Forty six year old Melissa Powell and her sixteen-year-old son Riordan were driving in Broomfield Colorado just before Christmas when their car was struck another being driven by Jose Menjivar. Menjivar’s car was estimated to be traveling at 100 mph when he struck the Powell vehicle. Powell and her son were both killed. Menjivar was found unconscious and claimed not to remember the accident. Menjivar was later determined to have a blood alcohol of .249 – more than three times the limit.
Menjivar is an illegal alien who had been deported four times. He had no valid license and I’ll bet a million dollars he had no insurance.
Democrats do not want these dirtbags deported. In fact, 150 democrats voted against deporting illegal aliens who have been convicted of drunk driving.
Over two-thirds of House Democrats voted Thursday in opposition to a bipartisan measure that was passed and if enacted could result in immigrants living in the U.S. illegally being deported for a DUI conviction.
Under the Protect Our Communities from DUIs Act, “driving while intoxicated or impaired” would be grounds for “barring a non-U.S. national (alien under federal law) from admission into the United States” or deporting the individual.
The vote tally was 215 Republicans and 59 Democrats in favor of the bill and 150 Democrats, including House Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries, voting against it. The bill passed 274-150.
Then there’s House Bill HR 6678
To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to provide that aliens who have been convicted of or who have committed Social Security fraud are inadmissible and deportable.
155 democrats voted against that, including Minority Hakeem Jeffries. Here’s the list
The Biden attitude toward illegal alien crime is the more the merrier.
Three Years of Biden Immigration Policies Have Benefitted Criminal Aliens
Comparing ICE criminal data from fiscal years 2017-2019 to 2021-2023
For three years the Biden administration has claimed that its policies are designed to focus on criminal aliens to a greater degree than the policies under the Trump administration. As DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas put it in a September 2021 memo, “By exercising our discretionary authority in a targeted way, we can focus our efforts on those who pose a threat to national security, public safety, and border security and thus threaten America’s well-being.”
It is now clear that the promised outcome has not been met and that the Biden administration’s policies have gutted the nation’s immigration enforcement system, with no concern about the number of criminal aliens that are being released into our communities.
Official data from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) reveals that the Biden administration has arrested and removed significantly fewer criminal aliens than the Trump administration. (This data comes from both ICE public releases as well as a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by the Center for Immigration Studies.) Contrary to Secretary Mayorkas’s claim, public safety and national security have been significantly undermined by the Biden administration’s reckless policies, and the threats the administration has created will continue to inflict damage on American society for many years to come.
This analysis compares the first three years of ICE criminal alien data under the Trump administration (FYs 2017, 2018, and 2019) to the first three years of ICE criminal alien data under the Biden administration (FYs 2021, 2022, and 2023), and finds that criminal aliens have been top beneficiaries of the Biden administration’s immigration agenda. A criminal alien is one who has a criminal conviction or pending criminal charges.
The data shows the Biden administration is responsible for the following when comparing FYs 2017, 2018, and 2019 to FYs 2021, 2022, and 2023:
- 57 percent decrease in arrests of criminal aliens
- 68 percent decrease in at-large arrests of criminal aliens
- 44 percent decrease in detainer requests issued on criminal aliens
- 67 percent decrease in deportations of criminal aliens
- 55 percent decrease in immigration-related criminal convictions
- The combined number of crimes on the rap sheets of aliens arrested by ICE during these years has dropped by 56 percent under the Biden administration. Comparing these two time periods shows a decline in every crime category reported by ICE, including, for example:
- 63 percent decrease in larceny records
- 57 percent decrease in stolen vehicle records
- 55 percent decrease in burglary records
- 48 percent decrease in assault records
- 47 percent decrease in robbery records
- 34 percent decrease in kidnapping records
democrats are the party representing illegal aliens and not Americans. How many Americans have to die for their largesse? What is the acceptable amount of collateral American deaths?
It’s bad enough to flood the country with this trash, but to insist they remain and force Americans to support them is nothing short of reprehensible.
