Greetings folks! As I mentioned last week there wouldn’t be a Week in Radical Leftism to commemorate Day 1102 of America held hostage by the Biden* regime. Instead, this week’s roundup will be of some early lessons learned from 10/7 and its aftermath. Let’s get to it!
The Holy Church of St. Pancake
Keep your daughters away from Leftism
Ferguson II – Media Spread Hamas Hospital Hoax to Create More Violence
The true disgrace is that anyone with three brain cells would have questioned the source. This was deliberate.
Democrats Are Showing You Who They Are
Biden State Department Won’t Fire Notorious Anti-Semitic Foreign Service Officer
Why would the fire someone for saying publicly what they all say privately?
CNN Issues Humiliating Correction, Admits to Unquestioningly Parroting Terrorist Talking Points
However Much You Hate The Media, These 7 Moments In Israel Coverage Prove It’s Not Enough
Fact check: True
Jewish College Students: Stop Whining and Grow Some!
An excellent point, one that will be a portion of Part III of this series.
Glazov Gang: Mapping Jews Project USA
Poll: 20% of Democrats Side With Hamas.
Am I the only one who thinks that number looks too low?
What Pro-Hamas Protesters Did After Jewish Man Was Put Into Ambulance Shocks the Conscience
Fact check: False. Nothing The Radical Left does surprises me these days,
WATCH: Israeli Satire Show Mocks Liberal Support for Hamas in Scathing Viral Skit
This would be some great source material for SNL if they were still in the comedy business.
Dear Jews: We never liked you. We were just using you
And this one will be addressed in Part II
A brief history of Kristallnacht
A warning to us Normals, a How To guide for The Radical Left
Fetterman drapes himself in Israeli flag during DC rally in support of the Jewish state
While Hamas Planned Its Attack on Israel, Biden’s Intel Community Was Focused On Climate Change
I’m actually surprised that no Climastrologists have tried blaming 10/7 on their cult.
Just When You Thought Hamas’ Savagery Couldn’t Get Any Worse
Actually, I didn’t.
How to Talk About the Israel-Hamas War: Resources for Educators
This went out from Little Bob’s school, surprisingly appropriate for talking to kids. The links on the side (What is DEI?) are not.
Emerging Anti-Israel Protest Tactic: Disrupting American Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremonies
Remember, they’re not trying to convince; they’re trying to intimidate. Don’t be surprised when this escalates
On that cheery not, have a great weekend! As I mentioned, there will be two follow up posts next week,
And Family Bob is spending the weekend on some R&R, so you probably won’t see me in the conversation in the comments.
BEFORE: “You’re Nazis and should have no place in society”
NOW: “Kill the Jews and praise Osama Bin Laden!”
Same people.
— Razor (@hale_razor) November 17, 2023
Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
Biden Forced to Stop Funding United Nations Relief Agency After Evidence of 12 UNRWA Agents Participating in Oct 7 Terrorist Attack Against Israel
Like the Democrats stealing from every spending bill they pass, so most of any aid to Gaza gets stolen by Hamas.
The UN has demonstrated its uselessness since its inception. Close it down. It was a failed experiment just like the League of Nations.
Absolutely. The UN doesn’t benefit anyone but the UN.
Think how many terrorist organizations would cease to exist if democrat politicians and deep state actors were cut off from sending those groups our money.
So the Biden regime financed the Oct 7th attacks, he should be arrested or at least removed from office.
Rachel Saint Pancake Corrie taught us all a valuable lesson:
Don’t stand in the blind spot in front of an on-coming bulldozer!
Isn’t it something that her death, 13 years ago, was because Israel was trying to deal with Hamas’ TUNNELS.
Looks like Israel is doing a better job of not being deterred by Western interference this time.
I get inundated with ads and articles supporting Hamas, Gaza and the “Palestinians” on Facebook. Why? What algorithm triggered that? I didn’t seek them out. Of course, I make myself a pest.
Every post asking for donations for Gaza aid I cut and past the articles I have about the wealth Hamas leaders have accumulated by stealing from international aid. I get a lot (a LOT) of computer generated memes showing brave, strong, well-armed Hamas (I presume) warriors kicking some Israeli ass. I commented that as long as they are fanaticizing about going toe to toe with the IDF, why didn’t they just do some memes about beheading babies to satisfy their bloodlust? Everyone would be far better off now if they had.
These memes sometimes have some idealized image of a burly Arab warrior, replete with traditional garb, a huge scimitar and a bright flash in place of a face. I guess this is supposed to be Mohammed himself, smiting Jews left and right. Meanwhile, the reality is that they scurry out of caves, murder a few babies, rape a few little girls, burn some old people alive, they scurry back like the roaches they are.
This episode certainly has flushed out the true character of the left. Even if they don’t readily agree with supporting “Palestine” and Hamas, they do all they can not to “offend” those who DO openly support genocide, infanticide, extermination, anti-Semitism and the historical re-write that is “Palestine”.