I discovered The Nation (TN) @ 20 years ago. At the time I liked to read some of the articles as a good balance to National Review and The Economist, both of which I read religiously at the time. I stopped reading The Economist after Barry O got elected, as I’d noticed its slide over the last four years to where it became Newsweek with a British accent, albeit still with good international coverage. I finally left National Review four years ago. I’d accumulated so much insanity from them that there’s actually enough for two posts. And it makes for a good post to keep handy on an insanely busy week where I don’t have time for my usual TWIRL roundup. Enjoy!
While the Planet Burns: Billionaires Are Busy Hunkering Down for the Apocalypse
Like Bill Gates’ carbon spewing private jet? My personal guess is that billionaires are more afraid of the serfs rebelling against them wanting to take away our cars, gas stoves, air conditioners, homes, and meat while stuffing us into pods and making us eat bugs. Just a guess.
Affirmative Action: Perfectly Fine for West Point and Annapolis—but Not Harvard
Peter Dreieer contends that Asian American Conservatives Have Become Key Allies of White Supremacy. As the death of affirmative action showed, Asian American conservatives are active, militant co-conspirators with white conservatives.
Is it just me, but by the standards of The Radical Left, has White Supremacy become the most diverse and inclusive movement in America today? More from TN on this topic:
In his opinion for the majority, hidden in a footnote, Chief Justice John Roberts wrote that “race-based admissions programs further compelling interests at our nation’s military academies.” According to Roberts, the military schools have “distinct interests” separate from those at other elite colleges and universities, although he failed to identify any such interests.
To make it sound as though it was Roberts’ assertion. Here is the full quote: “The United States as amicus curiae contends that race-based admissions programs further compelling interests at our Nation’s military academies. No military academy is a party to these cases, however, and none of the courts below addressed the propriety of race-based admissions systems in that context. This opinion also does not address the issue, in light of the potentially distinct interests that military academies may present.”
When the facts don’t fit, just lie.
Yep, not wanting your daughters crushed by creeps in their locker rooms or their children mutilated is now “hateful fascist bigotry”.
How Rumble Is Planning to Be the Premier MAGA Platform
Yep, allowing free speech that contradicts The Radical Left is now MAGA!
Oh, FFS. Actually, just because he’s dangerous to The Radical Left doesn’t make him stupid. His quote, “My opinion of a white nationalist, if someone wants to call them white nationalist, to me is an American.” is dead on accurate how The Radical Left now characterizes normal Americans. Cockroaches don’t like sunlight.
To paraphrase the man who hires Joe’s* diaper changers, “He’ll have a lot more flexibility to ‘finish the job’ of destroying our economy after the election”
“Israel continues to indiscriminately rain bullets and bombs on worshipers, murdering the old, the young, attacking the funerals and graveyards as it encourages lynch mobs,”“May we rejoice in the corners of our New York City bedroom apartments and dining tables, may it be fuel for the fight against capitalism, racism, imperialism, and Zionism around the world,”
And we Normals would love to attach your speech to every Democrat running for election.
Yes, the US Is the Best Country in the World—at Being Terrible
Awkward question, but if the US is so horrible, why do the people who hate this country feel everybody from around the world should want to live here?
I am at a rare loss for words here – The Radical Left is unintentionally admitting that homelessness is a growth and profit industry. It’s rare to see them admit that their goal is to increase human misery.
How Solitary Confinement Is Used as a Weapon Against Trans People
The January 6th Reichstag Fire prisoners were unavailable for comment.
“Pregnant people”? FFS, why can’t The Radical Left just say WOMEN?!?
Put some men on the team.
A History of the Crack Epidemic From Below
While this might actually be an excellent article, that poorly worded headline has me unable to stop laughing like Beavis and Butthead every time I try to read the actual post
Laugh all you want, but misunderestimate Gulag Barbie at your own risk. If mental invalids like Fetterman and Biden* can get installed into office thanks to the (D) after their name, who can’t?
The Catholic Women Priests Fighting for Reproductive Justice
So much contradiction in one headline…
I was going to just snark in agreement, when I caught the best part – the author not only cites the The Bulwark, but is also a contributor!
