Setting the record straight on appeasement of our adversaries

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We absolutely know that liberals take a page from the Clinton book of skullduggery.  They will throw accusations at others for which they themselves are guilty.  Predictably, one of the very first things idiotic liberals did following the Iranian attack on Israel was to blame Donald Trump.

Trump’s appeasement of Putin has destabilized the world.

Oh, but appeasement has very much been the hallmark of democrat policy.

I thought a little nostalgic tour of history would be in order. Some of us remember back in 2008 Barack Obama admonishing Mitt Romney for suggesting that Russia was a geopolitical threat.

“The cold war is over”

“The eighties want their foreign policy back”

One of the very first things Obama did after becoming President was to placate Vladimir Putin by shelving the proposed missile shield in Poland.

He phoned the leaders of Poland and the Czech Republic last night to tell them he had dropped plans to site missile interceptors and a radar station in their respective countries. Russia had furiously opposed the project, claiming it targeted Moscow’s nuclear arsenal.

Then Obama sent Hillary Clinton to kiss Russian ass

In March of 2009, the Obama administration was attempting to reset their relationship with Russia, which had taken a bad turn after the Russian and Georgian war the year before. At that time, as reported by CNN, Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. On March 6, 2009, Clinton met with the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Prior to their working dinner, she gave him an unusual gift.

Hillary Clinton opened the little box and presented Lavrov with a red plastic button. The red “reset button” had the word “peregruzka” inscribed in Russian on its base. The word “Reset” was also written in English. Hillary Clinton then told Lavrov, “I would like to present you with a little gift that represents what President Obama and Vice President Biden and I have been saying and that is, we want to reset our relationship, and so we will do it together.”

In 2012 Obama promised more flexibility to Vlad after the election

In a conversation that was picked up Monday by live microphones, President Obama privately told Russia he will have “more flexibility” to deal with missile defense after the election.

Speaking to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev ahead of a global nuclear security summit in South Korea, Obama asked for “space” and “time” to deal with the missile defense issue.

{mosads}”Yeah. I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you,” Medvedev said.

“This is my last election,” Obama said. “After my election, I have more flexibility.”

“I will transmit this information to Vladimir,” said Medvedev, who will hand the Russian presidency over to Vladimir Putin in May.

When Russia annexed Ukraine in 2014 Barack Obama did nothing.

Former U.S. President Barack Obama should start admitting critical mistakes in his administration’s Russia policy, including Moscow’s illegal 2014 annexation of Crimea, a senior Ukrainian official said Friday.

“The current Russian […] regime is a blatant reflection of a specific pre-war ‘Western policy,’” said Mykhailo Podolyak, an adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s office. “Maybe it’s time to start admitting critical mistakes instead of coming up with new excuses?”

Podolyak’s comments are in reaction to former U.S. President Barack Obama’s defense of his administration’s reaction to the annexation of Crimea in an interview on CNN. Obama argued the full-scale invasion launched by Russian President Vladimir Putin last February came in a different context.

In 2016 Obama sent $1.7 billion in cash to Iran.

Obama bent over backwards to lure Iran into the dumb JCPOA. It was chockablock with sunset clauses which really didn’t matter as Iran violated the agreement from day one. Obama would not have any objection. And that’s not all:

Obama quietly made several notable changes to the language on ballistic missiles in the Iran Nuclear Deal that allowed Iran to continue ballistic missile development.

All of these pale in contrast to what Biden has done.


Biden said he wouldn’t really object a “minor incursion” by Russia into Ukraine.


Biden continues to fund Iran’s attacks on Israel and spread terrorism:

The Biden administration on Wednesday reapproved a sanctions waiver that unlocks upwards of $10 billion in frozen funds for the Iranian government, according to a copy of the notice submitted to Congress late Wednesday and reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon.

