For most of Western history art was used as a way for patrons to showcase achievements or propagandize citizens or lionize individuals. Maybe the single greatest artist in human history, Michelangelo, created his greatest works for patrons of various sorts. David created for the Florentine Guild of Wool, the Pieta for the French ambassador to the Holy See and the Sistine Chapel, and St Peter’s Basilica for popes. Art was, in one way or another an homage to something greater than its creator.
Fast-forward about three centuries and the art world begun to change. Art as an indulgence of artists, where they would paint whatever they wanted, with or without a desire that someone would pay for it is largely a child of the late 19th century. That’s when Impressionism, that distinctly unconventional, nontraditional form of painting emerged. In a very short period, the world of art went from uber traditional world of Bouguereau to the anything-but world of Monet, Renoir and Van Gogh. Suddenly art was no longer a vehicle for vanity or the celebration of greatness or storytelling. It was something else.
In 1917 Marcel Duchamp, a French artist unveiled a urinal on a wooden box and called it “Fountain”. A hundred years later art had “evolved” so much that a banana taped to a wall with duct tape (an actual banana… not plastic or paper mâché) would sell for $120,000 in 2019…
It is into this universe of art that we find what is supposed to be cutting edge and courageous, in the form of the Pietà by German designer Harald Glööckler. The revisualization of the classic piece features a tattooed Christ and a trans Mary. And what’s courageous about this piece? It stands up to those vicious, hateful… Christians.
In the cacophony of 2023, while there are other issues that are of far more import than this, this one might be a bit illustrative.
Having the “courage” to stand up to Christians and defile Christian traditions and symbols doesn’t require any courage… because there’s no danger of anything bad happening besides some chastising words from a few of the offended. No one is going to issue death threats against you, no one is going to put a bounty on your head, and mobs of people aren’t going to start riots and kill others because of you, as was shown in 1986 with The Holy Virgin Mary by Chris Ofili and 1987 with Piss Christ, by Andres Serrano. Of course, there is another religion where that’s exactly what happens if one were to criticize it or its symbols… but of course, those “courageous” artists aren’t assailing that religion.
This is a symbol of the bizarro world we find ourselves living in. Other things that are counted as courageous today include a man announcing that he’s a woman, flaunting one’s morbid obesity in public, or wrapping oneself in the flag of victimization for being black or gay or some other category.
None of those things takes courage in 2023 America where being anything but a patriotic heterosexual Christian white male accords hero worship. It doesn’t take courage to assail someone or something where there is no threat of consequences.
Heterosexual Christian white males built most (but not all) of the world we live in today. It’s far from perfect, but no time or place in history has been perfect. But it’s not their DNA that somehow makes them better citizens or better people. No, it’s the culture they built.
We’re told that somehow western culture is bad because it was not crafted by a multicultural collective. That makes no sense. Virtually every culture in human history has been built by members of a single race. There were not a lot of whites helping to craft the Mali Empire in Africa, there were not a lot of blacks at the center of the Chinese Middle Kingdom, not a lot of yellow people helping to build the Inca Empire and there weren’t a lot of brown people helping to build Russia or the Russian Empire. No, most of human history has been dominated by monochromatic empires, nations, and cultures.
It just happens to be the case that on Earth’s competitive landscape, the culture built and developed by straight, Christian white males is the one that has generated the greatest increases in freedom, technology, and prosperity in human history. And it’s not even close. But because not everyone has shared equally in the material gains from that culture, it must be destroyed…
Because that culture largely focuses on meritocracy, accountability, individual liberty, and limited government rather than coercion from above, people who have yet to achieve their desired goals have the opportunity to criticize it with impunity, something they cannot do in most other parts of the world and couldn’t have done throughout most of human history virtually everywhere. Yet without the threat of consequence, they often call themselves courageous.
Western civilization, the driver of said unprecedented levels of freedom and prosperity and opportunity in all of human history, today finds itself under attack by those who have migrated to it, have invaded it, or whose ancestors were brought to it, because they’ve not achieved their desired goals. This is even though conditions back wherever they or their ancestors left from are likely far worse than they are anywhere in the West. But no matter. These “protesters” use the freedoms accorded by Western culture to attack it. That’s a problem. No culture can survive if there are no shared values. No culture can survive if citizens don’t have at least a common appreciation for the nations’ fundamental culture and assume it to be a good thing.
Here at home, if those criticizing America were just a few outliers there would be no problem. A strong nation can withstand critique, even from within, and that’s why we have a 1st Amendment. The problem in 2023 however is that fully half of the country has been brainwashed into believing that the bedrock principles upon which America is based are somehow evil, corrupt, or illegitimate. They got that way because one of the two main political parties has proffered that lie for decades and enlisted its fellow fabulists in the media, academia, and the government to reinforce it.
That is simply not sustainable. Like the movement of art from the classical style of Botticelli, Da Vinci, Rembrandt, and Rubins to the self-important renderings of Basquiat, Mark Rothco, Robert Mapplethorpe, and Glööckler, the transition from the nation built on universal God-given fundamental rights to one based on balkanization and subjective grievances based on “equity” and victimization promises to replace something great with something absurd. What’s more, that absurd subjective culture cannot long stand. Just as we’ve seen with the Democrat party since the beginning of the war in Gaza, at some point groups joined by victim status can and will splinter as their various victim classes turn against one another based on the current hierarchy of victim status.
As we march towards what will be the most consequential presidential election in American history, we might want to start suggesting to those who seek to destroy what “white heterosexual Christian males” have built that they take a look around. They’ll not find a better combination of opportunity, freedom, and real equality anywhere on earth or in history, particularly as it relates to protecting minorities. They should, unlike the Gays for Gaza buffoons we see in the streets, consider what happens to them if they get what they wish for.