The American Military Is Truly Exceptional—at Spending Money
Sadly one observation that even we Normals have to nod in agreement
The Small-Town Library That Became a Culture War Battleground
I’d take the DIE movement more seriously if they’d advocate for equal space for straight p0rn in libraries.
The New Law to Protect Pregnant Workers Is Already Changing Live
Inflation Is Falling. So Why Are the Fiscal Austerians Back in the Headlines?
So why the lie?
The Patronizing Moralism of David Brooks
VIchy Republican learns the value of being a turncoat
We Are Still a Long Way From Justice for Donald Trump
As in acknowledging the fraud that was the 2020 election and declaring Donald Trump re-elected as President? Justice! Now let’s talk reparations…
That’s it for now. More regular content next week – any week that starts with chaperoning an overnight field trip and ends with an out of town wedding really messes with one’s blogging schedule. TWIRL returns next week.
Have a great weekend, and Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
Just saw a nice ad for a luxury hotel in Japan.
Then the underground follow up: one after another of the servants, cooks, cleaners, valets and hosts was shown living in a pod in a crowded aisle full of pods, three high.
The “Left’s” propensity to change language is growing by the day.
Old words take on new meanings and new phrases are created to demonize traditions in America.
A “white nationalist,” might be a black man (Larry Elder, for example) but it is for sure a person of ANY race, creed or color whose politics are not :leftist.”
When Lewis Carroll wrote that “words mean what I say they mean,” he was being sarcastic, not writing a manual.
Made me think of Rupaul’s attempt at creating a truly free speech book sales platform.
One day later many books were banned from Rupaul’s sales.
One day!
Maybe because of the way compound interest works, it builds on top of itself.
That’s the way inflation works, too.
White supremacy is the most dangerous, insidious existential threat that everyone almost never sees.
Oh, look… Nikki Haley was a “far right hate-monger”… until she suddenly wasn’t. What can be more hateful and bigoted than not wanting your daughters molested by boys in dresses?
“Israel is murdering everyone…” Well, that’s what I heard.
When I read some of the things leftists write about this country, I wonder, why do you stay here? Why not leave to one of those paradises, like Cuba, Venezuela or N. Korea? I find they love all the luxuries of life and the freedoms the US provides but hates everything that makes all that possible.
Well, they only dislike using human misery to generate revenue when they literally step in the shit.
Well… no more “free articles” and I wouldn’t pay a nickel to read more of that leftist shit.
Why are they called “trans people”? Is it so obvious? Why aren’t they just “people”? Oh… THAT’S right… they can’t be perpetual victims then.
I think it’s a problem when defending and protecting life is “reproductive injustice”. Here’s an idea… why no just DON’T REPRODUCE?
Maybe… just maybe, Brazil doesn’t have good women soccer players and/or coaches for women’s teams. Maybe a sandwich making competition would be more suited?
If you think viewing crack from the bottom is funny, you should visit the “Uranus Fudge Factory” website.
See… that’s what we miss by not reading leftist propaganda… more articles singing the praises of Sandy.
Why is “reproductive justice” always the death penalty?
I like how the left ponders if they should “let Trump run”, as though they can give HIM a vacation home to stay out.
The military is but another example of unsupervised taxpayer money being dumped in bushel baskets into projects where otherwise honest people finally resolve, “Well, why NOT take a handful? Everyone else is.”
That’s been MY position; why is there no hetero porn in schools? Are the indoctrinating, grooming recruiters afraid of the competition?
I can’t read the article, so I don’t know what is new there. Where I worked, pregnant women were kept away from strenuous work and chemicals, even climbing stairs. And no protests are threats were required.
How about, “The Rate At Which The Economy Is Cratering Is Slowing A Bit. Vote Democrat To Pick Up The Pace”?
Well, I don’t have enough information to comment about Brooks… so f**k him.
Justice for Trump would be him winning defamation suits against everyone that accused him of Russian collusion, racism, promoting injecting bleach, rape, sexual assault, fraud and insurrection and bankrupting every single one of them and the organizations they work for. We could take a huge bite out of the national debt with that judgement, especially if they were on the “solely to bankrupt Trump” scale.