Welcome back to Day 1187 of America held hostage by the Biden* Regime! On to the crazy:
4/4 – Are American progressives making themselves sad?
4/10 – USPS proposes raising the prices of 1st class stamps to 73 cents
4/11 – Migrants Held Hostage in Human Smuggling Stash House 350 Miles from Border
4/12 – Iowahawk Demystifies the ‘Latine’ Thing
4/13 – It’s been a long week for NPR’s new CEO
4/14 – The Deep State and the Biden regime are at war against the American people
4/15 – It’s Not the Protesters Blocking Road to O’Hare: It Is the Police
Chris Plante raised a good counterpoint on his show the other day: Maybe it’s not the fault of the cops in Leftist controlled cities who stood by and just watched these domestic terrorists block bridges. They’re not bothering trying to arrest people who they know the local DA will have back on the street within hours and probably expose themselves to civil lawsuits and hate mobs. So who do I think is to blame? In the words of the great Vodka Pundit, Embrace the healing power of “And”.
4/16 – America is already a police state; it just hasn’t captured you yet
4/16 – ‘Rather Despicable’: John Eastman Speaks Out After Bank Of America, USAA Shut Down His Accounts
*Sigh* I switched over from B of A to USAA back when B of A handed over info on the January 6th Reichstag Fire victims to the FBI without a warrant. Anyone know of a good regional bank in Virginia?
4/17 – The Kill Switch
4/18 – The Price of Surrendering Speech
4/19 – The New “Police Defunding” is About Funding Illegal Aliens
Have a great weekend!
This is why you don't say such idiotic things.
They come back to haunt you. https://t.co/5fHoiAdwN3
— Pradheep J. Shanker, M.D. (@neoavatara) April 13, 2024
NPR trust is still at an all-time high in many key American demographic segments:
– Birdwatchers
– Unitarians
– Patrons of Vermont farmers markets
– Adminstrators of Vermont private colleges who enjoy birdwatching and Unitarian farmers markets https://t.co/hboq9mYhDR— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) April 10, 2024
It’s like these people sit around and think
“What’s the most retarded shit we can write about?” https://t.co/DB3U9Xr4qJ
— Hodgetwins (@hodgetwins) April 4, 2024
Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
“What’s the most retarded shit we can write about?”
First they have to find these trans sex workers in Indonesia to poll, (I see a potential college course here)they are just trying to guilt Greg about forgetting his reusable shopping bag that one time.
Who would think monsoon season would force these sex workers off the street, heart breaking.
On the other hand, it’s the only time they get a good washing.
It fits the “women and minorities hardest hit” trope – kills two birds with one stone!
Loved the squatter video.
Despise police for siding with the bridge-blockers.
People could be in life-or-death situations.
At that point the police are no longer acting as law enforcement – they are serving as armed backup for these domestic terrorists. I’m waiting for someone to file suit treating them as such
The only things that makes them happy is the misfortune of those they hate. What kind of happiness is that?
They should do what they have to do to break even. Enough of them pretending to be self-sufficient. But, that would include cost cutting and making the work force more efficient.
All part of Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden border and immigration policies. The left simply doesn’t care.
The left loves to label everyone and pretend they and they alone get to decide how things are.
Simply defund NPR. Let leftists take up a collection for their favorite propaganda outlet.
The American people don’t want what Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden and the Democrats are serving up and they hate the American people for it.
I have to say, the Democrat Chicago convention is going to be must watch TV. Either violent, terrorist supporting leftists will continually harass the convention and conventioneers or the police will set upon the protesters and deliver a much deserved, much need and long awaited beating, Chicago style. No matter what, the DNC suffers. But, they MADE this, from top to bottom.
When the DoJ, IRS and FBI SWAT is deployed for propaganda effect, you got yourself a totalitarian police state there, buddy.
Wait… I thought “de-banking” was just some gaffe of Trump’s. You mean to say he was right… AGAIN? This should be included in the police state article above. It’s all part of the same gig.
We have a President that can’t even operate a bicycle. THEY are going to create cars that you have to be a trained fighter pilot to operate? More of the police state.
A liar such as Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden relies heavily on the suppression and manipulation of free speech because he has totally given up on addressing people that know the facts. How can he constantly recite long debunked lies such as “fine people”, “chumps and losers”, “dictator from day one” and “bloodbath” unless he KNOWS he can never reach anyone that does their own research and has seen the truth. His audience is restricted to the IGNORANT, and the size of his crowds exhibits this. If he tells these lies to someone that KNOWS they are lies, he loses all his credibility (what there ever was of it) but as long as he lies to his ignorant constituency, they can just dumbly eat it all up.
Taking money from law ENFORCEMENT and funding law VIOLATION with it. Yep, that has all the earmarks of leftist logic.
I have to say, the Democrat Chicago convention is going to be must watch TV. Either violent, terrorist supporting leftists will continually harass the convention and conventioneers or the police will set upon the protesters and deliver a much deserved, much need and long awaited beating, Chicago style. No matter what, the DNC suffers. But, they MADE this, from top to bottom.
If nothing else, it will get the Dems to repat what they claimed the last time they rioted a Presidential Convention – “They’re all FBI agents who were causing trouble!”