Oh boy what a last couple of days for Biden



It’s been an entertaining couple of days. Joe Biden has gone on a tour featuring his favorite fairy tales mixed in with some outright lies. Here are the highlights.

He was ambushed by the teleprompter again

The White House scrubbed it from the official transcript

He wants to punch Trump

He claimed he cut the national debt

Biden makes the sign of the cross for abortion on demand

He repeated the same nonsensical remark he made recently

He once again claimed to have traveled for years by train over the Francis Scott Key bridge

“The most significant investment is the climatever…”

These were from the day before but this one’s a beauty: “How many times does [Trump] have to prove we can’t be trusted!?”

How do you argue with that?

He repeated the 18 wheeler lie

Right after that he accused Trump of being a liar

CNN finally took note of one of one. Count ’em. One.

Let us not forget that cannibals ate Uncle Bosey

These aren’t gaffes. Gaffes are singular events- mispronunciations and a garbled or confused word or two. This IS Joe Biden the chronic liar. The guy who was raised in the Puerto Rican, Greek, Irish, Catholic, Jewish, Italian, Polish, Palestinian, Persian, and Black communities of Delaware.

Lying is in Biden’s DNA and the proof goes back almost 40 years.


There will be no debate with Trump. Lying is one thing, but Biden cannot process words any longer. Without a teleprompter he’s helpless and sometimes he’s helpless with one. Between his cognitive decline and obvious dementia he is simply incapable of the office.



Were he reelected this becomes a real possibility and you know damn well the media would simply play along and try to convince the country it wasn’t so.



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