Welcome back to Day 1229 of America held hostage by the Biden* Regime! This will be a surprisingly Kangaroo Court Free Zone, for today anyway. I have a feeling there might be an underreported angle or two for next week’s post. Onward!
5/24 – The Top 11 Flags You Should Fly To Trigger Communist Enemies Of The People
Dang it – I wish I had seen this before my Patriotism post -see the ICYMI at the end. This would have been perfect to add!
5/25 – Bitter Co-Host of ‘The View’ Ana Navarro Insults Latino Trump Supporters: ‘Very Stupid Attitude’
Irony sails over the heads of an interview between the stupidity personified in Navarro and Jim Acosta
5/26 – The New Theory of Ukrainian Victory Is the Same as the Old
This response to an antisemite is a work of art, punctuated with some NSFW language where she invites her inquisitor to perform a physically impossible sexual act upon herself
5/28 – EXCLUSIVE: Trump-World Lawyer Sends House GOP Playbook For How To End Biden ‘Election Interference’
5/29 – An Attack on America Is Coming Thanks To Biden’s Negligence
Sorry to Townhall for using Archive to publish their paywalled content, but this is too valuable to not share. We need to take our nonexistent border as seriously as the foreign armies that have been invading our country. The corruptocracy letting them in certainly is.
And I have no problem using archived articles from garbage publications like the NY Slime or Washington Compost.
5/30 – Rishi Sunak Admits to ‘Infected Blood Scandal’
ICYMI – I asked Whatever Happened to Patriotism?
Have a great weekend!
But, but… Trump sometimes naps during the boring parts of his lawfare. https://t.co/5k7ve2JdhW
— Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) May 20, 2024
Trump could win in a landslide.
This case could be reversed on appeal.
But the bell can never be unrung.
We're living in a different country now than the one we woke up in this morning— Benjamin Weingarten (@bhweingarten) May 30, 2024
SF Pine Tree Flag:
2024: FLAG IS A HATEFUL ABOMINATION AND DIVIDES, SALUTE THIS RAINBOW INSTEAD https://t.co/IftGWAv2Tq— Razor (@hale_razor) May 30, 2024
Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.
Cross posted at Flopping Aces
<!– Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
In other news the NYAG is poking her nose into Texas after the Governor Granted a Parson to a Man for armed self defense killing on a BLM Criminal
What could possibly go wrong setting that kind or precedent?
If the goal of the elites (dying near Davos) is to kill as many humans as possible, this “theory” makes sense.
If the goal of the elites, like Fauci, is to kill as many humans as possible, this policy made sense.
Still being followed here with both HIV and covid vaccine contaminated bloods.
81 million votes, my ass!
Joey Sponge Brains Crapped Pants* got more black men to vote for him than for Obama (2012),
Yeah, sounds believable.
Yeah, but the line of copy machines went around the block three times!
I saw the US flag being flown upright at the protest. Does that mean anyone that flies it that way are insurrectionists now? I wish I could see the face of JUST ONE leftist when they come to the sudden realization of just how utterly pathetic they look with all this crybaby nit-picking.
I know and have worked with quite a few Hispanic people. Many of them immigrated legally and became citizens. It is laughable how the sequestered left, living in their leftist bubble, misread how Hispanics view out of control illegal immigration. They HATE it. They are insulted by it. They are embarrassed by it. And they DON’T regard those who use it for political gain as their friends.
Due solely to Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s weakness, corruption and incompetence, got Ukraine invaded. Then he and the girls at NATO (except for Poland, who KNOWS what it’s like to live under Russian rule) worried more about making Putin upset with them than turning back the invasion. Wouldn’t have happened under Trump. This is part of the cost of election fraud.
I guess when a leftist looks at someone with actual experience with Islamic terrorism, they have to wonder if they, like themselves, support terrorism and the extinction of Jews. Make no mistake, when you instinctively blame Israel (absolutely FULL of Jews) for anything and everything that happens, regardless of history or events, then you are anti-Semitic. You aren’t criticizing Israel because they did something wrong; you are criticizing Israel because it is full of Jews and, therefore, they did something wrong.
I hope the Republicans see the existential threat they face and fight this tooth and nail. They also need to investigate and prosecute all the various means of money laundering the Democrats employ to raise funds (in addition to taxpayer funds) that keeps their lawfare going.
Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is safe until the election. Any terrorist knows that an attack before the election will defeat the weak and incompetent idiot that is letting all their soldiers and weapons into the country for an attack. The danger (aside from the left’s internal terrorists working for the DNC) will be after the election, regardless who wins (or cheats best). I carry wherever I can. My wife will ask, “Are you expecting trouble” and I explain if I expected trouble, I wouldn’t be going there. The problem is, now one can never be sure where trouble might happen, but at least it’s less likely where I live than in some blue shithole.
