The Week in Radical Leftism, 03/08/2024

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Yep, another light week of blogging. Last week was the planning stage, while this week was dedicated to handling the highest priority items. More content next week, I promise. In the meantime, onto Day 1144 of America held hostage by the Biden* Regime! Let’s see what our Lefty pals have been up to:

2/28 – How Another Newsom Recall Effort Helps America


3/1 – Why don’t we take sex crimes against children seriously?

When you see who the perp is you’ll understand why the press did what Iowahawk would say, “They covered the story. With a pillow. Until it stopped moving.”

3/2 – Biden Regime Comes After Water

3/3 – California Dreamin’: Steve Garvey Surges In Senate Bid, Can He Beat Adam Schiff?

3/4 – The GOP Is Changing, and That’s Good

3/5 – Neglected Parkinson’s patient, 73, calls 999 for help… from his own hospital bed after being denied painkillers because he was ‘not a priority’

This is the NHS, and The Radical Left’s dream for us.

3/6 – Too bad, so sad

It may sound cold, but I have zero sympathy a Branch COVIDian like this. And the article does a great job of articulating why.

3/7 – John Kerry offers CO2 public relations advice to Putin

As grateful as I am that hack in Black Merrick Garland will never be on the Supreme Court, it’s just as scary how close the world ugliest gold digger nearly became President of the US back in 2004.

3/8 – Biden Admin Took Away Ronny Jackson’s Admiral Status and Made a Trans Admiral

Have  great weekend!

Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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2/28 – How Another Newsom Recall Effort Helps America

As it stands now, odds are biden might not make it to the democrat convention as the nominee. Both uncommitted and Jason Palmer are becoming serious contenders for the nomination. Then there is the real question of bidens health. Should he not be the nominee, a second recall effort on newsom severely tarnishes his chances as a replacement for biden. Big Mike on more than 2 occasions has made it clear he/she does not want to be POTUS. hillary is not viable and Khlamydia polls much less than her boss, joey. Could it be witmer from MI?

Last edited 10 months ago by TrumpWon

2/28 – How Another Newsom Recall Effort Helps America

If it hurts Schiff’s chances, hell yeah.


No doubt, seeing the Constitution upheld makes leftists sad.

3/1 – Why don’t we take sex crimes against children seriously?

Pedophiles have become another interest group the Democrats are interested in pandering to. Why not? Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden leads the way. Leftist law enforcement seems to be guided by, “Is that the best you got? TRY AGAIN!”

3/2 – Biden Regime Comes After Water

Whew! I was just complaining about how I wanted my water bill to be much higher. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden to the rescue once again!

3/3 – California Dreamin’: Steve Garvey Surges In Senate Bid, Can He Beat Adam Schiff?

Oh, please, please, please, PLEASE, make this happen! But, in Crappyfornia, Democrat cheating is a given. Pay attention to your signals, Garvey.

3/4 – The GOP Is Changing, and That’s Good

The main change that needs to happen is they need to fight fire with fire and go for the Democrat jugular when Democrats come at them.

3/5 – Neglected Parkinson’s patient, 73, calls 999 for help… from his own hospital bed after being denied painkillers because he was ‘not a priority’

He’s lucky they didn’t euthanize him just to clear his bed.

3/6 – Too bad, so sad

Vandaelle could not be reached for comment, but I’m sure he thinks his vaccinations should continue, just in case.

3/7 – John Kerry offers CO2 public relations advice to Putin

Why isn’t he reprimanding China? Oh… that’s right. Cha-ching. Chong.

3/8 – Biden Admin Took Away Ronny Jackson’s Admiral Status and Made a Trans Admiral

I can’t imagine a greater insult to military personnel in general and member of the Navy specifically than the elevation of this failed science project to Admiral. But, it’s not like he didn’t earn his “promotion”. Just look at these service ribbons and the risk of life and limb they represent:
Public Health Service Presidential Unit Citation
Department of Homeland Security Outstanding Unit Award
Public Health Service COVID-19 Pandemic Campaign Medal
Public Health Service Regular Corps Ribbon
Commissioned Corps Training Ribbon
Assistant Secretary for Health Badge
Office of the Secretary of Health and Human Services Badge

The Distinguished Service Cross is pending for the Battle of the Bull Bitches.

The old guy left neglected is just about what we have here in the states, corporate medicine where one giant hospital buys up another. Nurses all go to shift meetings at the same time, never leave your loved one alone.

What the hell is going on in Haiti, canibalism, FFS, soon they will be importing them too.

Ya the old coot was saying they want our 3 year olds in school and they would read by kindergarten ya how about they can read by HS graduation first.

Sex crimes against children, still waiting for the first customer of Epstien to be called in, but seems they are all busy trying to get Trump.

Traveling trip tip
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Last edited 10 months ago by kitt