“All enemies, foreign and domestic.” It’s part of the oath of office for members of Congress. They’re supposed to protect us from them, but they are doing exactly the opposite. A very sizable portion of the government falls under the category of domestic enemy.
The democrat party.
One cannot help but come to that conclusion when their position on national security is concerned. Part of national security is a secure border. democrats don’t just dislike the thought of a secure border. They hate it.
The low intellect democrat Senator from Connecticut, Chris Murphy, has been pretty vocal about this. He claims that the demand to secure the Southern border is “one of the most dangerous moments that I’ve ever faced in American politics. “ He also said that the desire for a secure border was “very severe, very draconian.”
CNN had this exchange with the white hating, Hamas loving Pramila Jayapal
CNN: How much backlash would Biden get from the left if he agreed to border security?
Democrat Rep. Pramila Jayapal: “There’s gonna be A LOT”
House Minority leader Hakeem Jeffries (D) says that anyone wishing for a secure border is part of the “pro-Putin caucus.”
Rep. Becca Balint (D-VT) says Speaker Johnson is “essentially doing Putin’s bidding.” (why Putin would want the US to have a secure border is beyond me)
Rep Joaquin Castro (D) says passing border security measures would be “surrendering to right-wing racism.”
Best of all, the President of the United State says that securing the border is an “extreme Republican partisan agenda.”
From @RNCResearch:
Biden spokesman Ian Sams says Republicans demanding border security and holding Biden accountable is “really frightening behavior and unserious behavior”
All of this as FBI Director Christopher Wray says that with regard to threats to America “I see blinking red lights everywhere”
It’s simple. democrats want to see a terror attack in the US. democrats want the invasion by illegals to continue. democrats want terrorists to gain entry to the country. democrats want Americans crushed by the financial burden of illegal alien dependency.
democrats do not want the country to be safe. They’re anti-American. They put the borders of Ukraine above the borders of the US.
That is the very definition of enemies domestic. They are the real threat to national security.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Problem identified. Solution?
This is the very same Democrat Party that some empty headed Hollywood nit-wit claimed was OF T HE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE which shows the American People and the Hollywood Nit-Wits run of Different wavelengths
Caught by a Fox News WH reporter, joe is SNEAKING Hunter into the WH via Marine One while the House is trying to serve a subpeona on Hunter.
Talk about too dirty for words.
Why doesn’t joe just pre-emptively pardon Hunter, resign and be done with it all?
That’s how much respect the left has for the law. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden doesn’t want holding a Biden accountable for tax evasion to catch on. It would be devastating for the family.
Endangering citizens and the nation by refusing to enforce duly enacted laws. That’s the Democrat agenda.
01/03/23 – U.S. citizens have been accidentally caught up in the Texas crackdown on migrants –
President Trump completely exonerated, never went to the island, never got a “massage.
Hopefully, this complete idiot will be gone soon. Of course, Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden only possible response would be to replace him with someone worse. That is the only direction this regime ever goes; from bad to worse.
Shut down the border or shut down the government. A binary choice.
Neither did Joe Biden. Joe and Jill never had Jeff and his procuress as houseguests, either. Nor did Joe ever make payoffs to a porn star he was cheating on his wife with. Joe didn’t do a lot of things Trump did.
Stormy says there was no affair. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden just diddled and raped his daughter while Jill approved.
“raped his daughter”
You’re the only person says that happened.
Well… me and his daughter. She says he sexually abused her.
Actually, she never said that.
Stormy Daniels denies ever having an affair with Trump
A $130,000 hush money payoff for an affair that never happened?
Are you saying she is lying?
When she said the had the affair, or when she later said she didn’t?
Why would she say she hadn’t? She already had her money.
No, he didn’t. He just banged slut Jill’s brains out while she was still married to her first husband.
Trump had sex with other women while he was married. Is he a “slut,” too?
Did he? You were there, watching?
No, but neither were you there at STATE FARM ARENA, yet you shoot your mouth off about it all the time. You weren’t there.
That’s on video, scooter. From the fake water main break to the boxes of ballots hidden under tables being drawn out as soon as the observers were sent home. It’s like we were all there. You just have to open your stupid, fascist, leftist eyes.
Yes he was whore monger Well known He used to be good looking. Jill just wanted status Joey was and is butt ugly.
Is this the best he has?
biden is nothing more than a rotting bag of oatmeal.
Where are his accomplishments?
Here is one. Got 13 service members killed in Afghanistan.
