Hunter Biden has finally been indicted on tax charges and that’s a good thing.
“The Defendant engaged in a four-year scheme to not pay at least $1.4 million in self-assessed federal taxes he owed for tax years 2016 through 2019, from in or about January 2017 through in or about October 15, 2020, and to evade the assessment of taxes for tax year 2018 when he filed false returns in or about February 2020,” the indictment unsealed in a federal court in California alleged.
In all, Hunter Biden was charged with three tax felonies and six misdemeanors that carry a maximum of 17 years in prison if convicted. They are in addition to three felony gun charges Weiss secured against the first son in federal court in Delaware.
Amusingly, Hunter’s lawyers allege that he would not have been charged had his name not been Biden. Sure. We all know that the IRS allows everyone else to deduct prostitutes and sex club memberships from their taxes. Hunter’s lawyers argue that he paid his taxes. He did not. Hollywood agent Kevin Morris paid his taxes. That’s also income not reported. A debt of gratitude is owed to two RIS whistleblowers- Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler– who came forward to testify to the coverup of the Hunter Biden tax fraud investigation.
But there’s a lot more to this story. Joe Biden is being shown the door.
You might remember that David Weiss is the weasel who changed the outcome of the 2020 election when he chose to smother the laptop investigation. He’s still a weasel. A dirtbag.
His problem was that he got caught. He never had any intention of charging Hunter Biden with anything, instead offering a sweetheart deal that would have immunized Hunter against all potential future charges. It was blown up by Judge MaryAnn Noreika.
Noreika repeatedly expressed skepticism of the first deal, asking at one point: “Have you ever seen a diversion agreement that is so broad that it encompasses crimes in another case?
When the judge queried Wise about whether he knew of any precedent for such a deal, the prosecutor replied, “No, your honor.”
As the hearing reached its conclusion, Noreika pressed lawyers on both sides several times about whether she was merely there to “rubber-stamp” the agreement.
“We’re not asking the court to rubber-stamp anything,” Wise said.
“Well, it certainly seems that way,” the judge shot back.
That ended the sweetheart deal. As the sordid details emerged it became apparent that the genie was not going back into the bottle. Accusations and assertions followed. Weiss claimed he did not have authority to press charges alone, but AG Garland testified that he did. But somebody told Weiss to get on with it. Weiss let the worst of the tax evasion charges die via statute of limitations and he planned to let Hunter escape with a slap on the wrist. Somebody, and we can speculate who (rhymes with yomama) decided that Joe had to go. Thus instead of allowing the whole thing to die on the vine, grand juries were convened. Hunter Biden is guilty as hell. It remains to be seen if Joe will pardon Hunter, but if he does, he’d be toast. So I expect Joe to decide not to run (wink) and then pardon Hunter on the way out. I also think the Oversight Committee is going to soon have Joe Biden in a vise. But with all those newly minted IRS agents pretty much every Republican in Congress is going to see an aggressive audit.
I am still waiting for the FARA violation charges. Paul Manafort went to prison for the same thing.
One of the great ironies of this episode is that Joe Biden promised to crack down on tax cheats, never expecting his son to be exposed as one.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
This hands Hunter the, ” I must not comment because of an ongoing case,” card in front of Congress.
Meanwhile, the tax evasion case can be slow-walked then dropped or incompetently prosecuted so Hunter walks.
Or, it could be a ploy to get joe to pardon Hunter then walk away from the presidency.
In no option does joe suffer.
If Hunter is in on this ploy he will keep his mouth shut.
If Hunter sings he was blindsided.
Get a load of his crybaby “I’m a poor, abused victim” bullshit excuses.
Clearly if this were to go to a conclusive end, Joe would be at severe risk. Were he to pardon hunter to avoid that risk, democrats hand the election to President Trump hands down.
You must realize that the DOJ had a legally binding contract with Hunter Biden. Judge Noreika could not rule on that agreement. She could just expose it. It was completely outside of the scope of that proceeding and was only presented as an addendum to the document that the Judge was ruling on. It remains in effect until Hunter refutes it.
I don’t understand. If she had no power to disallow that, why did they need her to agree to it? What a great moment! She sniffed out the immunity that was spread across his past And his Future crimes..!!
Most likely on his way to his 2.75 million dollar beach resort he paid for with cash. Cash that was laundered from the CCP to hunter Mr and then to joe.
12/08/23 – Republican Adam Kinzinger says he’s politically “homeless,” and if Trump is the nominee, he’ll vote for Biden –
They speak for a large enough minority of republican voters to make Trump’s reelection impossible.
What part of not paying $1.4 million in taxes owed do you have no problem with? Kissasser speaks only for those who enjoy seeing this country weak and divided.
Joe Biden and Hunter Biden are two different people.
Maybe we should start rounding up and prosecuting fathers for the misconduct of their drug addicted adult children?
We should round up Democrats who don’t pay their taxes. We should round up Democrats involved in influence peddling.
