10 People Shot at a High School and The Mainstream Media Basically Ignores The Story, WHY?

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A tale of two shootings. One shooting catches the biased mainstream media’s attention and the other doesn’t. Why? Well, for starters – one of the shootings doesn’t suit the left’s political agenda, while the other one does.

A tale of two shootings.

One shooting catches the biased mainstream media’s attention and the other doesn’t.


Well, for starters – one of the shootings doesn’t suit the left’s political agenda, while the other one does.

The high school shooting occurred in a deep red southern state – Alabama.

Strike one.

The high school shooting was carried out by a black teen who was targeting other black teens.

Strike two.

According to CNN, the shooting was likely sparked by a neighborhood beef: “Why are the young people bringing this type of violence to public events. They’re bringing their beefs that they have with each other in their neighborhoods and they’re putting other people in harm’s way. This is unacceptable for people to not to be able to come out and enjoy an event,” said one of the parents attending the game.

Strike three. 

So, one mass shooting gets swept under the rug, while the other mass shooting is used and abused by grandstanding phony politicians in an effort to try and strip law-abiding citizens of their rights by pushing for more useless gun control.

Now, on the flip side, the recent Texas shooting in the twin cities of Odessa and Midland, fit the mainstream media profile of the typical mass shooter villain…a crazed white man, somewhere in his 30’s, who is raging out of control for no apparent reason.

So, you can imagine how quickly desperate politicians like Beto O’Rourke will jump on the tragedy.

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Well, you know. A black kid doing Margaret Sangar’s job: pulling the weeds. The left totally ignored the Highland Ranch, Colorado shooting as well. Not only did the left ignore Kate Steinle’s murder, they have worked tirelessly to get the perpetrator absolved.

They don’t care about public safety. They want disarmament. They don’t care what happens to defenseless citizens, they want an easy path to enacting their oppressive agenda.