Well, the solution is pretty simply. Any blood donated by a gay person should be marked “Gay Blood” and any gay person receiving a transfusion would only receive units marked as such.
I love it when a racist leftist thinks they and their racism represent an entire country.
In regards to the very complimentary views of Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden failed high school gym rally, remember all the criticisms and accusations that Trump and Trump supporters exaggerate the attendance at his rallies? Maybe instead of worrying if Trump had 10,000 or 11,000 show up they should concern themselves with drawing more than 200.
Remember the response to the tan suit? Remember the response to Biden buying an ice cream cone?
No. Provide links.
Yeah, I’m with Retire05 on this one. While I do remember the media’s faux “outrage at the outrage” over the tan suit, I don’t remember any actual people giving a damn about the suit. No idea what you’re talking about with Joey Sponge Brains Crapped Pants* buying an ice cream cone.
Again, a leftist with the demonstrations of their pathetic tendencies.
No, I don’t. Like all those who predicted Trump would be acquitted, it seems to be something only you can see.
I well remember May 5th, Cinco de Mayo, when candidate Trump had a taco salad at his office.
He said it was from one of the Trump Tower eateries.
The media went wild.
There were no taco salads on any menus at Trump Tower, they claimed.
So, Trump had a photo taken proving he was telling the truth.
I remember very little criticism of Nancy Pelosi (pre-hammer attack) showing off her expensive freezer filled with super-expensive ice creams.
The media thought that was great.
joe, gets ice cream a lot.
He’s senile, it’s his reward for behaving.
He wouldn’t know if it were cheap or pricey.
They’d better figure it out quickly. Sean M< Davis from The Federalist has some good ideas
All they need to do to see it is look closely at Donald Trump.
No, that’s the Democrat strategy to try and misdirect attention away from Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s massive corruption, fascist lawfare, Democrats registering illegal immigrants to vote and the Democrats setting up their massive election fraud operation.
Remember this?
How about this?
The man is a lying a-hole.
At the time all we know was that Hillary had kept classified emails illegally on an unsecured private server and lied about it under oath. We since learned her server had been hacked and Russia and China was reading her emails as fast as she was. Since we learned she paid Russian ops to try and bring down the government of the United States.
So, there really is no comparison. Unlike Trump, she actually IS a criminal.
Why didn’t Trump do anything about it when he was the president?
Hey, groomer, where are those links about a grey suit and Joe buying ice cream?
And all of our comments predicting Trump would be acquitted.
Because, at the time, putting your political opponent in jail was considered fascist and chickenshit. Remember back then? Well, that’s all changed now, hasn’t it?
Wait—so when Trump led all those “lock her up” chants during the 2016 campaign, it was all bullshit? He knew he would be too principled to follow up on it, but he said it anyway, just to rile up the hoopleheads?
Anyway, after the 2016 election, Clinton was no longer Trump’s “political opponent” in any meaningful sense of the term. They were not running for the same office—in fact, while Trump began his re-election campaign a few weeks after being sworn in, Clinton was running for nothing.
Maybe Trump’s DOJ didn’t charge her with anything because there was nothing to be charged.
Hey, groomer, where are those links about a grey suit and Joe buying ice cream?
Nobody said anything about a grey suit.
Watters disapproves of ice cream:
So, “shocking a lot of people” is some kind of frenzy? Golly.
Wow, groomer! The “tan suit” scandal was so important that I forgot all about it. But I do remember Obama’s ME policies and how they literally screwed both the U.S. and Israel (who he hated).
The damage done by Obama will take decades to correct, if ever.
No surprise you’re an Obamaite.
Not bullshit. She SHOULD be locked up, but of course the left would have screamed, cried and rioted at the very notion of prosecuting a political opponent, so the chaos would have outweighed the benefit. We also see how biased towards Democrats the core of the DoJ, regardless of who the AG was. I think, though, that after a Trump victory, all that is likely to change.
No, she wasn’t an opponent election wise, but she still continued to try and destroy Trump’s Presidency and continuously claimed the election was illegitimate and Trump was an illegitimate President. That was also OK back then, wasn’t it?
Comey actually declared, like Hur did in regards to Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s theft and illegal retention of classified documents, that Hillary WAS guilty of a crime (though he tried to soften the description) but he declared no prosecutor would have take the case, an overstatement if there ever was one.
If she’d launched an insurrection, lined up fraudulent electors, and tried to strongarm election officials—all of which Trump did in 2020—you’d have a point. But all she did was bitch about it. Bitching about stuff you don’t like is expected; undermining democracy isn’t.
If anyone actually launched an insurrection, don’t you think someone would be charged with insurrection, especially in an atmosphere where Democrats simply INVENT crimes to charge? Bitching is expected… from a bitch. But Hillary also created the false dossier and the Russian collusion hoax. she paid for it with campaign funds. The FEC fined her for it. So, why wasn’t she indicted for campaign finance violations and trying to interfere in an election. She violated laws to pay for a LIE to be created while Trump used his own money to try and SUPPRESS a lie. Well, the difference is the DoJ does not prosecute Democrats (unless they get in the way of other Democrats).
They put Hitler in jail. Open a history book.
So you are implying Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden should be in jail? I agree.
Trump is convicted, and milks the suckers of another $53 Million.
While Biden milked the Ukrainians, Chinese, and God knows who else.
No surprise. He’s been milking the U.S. taxpayer for 50 years.
5/27/24 – ‘Putin’s worldview’: Inside a Ukrainian village-turned death camp
Comrade Greggie, why didn’t Obama stop Putin? That is when Putin got aggressive about Ukraine, remember?
Felon for President?
F is for Fascist. Educate yourself.
Only in you small empty Space between your ears you Moron
Democrats are fascists. Those who behave as fascists are the fascists, not those who make America better.
Open your eyes.
Leverntiy Beria and Rolan Freisler would be proud of Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden. They say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.
Why can’t you recognize a demagogue when you see one? It’s totally obvious.
I can. Obama was one. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is his puppet. But Trump is a patriot that puts the nation and people first.
That’s what a demagogue ALWAYS tells people.
He’s your voice. He’s your retribution. Only HE can fix it. His enemies are your enemies. They’re coming after you, but HE’S in their way. Repeated again and again and again, to the hypnotized multitudes.
I can see with my own eyes Trump loves this country and Obama and Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden want to tear it down. You people are so pathetically desperate, even making a major deal out of saying Trump said “united Reich” instead of “united right“. Explain how, in any possible way, it would make sense for Trump to say “united Reich”? Reich is the German nation; why would Trump call anything “united Germany”? This is so weak and flimsy as to make total fools of all who traffic it and there are many.
You crybaby, sore loser, spoiled brat, whiny turds are simply morons. And that’s being gracious.
…Says the guy who pretends to believe that the 2020 election was stolen, simply because he didn’t like the outcome.
“You can run the best campaign, you can even become the nominee, and you can have the election stolen from you.”
Hillary Clinton
Why did she say that, groomer? Because she didn’t like the outcome.
What you are saying is that in spite of the many laws suits filed by Marc Elias, the $400+ million dumped into elections by Zuckerberg, the unconstitutional state election laws changed by courts and not legislatures as required by the Constitution, none of that matters in 2020 because you believe it was a fair and honest election because you liked the outcome.
The Felons are roaming the Streets and voting for Democrats Pea-Brain
And THIS is exactly why there was a trial. Trump broke no laws or committed any crimes. Only THIS was the reason: to call Trump a felon. Do you actually believe anyone is fooled?
F is for Fuck You
I wonder when, if ever, we will get to see how the jury voted.
Trump supporters try to dox jurors and post violent threats after his conviction –
Comrade Greggie, how often do you plan on posting the same bullshit from the same left wing bullshit sources that, like you, constantly accuse the right of what the left does?
Sure they did. Because NBC says so. Leftists do the doxxing.
False flag attempt.
At least it seems like one.
No Trump supporters have acted like this in the past.
Even at rallies, early on, all they did was shout, not act violently when dissenters started screaming and disrupting.
To this day, when a Trump rally is interrupted all the supporters do is shout, “We Love Trump! We Love Trump!”
Imagine how much he’ll rake in when the conviction is overturned by the first non-fascist that rules on it.
Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is trying to fundraise on Trump’s record fundraising! How pathetically desperate!
Fake fundraising like fake joe rallies.
The ACT group uses the identities of elderly (name lists from lefty health care workers?) and those on Social Security to fake as the donors of thousands of dollars to joe.
Are the lefty health care workers in the room with right now?
Your stupidity is monumental.
Democrats caught election campaign laundering on a massive scale.
A-Mess-NBC the Lying Peacock News they have been busted before Broadcasting Fake News back in 1993 Dateline and Waiting t o Explode their still faking the News
And a Close look at Soros and his Ilk