You can’t help but notice that Joe Biden has suddenly discovered black people. With the election looming Biden had dinner with a black family and has used them as a foil for his reelection bid.
They are merely tools for Biden and it’s been noticed:
DEVELOPING: Joe Biden invited this young Black man to the White House to spend some time with him and Jill Biden so they can show him how Democrats pander to his race every four years.
Kamala Harris recently invited HBCU students to the White House for a party playing Sexyy…
— Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives (@dom_lucre) March 5, 2024
Biden in a Blcak Church
“This right here is why Democrats, like Joe Biden, won’t do anything for Blacks. They know that all they have to do is show up to a black church, eat some fried chicken with Black people, and pull a bottle of hot sauce out of a purse like Hillary…
— Winnie Schola (@WinnieSchola) March 5, 2024
You know, spooky language about an orange boogeyman used to affect me not too long ago.
So much so, I did everything in my power to support Joe Biden. I wanted things to be normal after COVID, so I donated more money to his campaign than I did ANYONE else in my adult life.
I even featured in Biden’s “America the Beautiful” video, and fully believed we would go back to “normal.”
And what did we as a nation get from this man?
Women got Title VII and Title IX gutted on DAY ONE, so men in dresses (I believe you call them “trans women”) could invade women’s sports and private spaces.
The Biden administration left BILLIONS of dollars in weapons and ammunition behind in Afghanistan in that abominable withdrawal, leaving the country to fall to the Taliban within DAYS.
When gas was $5 a gallon a couple years ago, this administration told people to buy expensive, ugly, impractical electric vehicles that are objectively WORSE for the environment than internal combustion cars.
This administration lied FAR more about COVID than Trump ever did, and sold the country out to the pharmaceutical corporations so gene “therapy” experiments masquerading as a vaccine could be foisted on the American people.
And lest I forget, big cities all over the country are being turned into open-air crime dens while public transportation systems are “transformed” into rolling homeless shelters, where train crews could lose their lives in the course of their duties.
Even if I were to take YOUR approach and vote for our interests as a race (because we are a homogeneous political blob, apparently), this invasion of criminal aliens is being facilitated BY the Biden administration.
Illegals are being shunted into homeless shelters in Black enclaves in NYC on a DAILY basis now. It’s happening in MY neighborhood in Brooklyn.
So this notion that Black people need to “get in formation” to keep voting for the same pigs that keep hurting us? That have only gotten LESS subtle about their contempt and racism towards Blacks while putting this dementia patient as the one who will save us from Donald “Mr. Jones” Trump?
Sorry babe, I’m not falling for it again.
And a LOT of other Black people aren’t “Ridin’ with Biden” either; they just aren’t saying anything because they don’t want to get screamed at by people like you and others with the same empty, spooky tropes about “white supremacy” and all that.
Stay blessed, Randi.
And please tell our mutual friend (if you’re who I think you might be) I said hello, would you?
Then he sent Merrick Garland to a black church to further justify his war on the sanctity of the vote.
The truth is both of them are bigots. The other day Biden said
“Well, I think what’s at stake for everyone, and particularly the black voters is that our very democracy is at stake. When I ran in 2020, and the black community was really significant in my winning in the first place, when I ran and 2020 I said, democracy is at stake. And the press said, ‘Whoa, wait a minute. That’s an exaggeration.’ Except the vast majority of people understood what I meant. For example, making it harder to vote. What do you need to vote? An ID card, to be able to go vote.”
Black people, just like everyone else, need a photo ID for a lot of things. I asked Copilot what requires a photo ID:
Photo identification, commonly known as photo ID, is an essential document used to confirm the correct identity of the person it portrays. When examining a photo ID, the goal is to verify that the photograph on the ID corresponds to the individual holding it. Here are some common scenarios where photo IDs are required:
- Travel and Passports: When applying for a U.S. passport, you need to provide a photo ID. This applies to individuals over the age of 18 and parents or guardians applying with their children1.
- Age Verification: Many places require photo ID as proof of age. For example:
- Bars and Clubs: To verify that patrons are of legal drinking age.
- Buying Alcohol or Tobacco: When purchasing alcoholic beverages or tobacco products.
- Entering Age-Restricted Venues: Such as casinos or adult entertainment establishments.
- Financial Transactions:
- Opening Bank Accounts: Banks often require photo ID to open an account.
- Cash Transactions: Some businesses may ask for photo ID when dealing with large cash amounts.
- Employment and Security:
- Employee Identification: Companies issue photo IDs to employees for access control, security, and identification within the workplace.
- Access Control: Photo IDs are used for entry into secure areas, buildings, or events.
- Background Checks: Employers may request photo ID during the hiring process.
- Government Services:
- Voting: In some countries, photo ID is required to vote.
- Social Services: Applying for government benefits or services often requires photo identification.
- Education and Institutions:
- Student IDs: Educational institutions issue photo IDs to students for library access, exams, and other campus services.
- Library Cards: Public libraries may require photo ID for borrowing books.
- Healthcare and Medical Services:
- Hospital Visits: Photo ID helps verify patient identity during medical appointments.
- Prescription Pick-Up: Pharmacies may ask for photo ID when dispensing medications.
But Biden would have you believe that black people are not bright enough to obtain a valid photo ID to vote. That didn’t sit well with many black people:
It’s insulting to the entire Black community for Attorney General Merrick Garland to go stand in the pulpit of a Black church and say to a Black congregation, they are too stupid to afford a free photo ID to vote! In his mind like all liberal democrat White supremacists, Blacks should not vote their pocket books. Forget about the illegals invading their neighborhoods, crime, high interest rates, gas prices, cost of milk and materials at HomeDepot. I notice Merrick doesn’t have any Black direct reports. No DEI in his office.
— J Marie (@JMarieThesisPod) January 28, 2024
Is the need for a photo ID suppressing the right to drive a car, purchase alcohol, open a bank account or pick up prescriptions? What do black people actually think of the need for photo ID?
Biden’s pandering is truly disgusting. His contempt for minorities is appalling. It’s nothing new. He has a long history of bigotry.
With his stupid remarks, Merrick Garland also proved himself to also regard the black population with contempt. It’s no wonder Trump is gaining ground with minorities.
DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
The democrat party is the party of racism. The democrat party founded the KKK. The democrat party thought so
Much of the KKK they had one of its most prominent members be one of their most endeared senate majority leaders, Robert KKK Byrd.
The Democrats the Party of Slave Owners and the KKK the party of lynching and cross Burnings of intollerence and Treason
The Democrat party is the party of slavery and racism. They have never confronted their past, never apologized for it and certainly never atoned for it. Thus, they have never renounced their past and people become Democrats FOR the racism. They simply use it as a weapon now, doing all they can to keep racism alive, hot and in abundance.
Like what Richard Pryor from the movie Stir Crazy said THATS RIGHT WERE BAD
The Democ-Rats have been Bias Toward Blacks since before the Civil Wars and nothing has changed Obama and Jackson are Uncle Tom types
Merrick Garland: The Quintessential Racist Bigot (
The white liberal has since post civil war and reconstruction, manages to euphemistically keep black people on their “plantation” to this day. As President Trump gains more and more black support, that will change as a majority of blacks will return to the Republican party.