Joe Biden is a despicable human being and a flaming racist. He was a “dear” friend of Robert Byrd, a former Exalted Cyclops of the KKK. Biden considers him a mentor. It shows.

Instead of focusing on the young people, Biden once again made the day about himself invoking his deceased family members.
He bragged about ignoring the Supreme Court rulings.
Biden did what he does best- further divide the country along line of race, bringing up Goerge Floyd and telling the graduates that America hates them.
“You started college just as George Floyd was murdered and there was a reckoning on race. It is not to the wonder, democracy you hear about actually works for you. What is democracy? If black men are being killed on the street, what is democracy? A trail of broken promises still leaving black communities behind, what is democracy? You have to be 10 times better than anyone else to get a fair shot. Most of all, what does it mean as we’ve heard before, to be a black man who loves his country, even if it doesn’t love him back in equal measure,”
And the lies….
“I got more Morehouse men in the White House telling me what to do than I know what to do! You all think I’m kidding, don’t you?”
He has not a single person from Morehouse in the White House.
He said he got into office “to embrace the cause of civil rights” Well, no.
Right about now Biden is lying to a bunch of young Black Americans about how he used to be a civil rights activist.
He was forced to apologize for claiming to be an activist when he ran in 1988, but the media has since given up on holding Biden accountable for his lies.
— MAZE (@mazemoore) May 18, 2024
There was this whopper
“Today in Georgia, they won’t allow water to be available to you while you wait in line to vote in an election. What in the hell is that all about?”
Taking a page out of the Hillary Clinton Guide to Pandering Biden chose to affect a Southern accent:
Biden affects a black accent at Morehouse Univ: “All y’all think I’m kidding!”
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) May 19, 2024
This was undignified and most decidedly unpresidential. Biden’s contempt for the intelligence of black people is alarming.
Reaction wasn’t kind.
Libre Initiative president Daniel Garza:
Biden insults us by seeing all minorities as victims, incapable of competing, and all whites as oppressors. Never mind that countless have benefited immeasurably from American principles, our free market, and yes, democracy. Are we perfect nation? No, but show me a better one.
Imagine working hard for years to graduate from college and Joe Biden shows up on your day of celebration to remind you that you’re a victim and America doesn’t love you because you’re black.
Biden lies as easily as most of us breathe.
I wonder if Joe Biden is going to tell them that he’s one of the people who truly hates Black people and authored the 1994 crime bill that locked up and incarcerated a lot of Black people. Joe Biden is one of the most racist politicians in the United States of America and is a…
— DEL (@delinthecity_) May 19, 2024
Lavern Spicer (a favorite person of mine):
Joe Biden’s racist ass hates Black folks.
Most of America is not a racist country but that KKK bastard certainly is a hater.
— Lavern Spicer (@lavern_spicer) May 19, 2024
Biden considers minorities a group to be used as a reservoir of votes, pandering to them and dipping into them as an election nears. He spends most of his time courting big money donors and Hollywood. Joe Biden is one part Michael Cohen and one part Robert Byrd. A liar and a racist, using skin color and deceit to pit people against each other. It’s disgraceful.
“A liar will not be believed, even when speaking the truth” – Aesop

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Well, one thing Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden will never have to worry about is not being believed even if he tells the truth. He has got to be the most lying MFer that ever entered politics. Plus, like most Democrats, he is thoroughly racist, down to his void where most people have a soul. Only those who love this rotten shit support him.
Aesop put many of his fables out with a moral at the end.
The Boy Who Cried Wolf is where this one came from.
And it is so true with regards joe biden.
He lies so often we might be surprised and ignore him if he ever tells us a truth.
His racist core shows thru from time to time.
Like the time he claimed all 7-Eleven owners were Indians.
Like the time he worried his own children would have issues if desegration in schools happened too fast….over 20 years after it was court mandated!
Like the time he passed legislation to send crack dealers/possessors to prison for longer than cocaine dealers/possessors.
Like his, “you ain’t black if you don’t vote for me.” “Ain’t???” Me, being an elderly white guy?
Anyhow, his audience had his number.
All he got was a light smattering of polite applause, nothing showing any enthusiasm.
Fox Host Lawrence Jones Rips Into Biden For ‘Talking Like He’s A Black Man’ During Commencement Speech | The Daily Caller
biden is an embarrassment to America. What a worthless piece of shit.
It was Bidens own Democ-Rat that Bought, Sold Traded Hunted Down and Abused Slaves and Separated Families and therefore its the DNC that should pay Reparations from their own bank accounts
He should have started talking like Amos and Andy.