The sanctions waiver—which has drawn fierce GOP opposition on Capitol Hill—allows Iraq to transfer electricity payments to Iran via third-party countries. The sanctions waiver was last approved by the Biden administration in November and set to expire this month, putting the White House in a tight position as a mounting chorus of GOP lawmakers express concern about sanctions being bypassed. The authority granted in the latest waivers allows Iraq to convert dinars into Euros and transfer payments into Iranian banks accounts in Oman.


Biden is Giving Up Powerful U.S. Financial Sanctions on Iran

Since taking office, the Biden administration has taken a series of calculated steps to rejoin the Iran nuclear deal. Most recently, it waived sanctions on the Iranian oil trade, allowing Tehran access to frozen funds in foreign banks that it can now use to fund terrorism. Even the sanctions that remain on the books are not being enforced. U.S. financial sanctions can be used to end Iran’s nuclear ambitions and the clerical regime’s support of terrorism.

That would be the same Iran who violated the JCPOA since day one.

September 2023: Biden is successfully extorted by Iran:

U.S. clears way for release of $6 billion in frozen Iranian funds as part of prisoner swap deal

The Biden administration has cleared the way for the eventual release of five American citizens detained in Iran by issuing a waiver for international banks to transfer $6 billion in frozen Iranian money from South Korea to Qatar without fear of U.S. sanctions. In addition, as part of the deal, the administration has agreed to release five Iranian citizens held in the United States.

Iran Has Made $80 Billion in Illicit Oil Sales Since Biden Took Office

Iran has made around $80 billion from its illicit oil sales since the Biden administration took office and relaxed sanctions on the hardline regime, cash that has helped Tehran keep its terror allies like Hamas afloat.

“Iran has generated approximately $80 billion in revenue from oil sales under the Biden administration,” according to Claire Jungman, chief of staff at United Against a Nuclear Iran, a watchdog group that closely tracks Tehran’s illicit oil exports and arsenal of tankers. A large portion of this oil is shipped into China, which counts Tehran as one of its top patrons.


Biden opens the door for China to again steal IP from the US

The Biden administration’s scrapping of a controversial FBI initiative that monitored industrial and academic relations with China has emboldened the economic giant to increase its spying on the US, according to a security expert.

“It was the wrong thing to do,” said Brandon Weichert, author of the 2020 book “Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower” and an intelligence consultant. “China has strategic deception at the heart of their grand master plan for taking on the US — and part of that initiative of strategic deception is basically convincing your enemy that you are not a threat.”

Joe Biden has been a Chinese asset since 2011.

Xi Jinping’s investment in Biden absolutely struck gold when somehow a guy who never left his basement and promised to kneecap the US energy industry was elected.  Xi gleefully watched as the Joe Biden turned Afghanistan into a world class clusterf**k. He knew Biden is weak- a pretender without a real spine. Biden will do Xi’s bidding lest Xi expose Biden’s role in selling the office of VP for financial gain. Xi is extorting Biden. There’s no other explanation for Biden’s actions, which have all been in favor of China and the CCP.

Remembering when Joe Biden praised ‘rising China’

The Biden mafia has made $31 million from China. For what, no one really knows.

For those wondering why Joe Biden is soft on China, consider this never-before-reported revelation: The Biden family has done five deals in China totaling some $31 million arranged by individuals with direct ties to Chinese intelligence — some reaching the very top of China’s spy agency.

Indeed, every known deal that the Biden family enjoyed with Beijing was reached courtesy of individuals with spy ties. And Joe Biden personally benefited from his family’s foreign deals.

What are these deals? And who are the individuals who made them happen for the Bidens?

Here, then, are a few key facts about the Biden family’s $5 million-plus deals with individuals in bed with Chinese intelligence.


Biden made sure Hamas knew the US wasn’t really an enemy, Biden disavowed any participation in Israel’s strike that killed the plotters of the Oct 7 attack.