BTW, Joe Biden doesn’t want them deported either, as he doesn’t consider drunk driving to be a felony.
Tell it to the remaining Powell family.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Screw the DNC and the Jackass they rode in on if that’s their pinion of America then they should all leave America and never return
Every one of these criminal illegal alien invaders will need to be rounded up and sent back to the shithole they came from whether the sending country agrees or not.
But… but… but Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden was doing all he could!
It’s way past time for the big round up!
The WEF and its younger lefty allies in various governments WANT the European race dead.
So, this is a “feature,” not a “bug.”
Seems these “elites” believe they can manipulate POC more easily than white people.
Why, for God’s sake, is being an illegal immigrant not grounds for deportation? Failing that, why is a parking ticket not grounds for deportation?
Democrats absolutely hate this country. Those scumbags that beat up the NYC cops and then gave the American people the finger when they got out with no bail share the attitude of Democrats. THEY give the American people the double whammy-jammy by wasting tax dollars, opening our borders, coddling criminals, their lawfare, their corruption, their election fraud. As bad, as dangerous, as destructive, as costly that Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s border disaster and out of control illegal immigration is, it is but one facet of the disaster the Democrats have brought down upon the nation.
Firearms are more dangerous than illegal immigrants.
The Dems voted down a proposal to report illegals trying to purchase firearms Mikey stay on topic.
What do firearms do? Do they drive drunk? Do they rape little girls? Do they spread fentanyl? Do they assault cops? Do they shoplift stores out of business? What does a firearm get up and go do that harms anyone?
The topic of the thread is about criminal illegal alien invaders and the risk they pose to the American citizen. Further, the reason they are a threat is because your pResident refuses to do his Constitutional duty to protect the citizens of this country.
Post your bullshit 2nd Amendment tripe on a thread about firearms, moron.
Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s open border and pro-crime agenda pretty much makes any gun restriction argument moot now. If criminal illegal immigrants, with repeat violent offenses, are allowed to assault cops and then are released without bail or any attempt to keep track of them, what chance to typical citizens have without the ability to arm themselves?
Melissa Powell’s family would disagree
You know who’s really saying “fuck you” to Americans? Second Amendment absolutists.
Wrong Self defense is a constitutional right all American, dont like it move to England where you will be stabbed not shot.
Knives are regulated there.
How so?
The Great Second Amendment Experiment is clearly not working, and the absolutists are the main people standing in the way of doing something to fix it.
Pretty vague answer. But that is what we have come to expect from you.
So vague, in fact, that no answer can be found within it.
You keep presenting stupid shit like that but haven’t yet backed up a single one. Show me one incident where a gun just went out and committed a crime.
Perhaps it is the Great Never Prosecute A Crime Experiment that has failed.
“Give those matches back to that toddler! Show me one single instance where a match lit a fire. You can’t, can you? Check and mate, libtards! Now go out and buy a book of Fisher-Price’s My First Matches! It’s the perfect gift for every three-year-old!”
So, where is your call to ban matches? Something bad happened with a match, so matches bad… right? Put matches in the hands of irresponsible people… ban matches. Yeah, that sounds practical.
mikey has no point, why is he here?
The problem is that we don’t know who the irresponsible toddlers are until they burn the house down.
Maybe that’s your concept of parenting, but most pay attention to their children, educate them, reprimand them, punish them when they do wrong, and encourage them. Conversely, you leftists ignore bad behavior, fail to punish it, which in effect encourages it. A criminal commits a crime with a gun and you release the criminal without bail and punish the law abiding gun owner. You KNOW the “irresponsible toddlers” but you refuse to admit it because addressing crime isn’t your priority; disarming citizens is.
The left’s total and complete disinterest in Hunter’s violation of your beloved background check requirement pretty much tells me all I need to know about what the priority is.
You are an effing moron, pencildick.
Does not need fixing, Shall not infringe is pretty clear. In spite of the clarity of that, they keep putting fringes on it.
Criminals dont GAF you just restrict the lawful.
I would much rather see a school have an after school gun class and shooting range than a Satanist club.
