much evidence for any sane American to call Biden anything more than the former VP.

Trump’s efforts to pressure Georgia election and state officials into helping him overturn the 2020 election are now the subject of a Special Grand Jury criminal investigation. That means an enforceable power to subpoena any relevant evidence, and any witnesses who have direct knowledge of the situation. Welcome to Truth or Consequences.

I don’t know why people riding down a hill in a burning wagon loaded with dynamite don’t jump out while they can.

Last edited 3 years ago by Greg

Why not jump? Maybe it’s faith in Team Trump’s ability to continue to make mockery of both the Constitution and law. They could all plead the Fifth, putting things off until Trump’s Party Members take control of Congress in 2023. Then there would be 2024. Official immunity from prosecution for The Leader!

As always, every example you try to express is rife with violence, i.e. people riding in a burning wagon loaded with dynamite, a violent happening. But then, no one should be surprised because the actions of the left have always revolved around violence.

Violence is the basis of all actions of the left. Without violence, you have no power as your philosophy is without merit.

Trump enforced and kept true to the Constitution.

You Leftists and the Democrats are not.

It’s that simple.

@Greg I don’t know why people riding down a hill in a burning wagon loaded with dynamite don’t jump out while they can.
Greg the Biden wagon’s wheels have all fallen off yet here you sit waiting for the firefighters put out of work by mandates. It will be fine when you arrive at the hospital short of nurses and doctors because of mandates.

Biden isn’t the guy who took steps to try to remain in office after losing an election.

Biden isn’t the guy who took steps to try to remain in office after losing an election.

Trump did’nt mandate essential workers into unemployment cut off of all benefits.
Trump has stopped YMCA on exit of his super highly attended rallies.

Trump didn’t mandate… 

That’s right. For a long time he didn’t do much of anything, other than tell people that COVID was in the bag, and would just go away at the first sign of summer weather. Everybody should just go about their business, and that would happen.

You have a very short memory , we do not.
PPE, ventilators, mobile hospitals, peace treaties, energy independence just to name a few things.
They pulled a flu vaxx after only 3 deaths, this one has over 20K deaths over 1 million injured and doesnt work. So its mandated?
If Trump was still in office this death shott would have never been allowed to do this much damage.

Last edited 3 years ago by kitt

Trump was right.

We should have done that, treated covid when we got it, got vaxxed, and continued living.

Instead we’re in a civil war with idiots.

But Biden is the one who stages a false-flag because he didn’t win an election, and was part of an illegal installation against the wishes of the American People.

You say overturn. We say stop election fraud.

There’s a big difference when you criminal clowns get to make up your own rules and commit crimes under the guise of enforcing them.

Idiot Biden is an incredibly stupid son of a bitch. He needs to answer why he won’t act to reverse the problems he has created that is hurting his incompetent regime.

January 24, 2022 – Feds looking at fake 2020 elector certificates for potential criminal charges, DOJ official says

The Justice Department is weighing whether to press criminal charges over fake Electoral College certifications in the 2020 election, Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco told CNN on Tuesday.

“Our prosecutors are looking at those and I can’t say anything more about ongoing investigations,” Monaco told CNN…

They weren’t merely faked. They were submitted to the Archivist of the United States at the National Archives and Records Administration as official electoral certificates.

This was done in seven separate states, each critical to the outcome of the election. You’d have to be simple to think this wasn’t part of a larger, coordinated effort.

Last edited 3 years ago by Greg

Comrade Greggie, have you seen Biden’s approval rating? Do you really think the nation’s majority is still behind this demented old fraud who has been on the take for his entire political career? Do you really think your standard blathering is going to win out in November 2022?

You POS lefties failed to take into account the one thing that people will never let the government control; their kids. The Kung flu promoters demanded “virtual” learning and boy, howdy, did the parents learn. They learned what you scum were teaching their kids and right, left and independent are now p!ssed and there is no turning back. Fewer and fewer Americans have any trust or faith in the DOJ, or any other Federal agency.

We don’t want your Socialism and you will soon learn that, in spades.

Prattle about Biden’s ratings all you want. I’m interested in the odds that Trump will go to prison. He’s the clear and present danger, not Biden.

@ greg I’m interested in the odds that Trump will go to prison. Go mortgage everything max out your credit cards blow it all on a celebration party then buy 1 single lottery ticket, ROFLMAO

Last edited 3 years ago by kitt

The new coordinated and fully constitutional effort, AZ doing same.

**HUGE BREAKING NEWS** — Wisconsin Assembly Votes to Advance Rep. Ramthun’s Resolution to Reclaim Wisconsin’s Electors For President and Vice President That Were Certified Under Fraudulent Purposes — VIDEO

Still do not understand the Electoral act of 1877 nor the 12 amendment to the Constitution. The slates of electors submitted were not fraudulent. On the contrary, they were submitted as alternate electors, completely constitutional. The Electoral Act of 1877 provides for a process to challenge electors of any and all states if necessary. The continued perprtation of misinformation shows only a lack of intelligence on your part.

At the 5+ minute mark explains the submission of alternate electors is completely consitutional and required un the Electoral Act of 1877.

Victory in Wisconsin…
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Wisconsin Elections Commission retracts ballot box guidance


MADISON, Wis. (AP) — The Wisconsin Elections Commission voted unanimously Wednesday to retract its guidance that allowed for multiple absentee ballot boxes and for people other than the voter to return absentee ballots, in compliance with a state Supreme Court order. The bipartisan commission met Wednesday morning, less than 12 hours after polls closed in the state’s spring primary Tuesday night.


The Supreme Court last week ruled that current guidance on drop boxes and delivering absentee ballots could remain in place only through Tuesday’s primary. It rejected the elections commission’s request to keep current guidance in place through the April 5 general election.


The elections commission voted to send all of the state’s 1,800-plus local election clerks a letter explaining to them absentee ballot drop boxes can no longer be placed outside of clerk’s offices.


The Supreme Court has yet to rule on the appeal of the Waukesha County circuit court’s ruling disallowing drop boxes. It may not issue its final ruling until after the April 5 election.


State law is silent on drop boxes, but the elections commission had told local election officials they could be placed at multiple locations. Hundreds of them were in place across the state in 2020.


We know now that drop boxes were a critical source for creating fradulent votes…

More states need to follw Wisconsin’s retraction of fraud drop boxes

Noted Pollster Warns Democrats They’re In Danger Of Losing Working Class Voters Of All Races

The Democratic pollster Stanley Greenberg delivered a warning to his party on Monday, saying there’s a possibility it’s at risk of losing working-class voters of color.
“After studying working-class voters for nearly four decades, I believe the trajectory can be shifted or reversed. But there is no room for error. There is no room for fools,” Greenberg wrote in the magazine American Prospect.

Will Democrats catch on? Will they notice the about-face on issues simply because the elitists miscalculated the acceptance of the far, far leftist positions? Take Puto O’Rook for example, who in no uncertain terms called for gun confiscation. He now touts himself as a defender and protector of the 2nd Amendment. Or the drunken sot Pelosi declaring the Democrats are and always have been supporters of law and order and NOT the party of “defund the police”? If any Democrats are smart, their base should continue to shrink as the only people that are fooled by this tactic would be those who don’t care about the 2nd Amendment or law and order.