The Week in Radical Leftism, 03/22/2024

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Welcome back to Day 1158 of America held hostage by the Biden* Regime! Let’s get to the Lefty insanity:

3/9 – Don’t Fire Until You See the Whites

Yes, I keep bringing up this topic for a reason. Our military is finally preparing for the next war, and take a guess who it’s planning to fight.

3/13 – Biden Regime Poised To Give Iran 10 Billion

Correction: ANOTHER $10 Billion.

3/14 – West Point Goes Woke, Ends Dedication to ‘Duty, Honor, Country’

See the 3/9 post.

3/15 – Mike Pence Says He Will Not Vote for Donald Trump

I don’t think the Vichy Republicans understand who moves like this are actually helping.

3/16 – “I feel like a slave” – Lunatic Dem claims Tennessee Republicans treat her like a slave

In the words of the great Damien Sandow, “Ignorance is temporary, but stupid is forever”.

3/17 – American Cybersecurity Among Other Issues Has Become a Joke Under Joe Biden

At least he’s consistent – it’s not like Biden* is protecting our nation’s physical borders.

3/18 – Stunning! There Is Some Very Good News for Republicans

It’s about time, and hopefully the start of a trend.

3/19 – Mark Judge, Republicans Shred Christine Blasey Ford’s Memoir Reviving Brett Kavanaugh Accusation

Kavanaugh seriously needs to sue Blowsey Ford.

3/20 – Scott Walter Testifies About “Dark Money” in Environmental Debates

As the old saying goes, “Because that’s where the money is”.

3/21 – Keep American Troops the Hell Out of Haiti

Two posts from Kurt Schlichter this week? Yes, and dead on.

3/22 – While Biden Fundraises in Texas, Illegal Aliens Attack Border

Forgive the pedantic point, but if our federal government refuses to perform the basic task of defending our borders, what is the point in even having a government?

Have a great weekend, and enjoy the Tournament!

Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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Trumps income producing properties, but what if the city wanted your house, levy a fine, multiply the fine, for something you did not do, attach the fine, you cant afford, to your tax bill, then just take your house.

102-Year-Old Oakland Man Ordered to Clean Up Graffiti on the Back Fence of His Home or Face Hefty Fine

The interest on this Trump fine, did NY loan him money, are they out of pocket?
Im sure they have great managers for the future stolen properties, a month in their care they will need to fine themselves.
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Last edited 10 months ago by kitt

3/9 – Don’t Fire Until You See the Whites

I also remember Obama encouraging his little lemmings to turn any friends and relatives that aren’t succumbing to leftist groupthink fast enough and still insist on thinking for themselves. Democrats possess all the recognizable traits of fascism and a socialist totalitarian police state and it just keeps moving forward.

3/13 – Biden Regime Poised To Give Iran 10 Billion

While he tries to intimidate Israel to sit back and wait for the next attack. This isn’t mere stupidity; this is intentional support for international terrorism by Obama/Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden.

3/14 – West Point Goes Woke, Ends Dedication to ‘Duty, Honor, Country’

Of course, when the military gets loaded up with illegal immigrants, dedication to country could cause confusion.

3/15 – Mike Pence Says He Will Not Vote for Donald Trump

Actually, he never said he wouldn’t vote for Trump (he will), he said he won’t endorse him.

3/16 – “I feel like a slave” – Lunatic Dem claims Tennessee Republicans treat her like a slave

Do Democrats ever election anyone with intelligence? I see memes all day every day about “dumb” Republican women (i.e., women that don’t submit to leftist usury) yet the examples of STOOOOPID Democrat women is endless.

3/17 – American Cybersecurity Among Other Issues Has Become a Joke Under Joe Biden

Can anyone anywhere name a SINGLE THING Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden has made better, besides making really stupid people look a LOT smarter? But, he did give Putin a list of targets he sure did wish he would please, please, please not hack, please, kind sir? I mean, like the border, what more can he possibly do?

3/18 – Stunning! There Is Some Very Good News for Republicans

The utter, abject and complete failure of Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden compared to the extensive list of successes Trump had, despite vigorous Democrat obstruction, opposition and coups, should provide voters with a no-brainer of a decision.

3/19 – Mark Judge, Republicans Shred Christine Blasey Ford’s Memoir Reviving Brett Kavanaugh Accusation

During the hearings, I noted 6 distinct lies Ford was caught in. Of course, like with Trump, it was the accusation that was important, not the proof of any actual crime. I saw a clip where The P.U. slobbered over her, lauded her “bravery” (how brave is it to do what is guaranteed to be worshiped by the left?) and her “suffering” (I seem to remember a GoFundMe that netted her over $1 million). Damn, the left is transparently corrupt.

3/20 – Scott Walter Testifies About “Dark Money” in Environmental Debates

It would be great if the left would use all that money to do something productive instead of always making situations worse. But, I guess that won’t be happening.

3/21 – Keep American Troops the Hell Out of Haiti

Absolutely, since their job would be to serve as bullet magnets that are forbidden to shoot back. Haiti is a great picture of how Democrat “help” works out. Maybe the Clinton’s can take another $10 million and build another shanty. It’s also a great example of how Democrat’s f**k something up and then expect the taxpayers to come in and clean up the mess. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden will pump several billion US taxpayer dollars in one end of Haiti and it will go directly into the Clinton Foundation ATM out the other end. And all the usual suspects will get their share.

3/22 – While Biden Fundraises in Texas, Illegal Aliens Attack Border

How can contributors in Texas not see that Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s border stupidity is going to make their money simply evaporate? The image of a mob of illegal immigrants tearing down razor wire barriers and storming the border wall totally negates whatever the Grifter in Chief bagged up in Dallas.

Yeah, when I think of Hitler, I think of his sense of humor first. Just wondering, didn’t you think the Illinois leftist judge that upheld the 2nd Amendment rights of ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS was noteworthy?