Joe Biden’s Presidency: a legacy of weakness and failure

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Joe Biden is a man of contradictions. When it comes to political opponents, he’s tough. He pressed his Attorney General to prosecute Donald Trump. He has the FBI targeting Trump supporters. He’s having Jan 6 protesters hit with overly harsh sentences. He had Peter Navarro and Roger Stone shackled for defying a Congressional subpoena while Hunter wasn’t touched for doing the same.

But when it comes to foreign affairs, Biden is wholly different.  He is a weak man and he projects weakness. Bob Gates warned us. He said

“I think he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades,”

Barack Obama warned us

“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f–k things up,”

Events have shown that they were both right.

Even before he was “elected” he was inviting illegals to flood in.

This is the end result of both President and Candidate Biden doing all they could to entice illegal immigration, especially by unaccompanied children. As Texas Senator Ted Cruz pointed out, Biden spent almost his entire time on the campaign trail promising that illegal immigrants who made it into the U.S. wouldn’t be deported or even turned over to immigration officials, would receive the same government benefits that American citizens do, and might even be part of a mass amnesty program.

Last year he added incentives to illegal immigration

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden announced Thursday that hundreds of thousands of immigrants brought to the U.S. illegally as children will be able to apply for Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act’s health insurance exchanges.

Now cities and states are buckling under the weight of the financial burden of having to support these illegals. Biden remained deaf, dumb and blind to the disaster he created as his loathsome head of the DHS repeatedly denied there was a crisis. Now as the illegal alien debacle spreads and an election is on the horizon Biden admits there is a border crisis but, of course, none of it is his fault. Never does he admit responsibility for a thing, but this is all his damn fault.

One of his first actions was to sign 3 Executive Orders reversing Trump border policy. Now he wants everyone to stop talking about it.

Biden has been soft on China as long as anyone can remember.  China has been recruiting Biden since before 2011 when Biden begged for China to be integrated into the US as much as possible. Biden’s weak obsequiousness toward China has been profitable for the Biden mafia who have collected over $30 million from China. Now Chinese nationals pour into the country unimpeded. In the 11 months ending in August 2023, more than 45,000 of them have invaded.

Meanwhile, tens of millions from Chinese Communist Party-linked sources continue to pour into the Biden Penn Center at the University of Delaware.

Biden further showed his weakness in the clusterf**k of the 2021 Afghanistan withdrawal when he handed over the country to the Taliban.



Because of a Biden military failure to allow a sniper to engage, 13 Marines were killed. Then Biden went out and had a family of 10 blown up while telling us they got an ISIS-K leader.

Biden spokesman John Kirby (a former admiral, FFS) said he saw no chaos at Kabul. Additionally, Kirby (competing with the Muppet KJP for title of The Biggest Liar) said Biden was “proud” of the disaster.

In 2022 Biden said that he wouldn’t mind a Russian “minor incursion” into Ukraine, a signal which Putin understood. Now, billions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives later, the conflict has been a stalemate for more the two years.

Biden’s policy toward Iran has been one of appeasement. In 2021 he rescinded Trump’s sanctions on Iran, which backs the Houthis and Hamas. Then in 2022 Biden restored a sanctions waiver which allowed Iran to “continue work on civil nuclear projects at Iran’s Bushehr nuclear power station, Arak heavy water plant and the Tehran Research Reactor.” This allowed Iran to accumulate enough fissionable material for “several” nuclear warheads.

Iran has seemingly benefited from what the Wall Street Journal termed President Biden’s policy of “conciliate to evacuate,” or developing agreements with Iran to reduce U.S. presence and responsibility in the Middle East. In a Fox News Digital op-ed, FDD senior advisor Richard Goldberg and Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., determined that Iran has received some $50 million from the Biden administration’s policies of sanctions relief – a reversal from former President Trump’s maximum pressure policies.

Biden would go on to release billions of dollars to Iran. Three months later, inspired by Biden’s Afghanistan failure,  Iran-backed Hamas would attack Israel.

