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Nice Guys trying to do the Right things do not need to be threatened by anyone of the likes of SEIU, Outsiders from anywhere else and Especially the Clowns from DC that have no Legal standing in interference with Wisconsin’s Budget Reconciliation.

Fortunately there remains some sanity

A hopeful sign that we may someday return to a democratic union.

@blackiris: Well I hope that You know that Yer Boy Rhambo would not let You Own that fine pistola in Chicago. Your 2nd Amendment Rights mean less than Nothing to him.

Democracy My @ss!

Unions, Liberals and Democrats don’t mind ‘Sacrifice’ so long as ‘others’ are doing the ‘sacrificing’.

They need to stop whining they still have their jobs and damn good ones too. Pretty much cannot be laid off unlike the private sector. Many, Many people in the United States are HURTING! And trickle down effect…Wisconsin and many other States and (mostly liberal) Governors played kick the can down the road because they didn’t want to tackle the TOUGH ISSUES and Wisconsin and many other states are the result of that kind of thinking. Now we ‘all’ have to face the music… not just ‘some’ of us – like it or not.

Heck the last two Governors Corzine and McGreevy in NJ spent the Money saved in the Unemployment Funds putting NJ in a hole . I swear, Liberals have a hole burning in their pockets and feel the need to spend spend spend spend tax tax tax tax tax a Vicious never ending Cycle and No Fiscal Responsibility whatsoever. Now the “Adults” are in charge!

I support Governor Walker he is doing the Right (Tough Love) thing for his State. Too bad the protesters in Wisconsin don’t want to save their ‘brethren’ in Wisconsin by doing the right thing and ‘ sacrificing’ as they want the “Taxpayers” who pay their salary’s to do …. indefinitely. …

I live here and while I appreciate the Governors speech I am afraid it will not do much to change anybodys opinion. Both sides are pretty firmly entrenched and the word compromise is undoubtedly a four letter word..
I voted for Walker in hopes that somebody would get our fiscal house in order and he certainly seems to be doing that but I think going after the unions so hard in addition to getting financial concessions from them may have been a bridge too far.
Granted he has the votes to make this a done deal if the Fleebaggers ever stop hiding in Illinois and get back to Wisconsin to do the job my tax dollars are paying them to do but it has really divided a lot of people in this state. Hell my wife and I can’t even talk about the subject anymore because we both sit on the opposite side of the fence on the issue.

I certainly have no love for unions, especially those at the government level because I believe nothing promotes mediocrity and inefficiency in Gov’t like unions but I think this all may have been better accomplished in smaller steps versus all at once.

Everywhere you look people have figured out the gold plated union scams and Democrat corruption.


Oh I see. If it isn’t a democrat in charge, it isn’t a democracy. BTW, we are a Republic. Could you possibly be more of a liberal fascist B-Iris?

bobacheck, that’s what seperates men from boys. your what’s wrong with our country, no backbone.

the majority of people in this country stand behind a man with great courage, gov. walker. what we are seeing thru gov. walker and christie is the voice of a majority of people in the USA. it takes great courage to make a change in the status quo, however, the american people have had it!

B-Iris now that I have the time I wanted to repeat what I said in an earlier thread. Your most honest post was your first one where you said, “we will crush you.” Pretend not to be a rabid union supporter all you want, we know that is what you are. At this point it seems you have decided to stick around for the purpose of antagonizing those you disagree with. That is why you went off topic with your post about a corrupt dem winning in a politically corrupt state.

Walker is going to win in the end and that will be the beginning of a wave where corrupt union parasites are systematically removed from the public feeding trough. Your time is over.

@blackiris: I wonder….the tactics seem so similar. The antagonizing, the thread hi-jacking, the inane comments….could blackiris=B-Rob??


It’s possible if he jumped on a different computer. Heck, I can be posting from 3-4 different computers myself in the course of a day.
Although, liberals do tend to have a lot in common behavior wise. I’ve seen the same thing on other sites. So it could very well be someone else.

My greatest concern in all of this is the high jacking of the democratic process as I understand it. We elect representatives to legislate laws and determine budgetary spending priorities. While I understand that negotiation and compromise are part and parcel of this system, in the end he who has the votes wins. Elections have consequences. The options in that voting process are yes, no or a decline to vote. And the irony is those who have fled to prevent the vote are saying they are doing so to uphold the democratic process? They have a very different concept of the democratic process from that which I have. In another setting they are offering amendments to the bills which they know will not pass to simply slow down the process of putting the bill to a vote. Both sides have been guilty of this one. It would be nice if our representatives would quit playing cute games and do the job given them by their constituents where the votes are clearly there and enter into serious negotiations and compromise where the votes are not clearly there. Paralysis is not governing or leadership.

@Old Trooper2, surely you don’t think a union supporting, Rahm’bo supporting, democratic-union-not- republic liberal who worries about “..the wealthy getting richer while the rest of us struggle”, is a gun owner or enthusiast because she sent a link to a picture of a Colt?? Nor, as you rightly point out, can that be reconcilied with her enthusiastic support for Rahm, who’s enjoyed an F rating from the NRA because of his strict gun control stance.


To buy into blackiris/handguns would require some straight shooting (pun intended) by a commenter who has done anything but. blackiris is, of course, the same lady who denies being “pro union”, but 23 hours later says:

Actually, the unions have been under attack for several years and this is the final straw. We will not be stopped.

Whatever needs doing needs to be done in order to stop the union busting activities of the minority fringe. You think you are the majority and are sadly mistaken. We will take you all down.

“We will not be stopped.”

“We will take you all down”

Not “pro union” and says she isn’t a union member? What’s this “we” stuff then, Kemosabi?

Considering her comments, comparing the WI legislative process to the Third Reich, I’m going to have to assume it’s the same blackriris, praising Chuck Schumer for WI Dem fundraising on Politico.

I applaud Chuck Schumer for his insightful understanding of the wisconsin issue. We are all under attack on this day and must stand up to the special interest groups responsible. They are coming for you next. The gap between poor and rich is ever widening. The middle class sadly turns their cheeks. Reminds me of how the German immigrants spoke about Hitler’s rise to power. Everyone believed he was doing the best for the country and failed to see his dark side. Wake up America, Election 2012 is upon you.

There’s that “we” stuff again….

I wasn’t born yesterday, and I’m not detecting many conservative traits in this one…. Hard Right is correct in his memory with his comment #9.

I suppose it’s possible that someone with as far left a viewpoint as blackiris may have firearms for personal use, but me? I doubt Ms. iris could tell the difference between a combat firearm and a water pistol. And even a 6 year old can google for a picture of a firearm.

Count me a skeptic on most commentary put forth by this one.

@anticsrocks… to answer your question, nope. Different states. But then there is commonality in the lib/prog Alinsky traits. All sat at the feet of the same master, ya know.

We are all under attack on this day and must stand up to the special interest groups responsible.

The deliberate blindness of the left is staggering. Unions aren’t a special interest? Special interests are only Republican? Most of the attacks we are suffering are from leftist special interest organizations.
Then again, we are talking about a far left loon who sees scum like Rahm as a great guy.

Oh and Mata, B-Iris may be the type who likes guns because she hopes that one day the proletarians (like her) will rise up and slaughter the evil Capitalists…or something like that. She did seem rather militant.

Now now, HR… don’t be inserting unfathomable logic, like pointing out unions are one of the most powerful special interest groups in the beltway…. LOL

I doubt Ms. iris would be on the frontlines in an armed revolutions in the US. Why would she bank on that? It’s almost against their patient, long term plan to infiltrate and overthrow from within. And they are doing so well with decades of social justice indoctrination in our public schools, the media, and their Alinsky tactics….

…. until 2010 midterms, that is.

Some interesting early polling results on Governor Walker’s big play:

It’s probably still too early for anyone to be counting their chickens.

I still maintain this will blow back big time for the Republicans at election time. They are coming off as inflexible and dogmatic. With the fake Koch audio, it makes it look even worse.

@Hard Right:

The deliberate blindness of the left is staggering. Unions aren’t a special interest? Special interests are only Republican? Most of the attacks we are suffering are from leftist special interest organizations.

I would agree that Unions are special interests. When you say “Most of the attacks we are suffering are from leftist special interest organizations” how do you substantiate that claim?

@ Mata, you watch Chicago, Rahm will be up to his ears in problems due to the city budget. The police and fire department will be where he has to cut. Probably why Daley decided to retire.


The city of Chicago will get what they deserve. Until they clean up the corruption in city hall and the city worker’s unions, they will continue to experience budget problems and if they choose the higher tax route, they will soon become a second or third class destination for business.