See author page
Michelangelo’s Last Judgement and a Damned Soul…
Hard to believe this is stone
Propane tanks welded into a head-like shape

It’s hard to imagine someone being opposed to personal freedom, but that’s what those who continually strive to tear down America hate. They hate democracy and, specifically, a representative democracy the works really well and is really, really tough to destroy.
I can understand most anything. Like, for instance, having a personal objection to Christianity, for whatever reason. But, if you hate religion, why not criticize the religion that will KILL YOU for not being a believer along with or even instead of the religion the promotes forgiveness and tolerance? It can only be that “kill you” part that dissuades harsh criticism.
As the essay above says, there is no nation anywhere, former or present, that was created by diverse nationalities. Yeah, they practically all let foreigners in, but only the US assimilated them into a nationality that WAS multi-cultural. This is now in jeopardy because a few of those cultures want to take over all the others instead of becoming a part of the collective whole. Worse, some of the pre-existing culture that would be ultimately destroyed think this is just dandy and, it might be added, well deserved.
Because Christianists are taking the reins of power here, and many of them have the goal of running America by Biblical precepts, while members of other religions are not in the same positions of power.
Also: radical Christianists seem to have forgotten about the “forgiveness and tolerance” part.
With one possible exception, every President has been Christian. Most in Congress are Christian. So, aside from following the 10 Commandments, which has ALWAYS been the basis of our law, what biblical precepts are being forced upon We the People?
It’s not easy being a good Christian, but that has little or nothing to do with the tenets of Christianity. Yet, to my point, when Jesus, God or Christianity itself is insulted, even in the most vulgar manner imaginable, when do Christians respond with violence?
I didn’t say “Christians.” I said “Christianists.”
“Greene’s embrace of Christian nationalism follows closely after troubling remarks from Colorado Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert: ‘The church is supposed to direct the government, the government is not supposed to direct the church,’ she said at a church two days before her primary election (and victory) in late June. ‘I’m tired of this separation of church and state junk.'”
CNN? Really?
I have never seen anyone go out of their way to show their stupidity (well, except for Comrade Greggie) as you do.
You seem to think that having standards that adhere to Biblical dictate is a new concept by the Party you apparently have such distain for. I suggest, since you bragged how you teach American (and World) history, you read some. You clearly don’t know the derivation of the U.S. Constitution. Whoever hired you to teach should be horsewhipped.
Umm, let me see; George Washington was a Christian, John Adams was a Christian, as was Calvin Cooledge, FDR, Harry Truman, JFK, and all following presidents until Obama. Can you give me examples of how they took the reins of power? Or do you exclude Democrats who were/are Christians? You know, like Nancy Pelosi and Joseph Biden, Jr.?
Where do you find the phrase in the Bible requiring “forgiveness and tolerance” in that manner?
“First the Saturday people then the Sunday people.”
I suggest you stop proving that you are as big an idiot as Comrade Greggie.
I didn’t say “Christians.” I said “Christianists.”
“Where do you find the phrase in the Bible requiring ‘forgiveness and tolerance’ in that manner?”
Are you saying that Jesus does not promote forgiveness and tolerance?
Why do you think asking a question answers a question?
Stop obfuscating, groomer.
“Biblical precepts?”
You mean like “cause and effect?”
You mean like, “it takes TWO witnesses to find guilt in capital offence?”
You mean like an impartial judge/jury?
You mean like “repeat offenders, forgiven, will offend again?”
You mean “Judeo-Christian standards?”
Guess what?
The Hammerabi Code predates all that and includes almost all of it.
Greek law also predates all of Christianity and yet, it, too, includes almost all of that.
Islam came after both the Jewish Law and Christianity but copies important parts of each.
Even karma is considered a bitch.
You’re looking for all forgiveness and all tolerance (for YOU, not for those you disagree with) with none of the legal consequences.
You forget that legal consequences are not the end of criminal matters.
There are also laws of physics, financial ruin, family divisions, and personal harm to oneself that occur when you commit certain crimes.
“Greene’s embrace of Christian nationalism follows closely after troubling remarks from Colorado Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert: ‘The church is supposed to direct the government, the government is not supposed to direct the church,’ she said at a church two days before her primary election (and victory) in late June. ‘I’m tired of this separation of church and state junk.'”
CNN? Really?
Are you suggesting that Greene didn’t say that, or are you trying to deflect from what she said and turn the discussion to the topic of CNN?
Let’s not make one woman having an opinion illegal.
However misguided it is.
Thomas Jefferson said:
There is absolutely no biblical support for America being a Christian nation, or the church having some hierarchical claim over the government of the United States.
She has forgotten why people fled to the colonies.
And atheists are just as pushy as any other religionists, in trying to impose their religion on others thru gov’t.
She’s not the only Republican legislator who has expressed a desire to put the United States on a more biblical footing.
Let it guide their actions, I dont think they want a pope of politics.
But they want it to guide my actions, as well.
Seriously you are from california, no gas cars furnaces, take kids away if you dont affirm a mental disorder, get real Mike, you love control of actions.
Now tell me how they want to guide your actions?
kitt, Michael the groomer has no answers. He just makes vague statements trying to be relevant.
Mike will stop all regular lessons for some goofy program about stress that his teaching methods must cause.
Not by Christianists, at any rate.
What does that mean? You will allow retail theft,child prostitution and being told you have to alter your house as long as the person doesnt believe in a higher power?
Separation yet church services were held in government buildings, there was no fear of religion.
Lots of things were done in the past that we should not do today.
We sure built a society that everyone flocks to because of it.
But you hate it when everyone flocks to the United States.
We hate it when people do not have enough respect for our nation to ask permission to enter it.
You continue to remain a clueless leftie.