Hunter peddled US government influence and Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s power and raked in millions of dollars, which he shared with Pop. They are both corrupt criminals. They are both sexual deviants. They are both scum and trash.
No one said they weren’t. Expand for full context.
An Australian’s opinion on a anti-Semitic South African’s failing social media site is of no interest to me.
Trump-appointed judge to oversee Hunter Biden felony tax case.
Hunter Biden went to great lengths to hide his money by chalking up fake business expenses.
“He is also charged with one count of tax evasion and two counts of filing false and fraudulent tax forms for tax year 2018, in violation of § 7201 and § 7206, for chalking up hundreds of thousands of dollars of fake business expenses. These fake expenses included payments for: hotel rooms that he turned into crack dens, payoffs for his girlfriends, strippers, escorts, luxury cars, a sex club membership, porn sites. He also tried to claim his daughter’s law school tuition as business-related legal expenses. He tried to hide income, and made numerous false statements under penalty of perjury,” Will Scharf said.
Will Scharf, a former federal prosecutor, said Hunter Biden is in a lot of trouble.
“With the sweetheart deal previously offered to him now off the table, Hunter is in an awful lot of trouble,” Will Scharf said.
“He is facing four counts of willfully failing to pay his taxes for tax years 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019, and two counts of failing to file a tax return for tax years 2017 and 2018, all in violation of 26 U.S.C. § 7203,” he said.
Funny that they are going after him for failing to pay taxes while ignoring that Hunter was screwing minor girls including his own niece.
Incest is a class-1 felony in Deleware. He would be facing life in prison. You KNOW that isn’t going to happen, as it would set a precedent. After all, Joe showered with his own daughter.
Or transporting hookers across state lines, violating the Mann Act. But, he was just being a scamp.
He’ll face a lot of headwinds if he tries to sentence Hunter to prison.
By the way, Hunter Biden paid all taxes that were owed, in their entirety, TWO YEARS AGO.
His post-settlement prosecution at this late is purely a political vendetta. They’re trying to destroy the father by targeting the son.
If you think this is going to save your criminal cult leader’s worthless ass, you’re dreaming.
If it was, how do you like it? Isn’t that the kind of “justice” system being deployed against Trump you are currently cheering on? This is what we warned you about, but of course, you ignored the warnings.
Nevertheless, Hunter cheated on his taxes. Remember going ape-shit when Trump’s returns were leaked and he took LEGITIMATE deductions and exemptions? Hunter LIED about his deductions and exemptions, claiming paying to get his crank yanked and buying drugs as “business expenses”. Again, why is it you are OK with avoiding $1.4 million in taxes when Pop says paying taxes is “patriotic”?
No, he didn’t.
Hunter Biden paid off his tax liability in 2020, after it was disclosed that he was under federal investigation.
Hunter hasn’t paid a nickel.
Yeah, no evidence that he paid his delinquent taxes.
Someone that shows up at a hearing in a $125,000 sports car to plea that he can’t afford his child support is an arrogant piece of shit that has a lot of confidence that well-connected relatives has his six. Hunter has flaunted Pop’s political position and power and parlayed that into huge cash windfalls (which was shared with Pop) and a free ride around tax obligations. Better late than never, maybe, but the fact that the SOURCE of the illicit income that paid no taxes is still being ignored.
Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is a corrupt, treasonous, pedophile piece of shit.
Mayor Giuliani: The Laptop From Hell Created A Case Against Hunter By “End
After today, there’s no way Democrats keep Joe Biden on the ballot…
Rumors are rampant online and elsewhere that Democrats are itching to replace Joe Biden. We’re not talking about a sinister back-alley plot, but given his latest poll numbers, they might be seriously contemplating it.
The Economist:
According to these new abysmal numbers, it seems clear that Democrats have no choice but to knock Biden off the 2024 ticket. The recent numbers are startling. Joe Biden’s approval rating has plummeted to a humiliating 33 percent. Frankly, considering the shape of the country, that number seems surprisingly generous.
The New York Post:
Meanwhile, Trump leads Biden in every swing state poll coming from Bloomberg.
Western Journal:
The risk to Democrats sticking with Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is that the amount of election fraud required for a 2024 victory would be so extreme that it could not possibly be denied or hidden. It would be so overt and “in your face” that it would trigger, finally, a widespread backlash that might finally result in the steps necessary to make our elections secure and honest and, therefore, toll the end of Democrat victories once and for all, at least in contested areas. NY and California would continue their downward spiral, regardless.
Trump’s campaign expects to clinch 2024 nomination by mid-March -senior official
Why didn’t the Chairman have the Sgt At Arms arrest him?
Spineless cowards
And Democrats on the Committee demonstrate why Hunter wanted an open hearing. Funny to see Raskin accusing Republicans of handling closed depositions and hearings EXACTLY LIKE Democrats do.
Reporter asks Hunter Biden if he’s on crack today
Why are republicans afraid to question Hunter Biden in a public hearing?
01/10/24 – Hunter Biden makes appearance at his own contempt of Congress hearing