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Another Democrat Thrown In Jail

So will this be all over the news as proof that the Democrat party are a bunch of losers and hypocrites? Part 1: YouTube Video And Part 2 YouTube Video

Comment Feed

I’ve put up a comment feed on the sidebar above the "email me" link.  For those of you trying to keep up with your conversations it might be a good

I question her judgment…and lack thereof

Interesting to take a look at the foreign policy advisors Obama and Clinton are aligning themselves with.  Perplexing that Hillary Clinton would add to her team Sandy Berger, who resigned

The Left’s reaction to Petraeus, part 1

I wanted to examine the Democrats’ reaction to General Petraeus’ testimony at Capitol Hill. Since his report, the Left, notably it’s elected leaders, have come forth in a cavalcade of

Only the Clintons

This latest news on the Hsu ponzi scheme has the scandal meter pegging the red: Where did Norman Hsu get his money? That has been one of the big questions

Pink: A Troublesome Color

Moonbat quote of the week (I know…the week’s still young, but still…):  "How can you thank him (Petraeus) for his service when we’re slaughtering Iraqis every day?" A protester is

9/11 Video Memorial from Flopping Aces

In honor of this day I present some video’s that will honor the sacrifices made by those who died that day and those who went to war afterwards….. REMEMBER HEROES