U.S. tells Iran it “had no involvement” in Israel strike (

Then Biden let Hamas know that it would not join in any Israeli counterstrike

Biden tells Netanyahu US won’t join counter-strike against Iran: Reports

An election is coming and Biden needs Michigan more than he thinks the US needs Israel being an ally.

Let there be no doubt as to who is really big on appeasing our adversaries. 


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Democrats are gutless, cowardly, anti-American trash.

Democrats aren’t making America bend over for Vladimir Putin.

Russia is the only nation the Democrats won’t work with. Iran? No problem. Venezuela? Sure. Haiti? Have at it. Bosnia? Move them all here (note: Obama already did that).

Your party is a party of no morals, no shame.

Democrats have provided weapons, critical intelligence, and military support to Israel to fend off direct Iranian attacks and attacks by their proxies. Under Biden, we took down Iranian drones and missiles. We’ve also kept international sea lanes open and directly targeted Iran’s proxies, the Houthis.

Trump’s MAGA puppets have blocked aid to both Ukraine and Israel for months, and are presently threatening to take down their own Speaker of the House if he dares to bring the aid package to a vote.

Those are the facts, plain and simple, like ’em or not.

Last edited 9 months ago by Greg

Election fraud provided the war. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden enabled Putin to invade Ukraine. All they care about is getting a lot of money in flow so they can steal all they want from it. Why are Democrats registering illegal immigrants to vote?

Democ-Rats give aid and Comfort to the Enemy Invaders. Moron

dems are two-faced with regards Russia.
Hillary sold 20% of America’s uranium to Russia.
obama was willing to work with Russia on the down-low (he’s comfortable in that realm.)
But Ukraine is more full of Russians than Ukrainians.
Look at what language they use there:comment image

Last edited 9 months ago by Greg

Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is trying to give it back to them. Why are Democrats registering illegal immigrants to vote?

You really are a dumbass grasping at straws, Comrade Greggie. Your little chart shows the counties that are predominantly Hispanic in ethnicity, not the language they speak. But being the racist you are, you assume that if the majority of the county population is ethnically Hispanic, they must speak all speak Spanish.

Your comment also shows that you are totally clueless about history.

What a ignorant racist pig you are.

You’re under the impression that Hispanic Americans in predominantly Hispanic communities aren’t able to speak Spanish?

The point is that a Spanish-speaking American is still American, just as a Russian-speaking Ukrainian is still Ukrainian.

Last edited 9 months ago by Greg

You seem to believe that Hispanic Americans in predominantly Hispanic communities aren’t able to speak English, or don’t

Just because they are Hispanic doesn’t mean their first language is Spanish, you bigoted commie.

Yes, they are. And China. And Iran.

Oh that was your buddy Barry, did you notice how he looked rather tired after that private meeting with Putin and Barry was really walking rather funny.

Greg and Micheal are the Dumb & Dumber of this website

That’s rich coming from you.

Another well thought out highly intelligent zinger…oooh ouchie on Spur.

What are your thoughts on Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden lying about his uncle getting eaten by cannibals?

That’s the first I’ve heard about it. I have no opinion.

So, no news, no commentators, no print that you’ve seen has mentioned that Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden claimed, just out of the blue, unprompted, his uncle was eaten by cannibals. Do you ever think you should have better quality information to make your decisions?

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04/18/24 – Germany arrests men who allegedly spied on U.S. military sites for Russia in sabotage plot to undermine Ukraine aid – Prosecutors accuse the two men of working with a Russian secret service agent to undermine international military support for Ukraine.

Spys during a war!? Im shocked, shocked!

Not only spies. Putin is vigorously waging disinformation warfare against the United States. Much of the Twitter crap posted locally is part of it.

04/08/24 – House intelligence chair says Republicans are ‘absolutely’ repeating Russian propaganda – Mike Turner, the Ohio Republican, echoes a similar claim made recently by another rightwing American lawmaker

Mike Turner, the chairperson of the US House intelligence committee, says some of his fellow Republicans are “absolutely” repeating Russian propaganda on the chamber floor, echoing a similar claim made recently by another rightwing American lawmaker.

