You can only contain your inner Lenin for so long [Reader Post]

The real Vladimir Ilyich Obama stands up

As part of his fantasy “deficit reduction” plan, Barack Obama proposed a number of new taxes. One of them was the so-called “Buffett Rule.” When it was initially proposed, it was part of the plan to reduce the deficit.

Live from New York – It’s The Hunger Games! [Reader Post]

Sometimes even a 24/7 news cycle can get so heavily dominated by a handful of stories that everything else seems to disappear. Just as we started to wind down from the tale of a future 1 percenter complaining that a religious-affiliated school should pay for her birth control, we’ve jumped into the Trevon Martin case becoming the focal point of the left’s “Keep Hate Alive” campaign for 2012, along with leftist leadership starting to launch pre-emptive attacks against the Supreme Court for potentially committing that horrific act of judicial activism known as striking down an unconstitutional law. In this hurricane one story sadly got buried in the mix.

Say What? April 9, 2012 Edition. [Reader Post]

President Obama: “My entire career has been a testimony of American exceptionalism.”

President Obama: “[Ronald Reagan] could not get through a Republican primary today.” And yet, nearly every Republican candidate speaks of his affection for President Reagan.

Oh those crazy Jewbagging kids! [Reader Post]

I can say without a doubt that my past is loaded with youthful indiscretions followed by a condensation trail of beer cans and cigarette butts as I rocketed into my forties. To say I speak with sympathetic experience when it comes to matters of drunken idiocy would be an understatement. With that being said….

What the hell is this little Debbie Wasserman Schultz protégée thinking?

Why do Leftists Hate Women? [Reader Post]

From the title of this post you might think that this is yet another blog entry calling out leftist hypocrisy over Rush Limbaugh’s comments toward Sandra Fluke. There is no need for me to add to those arguments – leftist misogyny has already been well documented, at least when it comes to conservative women. Apparently love for diversity and respectful dialog ends for the leftist when a woman (or any other member of the permanent victimhood community based on their gender, race, or sexual orientation) strays from leftist orthodoxy. But I’m not just talking about conservative women today. The recent Fluke controversy shows the left’s disdain for all women.

Say What? March 26,2012 [Reader Post]

Jodi Miller: “White House spokesman Jay Carney said, that most of President Obama’s time is not spent campaigning, and he’s right. Most of the president’s time is spent playing golf, vacationing, apologizing to our enemies, and running our economy into the ground.”

Hollywood’s heartwarming paean to Barack Obama [Reader Post]

I’ve just sat through the 17 minute homage to Barack Obama narrated by Tom Hanks. How is it possible that Barack Obama’s approval rating is even close to 50%? Why isn’t it 100%? According to Hanks, Barack Obama is the real deal. Fearless. Intrepid. Selfless. And most of all: Successful. Like Lincoln before him, the events of the day forced his hand and the resulting display of courage and skill showed the greatness of the man.