Obama’s “Green Energy” Program and Politics [Reader Post]

That President Barack Hussein Obama has made “green energy” a priority of his administration is no secret. Under the Obama watch, the Department of Energy (DOE), headed by Dr. Steven Chu, has spent, loaned, or guaranteed loans, and the total amount is $80 billion. And we all know that Solyndra failed, costing taxpayers over $500 million. So what? you say. That’s old news. Well, as the late (great IMHO) Paul Harvey used to say, here is “the rest of the story.”

Democrats’ first step in regulating profits of all businesses [Reader Post]

Dennis Kucinich is arguably one of the most anti-American members of the United States Congress and seems continuously determined to prove it. He has introduced a plan to regulate oil company profits- or, rather to prevent them.

Six House Democrats, led by Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), want to set up a “Reasonable Profits Board” to control gas profits.

So You Want To Win The Nomination

The GOP candidates are struggling for position like horses in a long race; except they must contend not only with each other, but with Obama’s State Directed Media as well. For the MSM is intent on ruining the reputation of all but their personal picks with innuendo, fraud, false accusations, and lies. If there is an element of truth within the onslaught of smears, the public, except for the witless believers and those who suck blindly of the Socialist teat of Marxist pablum, have become immune to the assault of the media.

Without subsidies, wind tubines stop turning [Reader Post]

Dutch fall out of love with windmills

Towering over the waves of the North Sea like an army of giants, blades whipping through the wind, the turbines were the country’s best hope to curb carbon emissions and meet growing demand for electricity.

The 36 turbines — each one the height of a 30-storey building — produce enough electricity to meet the needs of more than 100,000 households each year.

Obama’s Pals Received Billions from the Department of Energy Loan Program

And as the lazy, whining, and confused OWS nimrods march we get this news.

At least ten members of President Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign finance committee, plus more than a dozen of his campaign bundlers, benefited from sweetheart loans through the Department of Energy (DOE) that collectively dwarfed those given to Solyndra and Fisker.

White House Delivers Some Solyndra Documents, Refuses Subpoena For The Rest

How curious it is that the Obama Administration decided to release some more documents related to the the Solyndra scandal on a Friday. A day that any news released is most certainly going to be overlooked by the friends of Obama, our media.

So they release 135 pages of documents AND rejected the House of Representatives subpoena for the rest.

Man, all this time I figured you couldn’t refuse a subpoena…..silly me I suppose eh?

“Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them.” Ronald Reagan [Reader Post]

If the government does not tax you on something, is it giving you a subsidy? Many politicians and the general public often answers yes. The premise underlying this Marxist view is that government owns all wealth and property, and only through its benevolence may you be allowed to use some of it. Liberal politicians often imply that a tax break is the same as a subsidy. However, a tax break is an instance of government taking no action, when the government keeps its hands off your property. A subsidy, by contrast, occurs when the government actively distributes tax money. Subsidization is a positive and destructive action taken by government.

Democrats Threaten Government Shutdown, Hold Up Of Disaster Relief, To Protect Green Energy Cronies

So let me get this straight. With unemployment over 9%, with our economy in shambles, and the world starting to panic over their own economy, the brilliant plan by Reid and his cronies is to shut down the federal government?


Cronyism, Bailouts, and Media Bias inside the Solyndra Collapse

535 million dollars in taxpayer money, flushed down the drain by Obama and crew to fund a company that everyone knew was going bankrupt, will be just the tip of the iceberg if what the Washington Post is reporting is true:

If the 20 companies that have won loans so far deliver all the new jobs they have promised, they will hire a total of 8,050 new workers for permanent positions. Half of those 20 companies have neither created nor saved any permanent jobs yet; several won their loans only recently. Even the BrightSource project, which employs 700 construction workers now, will employ only 86 people on a permanent basis.

The cost for those 8,000 jobs? Close to 19 billion dollars of taxpayer money: