The US media become the useful idiots of the Iranian mullahs



If you do a search, you’ll find that the media pretty much is in agreement that Donald Trump is a fascist:

Donald Trump is actually a fascist – The Washington Post

Yes, Donald Trump is a fascist. | New Republic

Congratulations, America — you did it! An actual fascist is now your official president- Salon

There are lots more.

You will also note, however, that these accusers are still free to make these lunatic accusations even a year after Trump being elected President. In contrast, Iran has a long history of suppressing dissent. Iran conducts public hangings, and hangs gays and stones women to death.  How does it deal with the media?

Iran’s media environment remained one of the world’s most repressive in 2014. Certain topics—including criticism of the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei—were subject to long-standing red lines, enforced in part through harsh online and offline censorship. Several dailies and magazines were closed or suspended during the year, and a number of reporters were arrested and prosecuted. Journalists practiced self-censorship, though some said the atmosphere had improved slightly since the 2013 election of President Hassan Rouhani, who presented himself as a moderate. Among other limited improvements that carried over from 2013, reporters and editors were able to cover a marginally broader array of sensitive topics than in the recent past, and a few new publications were allowed to open.

There’s more:

Security authorities continued to clamp down on free speech and dissent, and revolutionary courts handed down harsh sentences against social media users, including death sentences in some cases. As of December, according to Reporters Without Borders, Iran held at least 50 journalists, bloggers, and social media activists in detention.

In April, an appeals court in Tehran sentenced six social media users to five to seven years in prison for their Facebook posts on charges of “assembly and collusion against the national security” and “insulting the sanctities.” On July 13, 2014, a Tehran revolutionary court had previously sentenced eight Facebook users to a total of 127 years in prison for allegedly posting messages deemed to insult government officials and “religious sanctities,” among other crimes.

On June 1, another revolutionary court sentenced Atena Farghadani to a total of 12 years and 9 months’ imprisonment in connection with a critical cartoon she drew and posted on her Facebook page in August 2014 that depicted members of Iran’s parliament as animals. The charges against Farghadani included “assembly and collusion against the state,” “propaganda against the state,” and insulting public officials. Although by law she should serve no more than seven-and-a-half years, the heaviest single sentence she received, the judiciary compounded her sentence.

On June 8, authorities announced a wave of arrests of social media users and activists who “published illegal invitations on social networks … [and] had anti-security tendencies.”

The UN called on Iran to stop intimidating its Persian staff.

Washington Post reporter Jason Rezaian did an interview with Anthony Bourdain for Bourdain’s show Parts Unknown, wanting to show the positive side of Iran. Six weeks later he and his wife were arrested and spent two years in prison.

The Iranian government has recently begun killing protesters.

Since Donald Trump was elected no gays have been hanged in the US for homosexuality, no women have been stoned to death by the government, no reporters have been arrested and imprisoned, no protesters have been killed by the Trump administration.

So who does the media side with? Iran.

Donald Trump signaled his support of the protesters and that sent the left wing media into a bizarro frenzy.

Major Garrett of CBS:

But that didn’t seem to sit well with Garrett who immediately questioned the wisdom of stepping out in support of the Iranian people. “And the purpose of that national address would be to take note of this moment and put the United States foursquare on behalf and behind those people protesting in the streets,” he wondered. “Some have said that would be the wrong thing to do because that would give the regime an enemy to point at, us again!

NBC news:

KATE SNOW: In Iran, protesters demonstrated against the government for a fourth day today, and two people were reportedly killed at a rally in Western Iran. In a tweet today, President Trump cheered on the protesters, and he was criticized by Iran’s president. NBC’s Matt Bradley has more on this new wave of protests.

MATT BRADLEY: In Iran, the regime strikes back. After four days of anti-government protests and just as many tweets from Donald Trump supporting protesters for “finally getting wise, Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani broke his silence. In a speech to his cabinet, he defended demonstrators’ right to protest, but took a swipe at President Trump.

“This man in America who’s sympathizing with us today has forgotten he called Americans ‘terrorists’ months ago,” Rouhani said, “He has no right to sympathize with Iranians.” The unrest now deadly — two protesters killed at a rally last night. Officials blaming the deaths on foreign agents.