The Houthis, another Iran-backed faction, would launch attacks. As of this writing there have been 138 Iran-sponsored Houthi attacks on US assets in the Middle East resulting in US casualties. In bizarre fashion, John Kirby casually dismissed the casualties.

“It’s only a very small number of U.S. troops that were affected. They’re being seen for traumatic brain injuries, with some symptoms of concussions…”

‘We’re not looking for conflict with Iran’ he would add. You might think this administration would take action to end this aggression, but you’d be wrong. Says the Pentagon:

On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “America Reports,” Pentagon Deputy Press Secretary Sabrina Singh responded to a question on why the U.S. hasn’t taken the Houthis out of commission by stating that “it’s really up to the Houthis when they make the calculation to stop” attacking.

Joe Biden has been wrong about foreign policy since forever and continues to be. We are now entangled in multiple conflicts without an end in sight. No one is happy. The Middle East was relatively peaceful under Trump. Now it’s a complete disaster. Biden’s hatred of Trump has led to one dismal failure after another. But then, he never was good at much aside from grifting.

Many of us never underestimated Biden’s ability to f**k things up.

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It’s not like any of this comes as a surprise. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden has always been incompetent and vindictive. Only Democrats bring fascism into our government.

Voting Democrat puts the entire free world at risk.

Most people today have no idea of how despicable a person biden has been in his worst moments.

I as well as many Americans were thoroughly disgusted by the treatment given nominee Thomas.
Who would have thought this scumbag biden would be any worse than he was during this confirmation process?

Democrats are weak and growing weaker as they fail more and more. Instead of learning from their failures and mistakes and making positive adjustments, they, controlled by the far left, only double down on their corrupt acts in order to try and wrest power from the People of the United States. They simply become more dangerous.

And the morons cheer for haley who hasn’t a snow balls chance in hell of getting the nomination.

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All of the ambitions of Lucifer without any of the principles.

Last edited 1 year ago by TrumpWon

Haley’s never-Trump supporters are not going to become Trump supporters.

Romney, the female Nikki, says he’d vote for joe over Trump, but that he shouldn’t say so because his endorsement is a Kiss Of Death.
nikki’s “supporters” would rather stay home, as they did in Iowa where they could have put her into 1st place.
But RINOs and gov’t dependent dems are fair weather friends who rely on cheating to get their man in.

A lot of republicans will vote for anybody-but-Trump. They know what Trump is. Astonishingly, GOP leaders can’t do simple arithmetic.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

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He’s the same idiot he was 4 years ago, but with falling energy levels and more memory lapses.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

The Guardian is just another leftists Fake News like the rest of the M.S. Media

Now that is a record to steer democrat votes to President Trump.

Aside from copy machines, China, Ukraine, Russia, N.Korea and Iran, who is going to support Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden?

Everyone who would happily hear a news report about Trump being dragged off of his golf course by alligators.

Everyone who would happily hear a news report about Trump being dragged off of his golf course by alligators.

Only the queers.

Why don’t you just Go Out in the Garden and Eat Worms like my mom used to tell us

Your still a total Imbecilic

Haley’s never-Trump supporters are not going to become Trump supporters.

Haley’s never-Trump supporters are Democrats. They will vote for Mush-brain Joe in November. That’s the plan; put the neo-con Haley in now so Joe can win.

Or, they might vote for the Third Party. At 33%, Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden doesn’t have much of a support base that aren’t copy machines.

Whatever this ridiculous, stupid, crooked scumbag is or was, he is a product of his party; and the chief characteristics of that party were found in the first two paragraphs of this essay:

Joe Biden is a man of contradictions. When it comes to political opponents, he’s tough. […]

But when it comes to foreign affairs, Biden is wholly different. He is a weak man and he projects weakness.

This is because the Democrat party exists for one purpose and one purpose only: to subjugate the American people. In the 19th century, it was of course dedicated to maintaining the enslavement of some of them; in the 20th, it was dedicated to (a) enfeebling the population and creating dependency and conflict while (b) erecting huge bureaucracies to insulate themselves from the consequences of elections.

