Scott Walker has a messaging problem [Reader Post]

Wisconsin governor Scott Walker has a problem. It’s not the smelly, indian sitting – Kumbaya singing activists who are turning the statehouse into Woodstock ’11. Although they are a problem – it’s primarily to the olfactory system. Nor is it the union thugs who are harassing reporters, people who dare to voice their support of the Governor and representatives on their way to their offices.

Unions- that’s where the big money is [Reader Post]

Ken Vogel at Politico, who seldom misses a chance to bash conservatives, does his best to convince us that the effort to eliminate collective bargaining is the result of a long term right wing conspiracy.

The conservative assault on public sector unions that seemed to explode out of nowhere in Wisconsin and spread across the Midwest was in fact months – if not years – in the making, the result of methodical polling, lobbying, messaging, grassroots organizing and policy crafting by a coterie of well-funded conservative groups.

The face of unions [Reader Post]

The loss of collective bargaining does not bust unions. It does not remove their ability to bargain for wages, contrary to the stupidity we’re all seeing.

At one time unions served some kind of purpose, but they are irrelevant today other than serving as a means of guaranteeing mediocrity. Unions brought the auto industry to its knees and Obama has pinned the bill for their legacy costs on our futures.

Obama’s Marxism Disguised As Unionism

Please people, email this video to all your Conservative friends around the world. We can be the impetus that makes this video become viral. The people of the world should realize that the new unionism is selling the new Marxism as unionism; people are buying into unionism who would have never considered supporting Marxism and financing it with billions of dollars. Our president is using his position of president to facilitate this March of Marxism around the world. The regular activities of his office don’t concern him: he is only concerned with advancing the union cause or those who are allied with the unions, including minority dupes, Islamists, and Communists.

Being A Community Organizer Isn’t As Great As You Might Think

Community Organizing is a tough job, I threw my hat into the political ring as a young man. I ran as the Community Organizer of our little local ranching Community. No one ran against me and I won handily. I was quite impressed with my early success in politics and figured I was on the way up the political ladder. The position of Community Organizer had several responsibilities and people expected a lot from me in this unpaid political position. I rented out the community hall and made sure that all the burnt out light bulbs were replaced, I made sure there was toilet paper in the outhouse and that there were no drunks or animals sleeping in it, I attended the community pasture meetings and listened to the ranchers yell at each other, and I was in charge of the community grave yard.

Governor Walker’s Fireside Chat to Taxpayers

Gov. Scott Walker called for civility on Tuesday night, declined to back down from tough stance with public employee unions and raised the possibility of thousands of layoffs in state and local government.

In a televised speech from the Governor’s Conference Room, Walker calmly laid out his position for state employees to pay a higher share of their fringe benefits, and his more controversial proposal to eliminate most of their bargaining rights.