The prize for being the biggest useful idiot goes to, naturally, CNN and Arwa Damon, who inexplicably became the spokesperson for the mullahs:

CNN correspondent Arwa Damon said, “This coming out from the [Iranian] foreign ministry, not only talking about the fact that they view the government of President Trump as the greatest bearer of ill will towards Iran but going on to say that, ‘The people of Iran give no value or credibility to such opportunistic expressions by the Government or the person, Mr. Trump. American officials, through their conduct have not earned a place from which they can express masked sentiments as sympathies, for the aware of the people of Iran.’”

Then she completely off the rails:

Damon then added her own thoughts, saying, “Now this, not just necessarily a rebuke of what the U.S. president tweeted, but also perhaps a reflection of just how frustrated, not just Iran but other countries frankly are, with the United States.”

She continued, “A lot of nations and their populations, no matter how they feel about their governments in particular, do perceive the United States as not really having a moral leg to stand on.”

“Damon then added her own thoughts”

This is the glittering perfect example of what’s wrong with the media today. Her spouting the Iranian regime line was bad enough, but injecting her own opinion exposed both her bias and lack of intelligence.

It is a sad thing to see the left wing media siding with an Islamic regime that has a horrible human rights record simply to express its disdain for Trump. We probably can also assume that this is being done to provide cover for Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, who offered no support for the last uprising in Iran in 2009.

Trump is the bad guy here?

The press is already widely recognized as an arm of the Democrat National Party but their evolution into becoming the mouthpieces of a truly fascist authoritarian Islamic state is both shameful and repulsive.

Bonus: Arwa Damon has quite a history:

Two employees of the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad are suing CNN and one of its senior international correspondents, Arwa Damon, claiming that she was “seriously intoxicated” and “unruly and violent” on July 19 when she allegedly bit them both as they provided her medical aid.

Charles Simons and Tracy Lamar, EMTs working for a private contractor in Baghdad, claim CNN has continued to employ the Emmy-award winning journalist despite her “history of becoming intoxicated and then abusive.”

Addendum via Jim Hoft. Obama did not want the Green revolution to succeed in 2009:

But Obama wasn’t just reluctant to show solidarity in 2009, he feared the demonstrations would sabotage his secret outreach to Iran. In his new book, “The Iran Wars,” Wall Street Journal reporter Jay Solomon uncovers new details on how far Obama went to avoid helping Iran’s green movement. Behind the scenes, Obama overruled advisers who wanted to do what America had done at similar transitions from dictatorship to democracy, and signal America’s support.

Solomon reports that Obama ordered the CIA to sever contacts it had with the green movement’s supporters. “The Agency has contingency plans for supporting democratic uprisings anywhere in the world. This includes providing dissidents with communications, money, and in extreme cases even arms,” Solomon writes. “But in this case the White House ordered it to stand down.”

At the time, Solomon reports, Obama’s aides received mixed messages. Members of the Iranian diaspora wanted the president to support the uprisings. Dissident Iranians from inside the country said such support would be the kiss of death. In the end, Obama did nothing, and Iran’s supreme leader blamed him anyway for fomenting the revolt.


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the asshole was always a fairytale leader from behind. crapper was his ace cia director. two idiots dumber than dumb.

I think the term allies rather than useful idiots best describes the mrdia’s relationship with Iram. Christine Amanpour is as pro-Islamic as they come.

Egypt’s minorities suffered greatly under the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Then there was a democratic revolution.
Gen Sisi has been elected.
How are things for Egypt’s minorities now?

In Iran, no one alive hasn’t lived most of his life under harsh sharia.
How would a new (democratic) Iran be ruled? Probably under a somewhat less harsh sharia.

We saw it in Iraq and Afghanistan as well.
Once “democracy” has been guaranteed, the participants in the election end up being those for harsh sharias of various types and those for milder versions.

For the infidel in the country, for the religious minority, for women, for the poor, their system changing won’t mean much.
They will all still be on the outs.

Liberal rags like TIME and NEWSWEEK as well as ROLLING STONE,USA TODAY,PEOPLE and many other liberal rags and the various Birdcage liners/Parrots Toilers/Fish wraps and the talking heads just about 99% of them are leftists and demacratic voters and supporters and you dont need to be a rocket scienists to know that as a fact about the lie a day news media

I believe CNN should stick to their “white truck” news it makes more sense than what they are actually spouting about Iran.

I quit watching the news many many moons ago i hav’nt watched the news since Sept 12 2001 no Chris Mutterthews,Dan Blather,Baba Wawa, and especialy Katie Couric after her little smear peice about american gun owners was edited

Iran is becoming dangerously unstable. You will never admit, of course, that if it were not for Obama’s nuclear deal, Iran would very likely now be a state with nuclear weapons that is becoming unstable.

Hey, want to see some genius geopolitics in action? With Iran destabilizing, we’ve got Trump unaccountably insulting and provoking Pakistan—which is both a nuclear-armed state, and one that has been cooperating with us in the war against terrorism. We’ve conducted military operations out of a large airbase in Pakistan for the past 15 years.

This guy’s loose screws are getting even looser. We now have no coherent guiding policy with regard to Iran. People are trying to connect the dots, but there’s no clear pattern of goals and intentions emerging.

@Greg: Yes because a country with a policy of death to America is normally very stable. And we can certainly trust them which is why we delivered pallets of cash to them, some of which will be used for terrorism.

@Mully, #8:

Stable in this case means under rational control. Our enemies can be rational, and therefore predictable. Iran has been under rational control. They’re rational opponents. Far more dangerous are irrational enemies, whose behavior and responses can’t be predicted.

@Greg: Now the left is all about backing a sponsor of international terrorism. It was fine to Murder Gadaffi who gave up his nuclear ambitions and was zero threat to the USA, and attempt to unseat the Syrian leader putting that in the hands of proven terrorists, I guess evil is the lefts ideology.
Perfectly rational.
Jimmy Carters legacy lives on

@Greg: In your world “Death to America” is rational. And we can totally trust them. Got it.

You might consider moving there. You’d be happier.

@kitt, #10:

The U.S. didn’t murder Gaddafi. His fellow countrymen did. Nor did we start the civil war that led to his end. The Obama administration was greatly criticized by republicans for failure to intervene and stop the attacks on civilians—right up until the point when we did intervene. Then the criticism suddenly switched to harsh condemnation for becoming involved.

The exact point when Gaddafi died and the circumstances of the moment of his death are uncertain. (Be advised, the linked article contains a very graphic photograph that I could have done without.) Accounts differ.

@Mully, #11:

“Death to America” is a distasteful and irrational mob slogan, not the guiding principle of the present Iranian government. If that rational controlling authority collapsed, we could conceivably see leadership taken up by irrational people who take the slogan seriously. Then we could have something more like al Qaeda or ISIS on our hands—only far more organized and capable militarily.

Rational enemies are easier to come to terms with than irrational enemies, with whom productive negotiation is impossible. This is the truth of the situation, whether you like it or not.

@Greg: You can as the media is trying to do rewrite history, sorry it has not quite gone down the internet memory hole.,8599,2057191,00.html

The same terrorists that took the embassy after the 13 hours had to be relieved by former Gaddffi soldiers, not the ones being armed by Hillary and Barry.
Yes you fully back evil

>Greg: Gee what is the guiding principle? The golden rule? Your truth is not mine.

How many of our soldiers have been killed or injured by Iranian made weapons?
But it was all rational in your mind. How about that rational regime we put in Libya? Just another Obama/Clinton success in your mind.

@kitt, #14:

The FOX article apparently has gone down the 404 memory hole.

I don’t see how the Time article of March 4, 2011 contradicts what I said. At that point the Obama administration was keeping its options open, declining to commit to U.S. military intervention unless the situation in Libya deteriorated. Obama was in no hurry to become militarily involved. Nor to arm the rebels, as it was unclear exactly who we would ultimately be arming.

The Senate, on the other hand, had unanimously passed S.RES.85 three days earlier, requesting that the U.N. Security Council impose a no-fly zone. Doing so would have necessarily involved U.S. Naval air support. If you read the resolution, it’s clear that the Senate had already taken sides against the Gaddafi regime. They took the rebels’ side and endorsed regime change, calling on Muammar Gadhafi…

“…to desist from further violence, recognize the Libyan people’s demand for democratic change, resign his position, and permit a peaceful transition to democracy.”

It was Obama who was showing reluctance to commit American forces against the Gaddafi regime—and who was taking a great deal of flak for declining to do so.

@Greg: The allies UK and France joined destroying his army. The intelligence coming from an agency that only wanted to inform what O wanted to hear, thats what the congress saw. O withdraws allowing the JVs to use all the US equipment left behind to overthrow a Government we told better not defend yourself by destroying the enemy.UK pissed because he with a bloodless coup took out their puppet king, readying the country to be oil harvested at no benefit to the citizens .They were under Gaddafi the wealthiest people in the ME, Exxon and BP would not have shared the wealth.
He was trying to destroy the petro dollar the NWO couldnt have that. Are they better off?