“It is absolutely true we see, directly coming from Russia, attempts to mask communications that are anti-Ukraine and pro-Russia messages, some of which we even hear being uttered on the House floor,” the Ohio congressman told CNN’s State of the Union show.

Turner maintained that one high-profile instance of such misinformation centered on cases where federal lawmakers have sought to portray Russia’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine as a war between Nato and Vladimir Putin’s forces.

“Of course it is not,” Turner said. “To the extent that this propaganda takes hold, it makes it more difficult for us to really see this as an authoritarian versus democracy battle.”

Turner has openly advocated for continuing to provide US aid to Ukraine in its efforts to fend off Russia’s invasion. His comments Sunday came days after Michael McCaul, chairman of the House foreign affairs committee, told Puck News that misinformation in favor of Russian interests had found a foothold among his fellow Republicans.

“Russian propaganda has made its way into the United States, unfortunately, and it’s infected a good chunk of my party’s base,” McCaul said to Puck.

Both Turner and McCaul in their respective interviews suggested that pro-Putin propaganda was as hostile to the US’s position on the world stage as the threats posed by the regimes of Xi Jinping, China’s president, and Kim Jong-un, North Korea’s leader.

Though Turner did not single out any members of Congress or his party Sunday, his remarks came after Marjorie Taylor Greene, the far-right Georgia representative, recently filed a motion to oust Mike Johnson from his role as House speaker if the Louisiana Republican moved forward with a Ukraine aid bill…

04/17/24 – Microsoft’s security threat division sees evidence of more Russian disinformation efforts

Earlier this month, Microsoft‘s security threat division, the Microsoft Threat Analysis Center (MTAC), issued a report on efforts by China and North Korea-based state-sponsored hacker groups. The MTAC stated these groups are posting misinformation on US social media outlets in order to sow division in the country.

Today, the MTAC issued another report, this time on possible efforts to influence the 2024 US presidential election, again via misinformation on social networks. In a blog post, the MTAC noted that these efforts have actually started slowly this year compared to the 2016 and 2020 US presidential elections due to the fact that the primary election season did not have any major contested matches.

However, the report says that Russia-based state-sponsored hacker groups have started increasing their misinformation efforts in the last couple of months. They have tried to post false information about Russia’s current war with Ukraine. The blog post stated that one group, known by the name Storm-1516, has a specific pattern for their misinformation efforts:

  1. An individual presents as a whistleblower or citizen journalist, seeding a narrative on a purpose-built video channel
  2. The video is then covered by a seemingly unaffiliated global network of covertly managed websites
  3. Russian expats, officials, and fellow travellers then amplify this coverage

The blog also mentions China again as a country sponsoring hacker efforts to increase political divides in the US, with the use of images, videos, and even memes created by generative AI tools. The blog also says Iran could try to launch its own election influence efforts closer to the main US presidential day.

Microsoft says that AI-created “deepfake” videos of world leaders and candidates have so far not created a lot of confusion and misinformation. However, simpler efforts, like putting the logo of a real news organization on a fake story, have had more of an impact. The MTAC expects this kind of activity from these nations to increase in the months leading up to the US presidential election.

Gates what a joke, sow division? Call concerned parents terrorists that sows division.

You also think A.I is a joke. Boston Dynamics introduced their latest robot yesterday.

No worries. What could possibly go wrong?

Giant tech corporations are laying humans off to free up more funds for A.I. development. Somehow it doesn’t make the news.

Last edited 9 months ago by Greg

Atlas unveiled to the public on July 11, 2013.
That is advanced robotic design, not AI. AI did not design it a human did. Boston Dynamics was built on human designers, these wonders that were science fiction when I went to school. I like their dogs.
Its a factory robot.
My grandsons robotics team did well today advancing in the world championships will have 3 more playoffs tomorrow in Houston. The first 2 games the bot was a bit jerky, but by the third round they ironed that out.
Sad to see some bots just die during the competition the kids work so hard to get there.

