Welcome back to Day 1074 of America held hostage by the Biden* occupation! Another light post this week for the holidays, and we’ll be back to the regular format next week:
12/21 – Five Quick Things: Spitballing Some Controversial Solutions
12/23 – Republicans In 3 States Look To Remove Biden From Ballot
12/24 – “No one wants to buy used EVs”
12/25 – MTG Swatted (Again) at Her Home on Christmas Day
12/25 – AOC May Just Have the Worst Christmas Take on Jesus and Gaza
12/26 – 20th Anniversary Repost: “You’re Fired”: Donald Trump Grills the Dems on Why They Lost Their “Task”
Ace of Spades is celebrating its 20th Blogosversary with reprints of some of its greatest hits. Written shortly after the 2004 election, this post speculates on a boardroom inquiry, led by then mostly Democrat Donald Trump questioning the key players over how they blew a very winnable 2004 election. It goes exactly as you’d expect. Enjoy!
Bonus: Fans and haters alike of Tom Friedman will enjoy A Conversation With a Cabbie and What It Tells Us About The Next Several Minutes of My Life
12/28 – DeSantis’s Campaign Is Irrelevant if the GOP Voters Want Trump
12/29 – On Democrats and slavery, Nikki Haley needs to learn to play hardball
Have a Happy New Year! back in full force next week.
Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
So, when the Hebrews are the original people of Israel, how are the Palestinians not the “colonizers”? There is no hiding the real motivation here: hatred of Jews and the desire to exterminate every Jew.
It would be more effective to do this in Texas and Florida, where it might actually succeed. THEN we’d see Democrats clamoring to declare such action unconstitutional, though Texas would have an excellent case for banning Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden for his dereliction on our border alone.
Wait till they get to the point where the batteries no longer hold a charge. They won’t be able to even dispose of them, much less trade them in. To be honest, if all you are going to do with one is drive less than 40 miles to work and run some errands around town, they’re pretty good… until they aren’t. Luckily, my daughter was rear-ended on the highway and pushed into another car, totaling her Tesla, suffering only a sore neck. The totaled value wasn’t nearly enough to compensate for the higher interest rates (thanks, Joe) so they had to revert back to ICE. I think in the long run, they’ll appreciate their good fortune.
This how the left shows their respect for the law and law enforcement; wasting time and money and putting their lives in jeopardy just to prank someone your infantile mind has been programmed to hate. Those who think this is a good idea don’t really care about the fake injuries and deaths of Capital Police Officers at the hands of those mean, evil fake insurrectionists. So, how is this not an assault on a member of Congress?
It’s as if Sandy has a fear that people will forget how stupid she is. Since when does this abortion-worshiper begin honoring the sanctity of birth, life and family? Was Hamas performing some public service by murdering babies? What a gash…
There need to be more “firings”, REAL ones. Fired, charged, tried, convicted and imprisoned.
Aligning all the elections makes election fraud more effective and efficient, always a consideration for Democrats, whose failed policies and incompetence makes fairly winning elections difficult.
No one else is Trump and Trump is what America wants. Only when he is completely ruled out will options be considered. We saw what he wanted to do and what he accomplished and we all want more of that, especially given the experience of the complete disaster the Democrats foisted upon the nation.
Slavery was a factor, but states’ rights was the issue. The thousands of farm boys that fought and died didn’t give a shit about slavery; they fought for their states.
Happy New Year to you and yours. I guess we won’t really know until November, will we?
12/29 – On Democrats and slavery, Nikki Haley needs to learn to play hardball
Oh why do the Bushies keep trying to make whats her name a thing
I liked the part where she said, ” what do you want me to say about slavery?”
Just tell me what to say and do? OK Barbie just go back to your dreamhouse and make ken a sandwich.
Crappy governor , quitter at the UN job, Use your real name you twit.
Pop off that barbies head, nothing inside but the loops for her hair.
Spitball #5
OK dopes, what has the new SOTH done?
1st act , for a foreign country, Isreal. (hey we have a little spying problem)
Give the FBI a new building. (hey we have a little spying problem)
You all just trust the GOP controlled opposition? You have learned nothing, go soak your heads.
Tell me I am wrong when Zelensky gets his beggars cup filled again, the border is not a negotiation.
Why on Earth do you care what she calls herself?
Go fuck yourself
We already did the President with a fake name thing…right?
Barry soetero
Nonetheless, why on Earth do you care what she calls herself?
Need viagra?
Go fuck yourself