None of its elected morons gives a damn what’s going on outside our borders, except to the extent that (a) it helps drive a narrative domestically and (b) it helps them get rich. The consequences of their weakness combined with arrogance to the USA and the American people don’t cross their minds.

This is because the Democrat party exists for one purpose and one purpose only: to subjugate the American people.

And to make themselves wealthy off the US taxpayer.

Biden is an old man. Trump is a CRAZY old man.

Perhaps crazy stares back at you in the mirror.

Last edited 1 year ago by Mully

That dude isn’t even smart enough to smear on some sun screen.


Then we need MORE crazy old men.

It’s been a complete shit show since Trump left the White House.’

Trump Says He Thinks Joe Biden Will Drop Out of 2024 Presidential Race (VIDEO)

Makes perfect sense. He has no record that he can run on.
Don’t look for his replacement to fare much better. Abortion is not the golden goose some think it is.

Immigration and the economy top the list of issues.

Last edited 1 year ago by TrumpWon

I’d be interested in how they’d pull that off because it doesn’t make sense to just change horses. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is deemed incapable of winning because he has been a disaster in every area of our nation. So, will a new candidate come in and promise to carry on the same policies as Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden put in place that caused his candidacy to crater? Or are they going denounce his failures and change course, realizing that he was on that course because of the far left that is actually guiding policy? And what are you going to do with historic, box-checking Kamala?

While Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden should have been kicked out long ago, or never there at all, I really don’t see a viable path for him to leave.

And, no, abortion is not going to be the ticket. Trump is taking a reasonable and rational view of it. Like myself, he may hate the concept of abortion, but simply trying to eliminate it will put those who want abortion on demand right up to the time of birth… and beyond in control. We are going to have to live with abortion, but it should be strictly controlled and restricted. If Democrats can’t accept that (which, when there is widespread support for abortion, it is under those conditions), then let THEM perish, not us.

Why do you assume this is failure rather than an amazing success? Hasn’t he achieved everything he aimed for? What makes you believe these were not goals he sought to achieve?

It is failure for the nation and citizens.

CIA Reported Dozens of Employees to the Biden-Harris Regime for Having Conflicts of Interest, but Was Anything Done About It?

CIA Reported Dozens of Employees to the Biden-Harris Regime for Having Conflicts of Interest, but Was Anything Done About It?

The CIA appears to have reported dozens of employees to the Department of Justice (DOJ) over potential conflicts of interest during the Biden administration, records reviewed by the Daily Caller show.

Between January of 2021 and May of 2023, the CIA filled out 32 form 202 conflict of interest referral notifications to the Biden administration’s Office of Government Ethics (OGE), according to records obtained by the Daily Caller

The OGE records were provided to the Daily Caller by the conservative Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project. Heritage received information about the form 202 submissions through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) public records request.

OGE informed the Heritage Oversight Project that multiple forms may be submitted for a single referral meaning the total number of form 202s may not be the same as the total number of referrals to the DOJ.

The referrals cover possible violations under sections 203, 205, 207, 208 and 209 of title 18 of the U.S. Code. Each of these sections of chapter 11 of of title 18 falls under bribery, graft and conflict of interest.

More here:

CIA Reported Dozens of Employees to the Biden-Harris Regime for Having Conflicts of Interest, but Was Anything Done About It?

Why, of course someone was done about it. No one is above the law.

The referrals cover possible violations under sections 203, 205, 207, 208 and 209 of title 18 of the U.S. Code. Each of these sections of chapter 11 of of title 18 falls under bribery, graft and conflict of interest.

Bribery, graft and conflict of interest. Whatever could that possibly be?

Sounds like a Biden family enterprise.

In 2022 Biden said that he wouldn’t mind a Russian “minor incursion” into Ukraine, now he says, the United States will be for Ukraine for “as long as it takes.” 

Odd, because joe just told Netanyahu to scale down the Israeli military operation in Gaza, stressing he [joe] is not in it for a year of war.

So, joe would change horses in midstream, during a war, just for the youth vote!
But joe will stay in Ukraine forever because his kickbacks from Zelensky are huge.