According to Reuters, “Between 2017 and 2021, there were 45 hostile deaths and 63 total deaths (including non-hostile) during Trump’s presidency. In 2017, there were 14 total deaths; in 2018, there were 15; 23 in 2019 and in 2020, there were 11.”
Now do Obama!
Hey, I wasn’t the one bashing Biden for 13 deaths on his watch. Do Obama your own fucking self.
Those 13 deaths happen to be a direct result of Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden running the Afghanistan withdrawal just the way he wanted it.
“just the way he wanted it.”
“Just the way Trump signed off on it,” you mean.
No, actually the exact opposite of the way Trump signed off on it because with the Taliban in Kabul, there would have been no withdrawal. But, I have experience with stupid, ill-informed, willfully ignorant people, so you just go ahead and believe whatever bullshit makes you think you have intelligence.
Approximately 6,840 military personnel died in combat during the Obama administration.
Happy groomer?
Why would that make me happy?
You seem to relish in the numbers dead during Trump well now enjoy. Im sure you voted twice for him.
What part of what I wrote indicated “relishing” anything at all?
Sorry if I mistook your being an idiot for anything else, Like Barry watching an ambassador be tortured and killed but not sending any assistance.
That never would have happened if your cult leader hadn’t surrendered to the Taliban to set up trouble for his successor.
U.S. Withdrawal from Afghanistan
So he did not reinforce? he used a public airport not the defensible base to evacuate? Thats Trumps fault.
The intelligence community did not predict Afghanistan would fall as quickly as it did, President Joe Biden told ABC News in an interview, you are mis-remembering things, you might want to try checking your facts before you post bullshit.
Biden increased the troop level to US 5000 to avoid total disaster during the evacuation.
Trump had made NO plans for a safe and orderly departure, and gave the incoming administration no heads up on what he was doing. This was worse than incompetence. It was deliberate sabotage.
What’s happening in Ukraine is also deliberate sabotage, carried out by Trump’s congressional puppets. Only three months ahead of the Russian election, they’re opening the door wide for Putin.
There will be hell to pay in the not so distant future.
You’re right, Comrade Greggie. But not because of anything Trump did, or did not do.
What do you think the Biden policy of open borders letting in now estimated (to date) EIGHT MILLION people we know nothing about is going to do to national security?
It only took 19 terrorists to kill 2,977 on September 11, 2001. But hey, you care naught for the United States as long as we taxpayers are funding the grifter, Zelenskyy, in Ukraine.
You should be deported to Ukraine so you could fight for the grifter.
So you are saying the generals that Biden Kept did not clue him in? And Biden is a dirty liar when he told ABC news they had no clue.
White House press secretary Jen Psaki confirmed Tuesday that President Joe Biden turned down advice from two of his top military advisers about keeping military assets in Afghanistan during the U.S. troop withdrawal in August.
Where were these 5000 troops?
Greggie you cant just make shit up in your vaxx addled head.
11/10/20 – Biden not getting intelligence reports because Trump officials won’t recognize him as president-elect – Biden transition officials confirmed the president-elect is not receiving the President’s Daily Brief, the intel report that goes to senior U.S. officials.
No, it’s just that the Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden regime ignored intel and followed politics. Besides, the withdrawal happened 9 months later; any intel in January wouldn’t have been of much use by then, would it?
But, you keep on pitching that bullshit, scooter! I bet Michael is really, really impressed.
Staggering that Joey couldnt figure out wtf was going on in his own admin from January until August. WTH is wrong with that fiction. I guess no one from his Joint Chiefs could get through the fencing and the vicious dogs. Look at all the bravery bling on Miley, he should have called China and then had China tell Joe.
File that last link under shit that never happened.
Are you crazy? That’s TRUMP’S fault! Even though Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden reversed and destroyed everything Trump left behind, no matter how beneficial and successful, the one thing he kept in place 100% intact and unrevised was the Afghanistan withdrawal plan, which he also obviously didn’t read.
Incoming Presidents are always briefed liar.
But, NBC fabricated a great lie.
Wrong. First, he pulled all troops out, which allowed the Taliban to swarm into Kabul and take Bagram Air Base and release the terrorist that ultimately killed our 13 servicemen and women. Then, because the commanders pointed out what an incompetent idiot he was, he sent the troops back.
Which invalidated Trump’s agreement. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden should have told the Taliban the agreement was null and void unless they adhered to it but he was too interested in getting a headline for withdrawal, so he did it his own stupid, incompetent way.
Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is a disaster, like most frauds.
It never would have happened and election fraud not removed Trump from office. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden made the disaster and his generals said so.
Well, that’s just one of the side effects of Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden stupid, incompetent, irresponsible wide open border illegal immigration policy. Of course, this pales in comparison to the tragedies of fentanyl deaths, rapes, murders, human trafficking, drunk driving and robberies committed by illegal immigrants. Soon to come, terrorist attacks.
Maybe someone other than NPR would report all the factors involved. But, the truth isn’t really important, is it? Only defending the dangerous open border policy of Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is.
Trump had the border secured. His policies had to consciously be reversed to get to this level of disaster. Our border is an international embarrassment. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is an embarrassment.
Huma Abedin doe 107?
01/13/24 – Woman, 2 children die crossing Rio Grande as Border Patrol says Texas troops prevented them from intervening –
01/14/24 – Exclusive: Biden administration demands Texas immediately stop blocking Border Patrol access
Hint: The President has legal power to federalize a state’s National Guard, and has had such power since the National Defense Act Amendments of 1933 that created the National Guard to begin with. They would then become federal troops.
Greg Abbott does not actually have his own little army.
The “Texas Military Department” (which actually means Greg Abbott) has illegally barred the federal Border Patrol from the part of the border in question.
Texas disputes claims that state soldiers barred Border Patrol from saving 3 migrants
How does that square with this, from the “full statement of the Texas Military Department?
“…At no time did TMD security personnel along the river observe any distressed migrants, nor did TMD turn back any illegal immigrants from the US during this period. Also, at no point was TMD made aware of any bodies in the area of Shelby Park nor was TMD made aware of any bodies being discovered on the U.S. side of the border regarding this situation. …”
Apparently the TMD “didn’t observe” the immigrant they turned over to EMS who was suffering from hypothermia.
It’s the Texas National Guard and unless you want the illegals dumped in YOUR back yard (which you don’t), then you should be supporting Abbott doing the job Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is too corrupt and incompetent to do.
By the way, Ian Miles Cheong is a right-wing Malaysian “political and cultural commentator” (i.e., a social media shit stirrer) who free lances propaganda for RT, Putin’s state-run propaganda outlet.
Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is a left wing corrupt, treasonous pedophile that took a secure border and intentionally opened it wide open.
This would not be an issue unless biden had not remove the Trump border policies.
And biden violated his oath by not executing the laws of the US.
If that’s so, why are you forcing an unelectible candidate on the GOP to oppose him?
Trump’s poll lead is barely over 1%. Never-Trump republicans are going to nullify that 1% once he eliminates the two remaining republican challengers.
They’re not suddenly going to decide to support the man who destroyed their party and turned conservative values into a joke.
If Trump was unelectable, the Democrats wouldn’t be trying to take him out with lawfare time 4. The Democrats are scared shitless of his electability because the amount of election fraud required to make it look like Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden won THIS time would be Soviet-style blatant.
Gutless cowardly Democrats know they’ve got a real albatross around their necks and will not leave the election up to the voters… again.
Trump tried to remain in office by illegal, unconstitutional means. People died as a result. He divided the nation more than anyone has since the Civil War. He’d destroy American democracy to save his own worthless ass from the consequences of his own actions.
This guy will never again be president. He’s fortunate that the people opposing him actually DO play by the rules.
No he didn’t. He tried to get Congress to address the obvious and blatant election fraud that has not brought so much damage to the nation. We now see all the evidence that the fraud was real and the Democrats were in a desperate rush to get Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden installed before someone took notice. Democrats are the party of corruption and fraud and, hopefully and with God’s help, Trump or someone will come along to clean this shit out of Washington.
How about the leftist violence on January 13th? I haven’t seen you denounce the leftist violence, call for the imprisonment, beatings and deaths of those violent rioters and denounce the DoJ for not pursuing them. Hypocrite much?
The Mexicans were there and didn’t stop them from crossing or rescue them?
I hear Biden has his own border fence problems, what will it take before they treat those ripping down the White House fence as badly as the Peaceful Crowd at the Capitol?
Hey, they can’t prosecute REAL criminals when they have all their resources dedicated to throwing political opponents in jail. Get real.
I am sorry you will be inundated today with WTF Cowboys, could be worse I have inane SuperBowl chatter. Did watch the Lions game saw their fans cry they dont see Dallas next week its the dreaded Packers instead, how damn close they came to losing to the homeless Rams.