Last edited 9 months ago by kitt

Sounds like you’ve got a bright grandson. Tell him some crazy guy on the internet said to make sure there’s always a human-controlled OFF button.

Politics are not for nerd 15 year olds, I’ll just let him do his thing and hope that Buyden doesnt nuke his planet.

Hopefully nobody will.

Atlas 001 will have onboard A.I., machine learning tools, and computer vision. According to Boston Dynamics, it’s meant to be commercialized as a robotic worker.

Yes it will map a factory much like a roomba maps your house I saw nothing about AI. I think you are confusing AI with machine learning. The factory tool wont have the vastness of the internet to make human-like decisions. Yes the programming is impressive but not close to the massive sets of algorithms of AI.
Maybe in a few years my grandson will enable that in robots and grandma will have a maid like Rosie.
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Last edited 9 months ago by kitt

The bit about onboard A.I. is on the Boston Dynamics website: An Electric New Era for Atlas

The buy ins, massive server banks and 5 G inside the factory would be needed, very expensive, 5 G isnt bio friendly, ie bad for carbon based units…humans. The electric bill oooooh.

Commercial means affordability a 3 to 5 year payoff of investment.
Then there is the battery
The most significant changes are to the robot’s power supply and pump. Atlas will now carry an onboard 3.7-kilowatt-hour lithium-ion battery pack, with the potential for one hour of “mixed mission” operation that includes walking, standing, use of tools, and other movements. This will drive a new variable-pressure pump that allows for more efficient operation. 

Having the factory go up in flames might be a deterrent.

Last edited 9 months ago by kitt

Still a Moron

What about them, why should I care what they think or say. Ukraine has lost, no spring offensive last year. Its a black hole for our taxdollars and military equipment. The IMC monster has been fed enough borrowed money for that boondoggle. Ukraine is kidnapping teen-aged kids out of the villages now to sent to the front with no training.
Let the corrupt beggar go to the front and the rest of his fake government he can dance for them in platform heels, maybe the Russians will laugh themselves to death.

Putin thanks the heavens for Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden. His war would not be possible without him.

This is absolutely Nato vs Russia, there was no election there is no media except state media, he shut down churches Ukraine is no longer a Democracy. If not for Natos backing the beggar/corrupt pocket lining Zelensky and his oligarch cronies would have taken that ride out of Ukraine the minute Russia moved.
Nato lost, Ukraine can no longer man the weapons sent.
Russia is no longer in the mood to accept anything but surrender, nice move Victoria, Blinken, Atlantic Counsel, State Dept, IMF nice move.
While they demand peace from Israel, they couldnt negotiate with Russia.
How many more dead before the lunatic blood thirsty lizards admit defeat?

Last edited 9 months ago by kitt

Do you know what happened with those why spied for the Germans in WW II?! Bang Bang Pow Pow Blam Blam

Probably card-carrying Democrats.

Obama spend Eight Years Kissing the Rings of the UN/Globalists and Appoligising to them Biden the Blunder continues it

Its the Rothchilds profiteers funding both sides of every bloody conflict, sucking the wealth from every country involved. Fools sell their souls for a nice mansion or 3.

Israel launching new attacks. Thanks, Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden. You are a threat to the entire world, you and your greed and corruption.

No doubt Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden signed the building permit.

With the help of Biden and the UN, CFR, Soros and the DNC you Moron

05/01/24 – Are the Chinese about to ‘deal a devastating blow’ to America? The Biden team clearly wants to distract American voters with a foreign threat

Don’t worry about China. There’s no threat. It’s just Biden, trying to distract you. Etc etc…

Last edited 9 months ago by Greg

Unconfirmed reports that Iran’s Raisi is dead…