Try enforcing the laws already on the books instead of passing more to make gun owners criminals for having standard equipment sold with the firearm and dumbshit such as that.
Ooooo it holds to many bullets its made of plastic not wood, it looks military but has the same ammo as a 22 rifle.
And making up stupid names like assault rifle to scare the ignorant.
Only muskets? check out this invention before 1776
“Shall not be infringed” is the part that needs fixing.
Go Fuck Yourself
mikey is a sick fuck pencildick moron. Thinks the wording of our right to bear arms needs to be fixed. He should be fixed so he does not pollute the world with offspring.
Someone is triggered. It seems that all the snowflakes aren’t falling out of the sky this winter.
Imagine, someone being “triggered” by a relentless disregard for the Constitution and repeated desire to violate it. What is TrumpWon… some kind of patriot or something?
There has been no attempt ever to change it, only violate it.
Just another taxpayer leach who thinks he is smarter than the founders. Works for a system where remedial reading is a thing in college.
Speaking of remedial:
So not a intelligent response we must be Mr Spell checker. Ok you are a tax payer leech, happy?

mikey is emblematic of the stupidity of a democrat.
You don’t think a leech would spell leech wrong, do you?
Listen: you can’t dish out snark about people being illiterate and then make a very basic screw-up like that. You brought it on yourself. Pull up your big girl Depends and move on.
Why don’t you fix it instead of just infringing it?
That’s what I’d like to see happen, but it comes back around to Second Amendment absolutists being the bottleneck, as I said.
There is no bottleneck because there has been no attempt to change the 2nd Amendment, only to violate it. Now, more than ever before, with the Democrats defunding police, refusing to prosecute criminals and opening our border to every criminal every nation wants to get rid of, the right to self defense is important to citizens.
How’d that work out for you? So, the People have spoken… you just want to continue pissing on the Constitution?
So you were wrong. Apology accepted.
If I read that correctly, they were trying to repeal the 2nd Amendment, not change it. You may now kiss my ass, right in the middle where the air comes out.
Hey mikey moron. It had zero cosponsors and it went nowhere in the House. The committee that it was assigned to did zip, zero, nada with it. Congrats on digging up some obscure record in the Congressional Record.
Not a bottle neck , a cork
Jan 22, 202446% of American households own at least one firearm
“202446% of American households”
You talk shit about Teachers These Days, but it would appear that your teachers did you no favors back in the 1920s. I apologize on their behalf.
Followed by “prohibiting the free exercise thereof”
On the positive side, one gun can eliminate any dictator.
So can an election not twisted by Democrat election fraud.
It must really frost your balls that both the DC and the fat fani Fulton county trials have died on the vine. Neither will be moving forward. So you are left with nothing, bless your little heart.
You lost touch with reality even before Trump lost the election.
2/3/24 – Trump sees diminishing fundraising returns from combative court appearances –
More straws to grasp at? Trump has what Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden will never have: a successful record to run on.
Maybe you should send the lying loser wannabe dictator grab-em-by-the-pussy bastard more of your monthly Social Security check.
Comrade Greggie, maybe you should send the lying loser wannabe dictator grab-Tara-Reade-by-the-pussy bastard more of your monthly Social Security check.
This is what joey is good at.
What’s not working is the system. I don’t see big cities making any efforts to take weapons from those who do not legally possess them.
Why don’t we just abolish all the laws on the books that leave mentally ill people roaming the streets who are a threat to not only themselves but others. We can start with the legislation signed by JFK.
Or maybe we could abolish motor vehicles.
Isn’t that pretty much what the Democrats are doing?
2/2/24 – Newsmax’s Seb Gorka Claims He and Steve Bannon Convinced Trump to Axe Iran Nuclear Deal: ‘One of My Proudest Career Moments’ –
01/26/24 – CIA director: Iran’s nuclear program advancing at “worrisome pace” –
Do you remember what advantage Trump gained by unilaterally scuttling the nuclear agreement?
Neither do I.
He had that country completely shut off, they were broke, no money for terrorism or their nukes, now Biden took off the sanctions and has us back bombing sand dunes, cause he waited long enough for Miley to tell the Republican Guard where to hide.
Do you remember the advantage Iran got by getting the west to beg them to sign a deal they never honored? I do.
Iran NEVER honored it. It was a deal made by stupid, weak people.
A decade later, Iran still doesn’t have the nuclear weapons that were less than a year away in 2013. Why do you suppose that is?
That’s funny… the “deal” was supposed to keep them from having a weapon for 15 years. I guess that was just another of Obama’s massive lies. Iran cheated on it from day one, since there was no enforcement, and they continued developing their long range missiles. Obama did nothing. TRUMP put them out of business.
The bloodthirsty, sex-trafficking Venezuelan prison gang NOW in America – and they’ve killed for the first time: Why national security experts say this is a catastrophic result of Biden’s broken borders
Jose Luis Sanchez Valera, a 43-year-old retired Venezuelan police officer, was lured to a hotel by two women, then robbed and murdered on November 28The killers tortured Sanchez to hand over his apartment keys, then raided the property: they told his niece, with whom he lived, they were Tren de AraguaTren de Aragua is one of the most feared gangs in Latin America: it was born in Venezuela around 2012, and the Miami murder is the first by the gang in the US

Abbott has been illegally transporting such people all over the US at taxpayer expense, keeping no record of who they are or where they were sent.
And it is illegal for Abbott to send illegals to their desired destination, why? And yes, the taxpayers of Texas are paying for that just like the taxpayers of the U.S. are paying for the many, MANY plane loads Biden has shipped all around the nation. Is Biden shipping those illegals illegally like you claim Abbott is?
Tell me, Comrade Greggie, how do you record identity of the illegals that have no ID to provide? Or do you think they are all carrying driver’s licenses from their home countries?
You’re such an idiot.
Knowingly transporting illegal aliens within the US is a criminal offense that can carry a 10-year prison sentence. Unfortunately, Trump-corrupted GOP politicians no longer give a flying fuck about the law.
Domestic Transporting — Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(ii) makes it an offense for any person who — knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an alien has come to, entered, or remains in the United States in violation of law, transports, or moves or attempts to transport or move such alien within the United States
If you think Abbott is guilty of violating immigration law, you just proved Joe Biden is violating the laws he swore to uphold.
Screening, recording, and transporting illegal entrants is an essential part of lawful processing. Bipartisan legislative compromises that would make the process more efficient and increase executive powers to respond to mass migration have been blocked by Trump’s tools in Congress because he needs continuing chaos as a campaign issue.
You’re backing a man who benefits from continuing chaos by selling himself as the solution. Essentially, what’s bad for the nation is good for Trump.
So then why is it legal for Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden to transport them, by air, without any ID or background check? For that matter, why is it legal for Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden to violate and ignore all the immigration laws that are in place? At least Abbott buses his wetbacks in the light of day; Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden drops them off at isolated airports in the middle of the night so there is no notice or coverage. Why do you suppose he does it that way?
Also, in case you haven’t noticed, the way Democrats violate laws at will make respecting laws more or less optional. If you don’t like that or believe, as I do, that this ultimately leads to chaos, maybe you should insist your party take a different attitude towards following the law… or choose another party.
Why is it legal for a Department of Corrections employee to transport a bus full of prisoners, Sherlock?
How about knowingly doing this?
Texas man lures sex offender, then shoots him dead.
Chalk one up for the good guys.
It is an invasion. Some of the criminal illegal alien invaders are carrying guns
I say shoot them.
If I were a judge with the power to do so, I wouldn’t deport him. I would do what God’s pure Word the Bible (King James Version best) commands be done to murderers: I would sentence him to be immediately executed.
The blood of those two Americans is on the hands of possibly Obama (Biden’s likely Puppet Master), definitely Biden himself, his administration, and the Marxist Revolutionaries (I.e., the “Democrats”).
Soon enough they will be rounded up and sent back to the countries from which they came. They are not wanted here. Immigration is the issue for the 2024 general election and biden has a losing policy.