Sooooo close. Joe Biden almost saved the world. Yesterday he said that Hamas attacked because he was about to bring peace to the region.
Biden: “I cannot prove what I’m about to say,” but Hamas attacked Israel because I was very close to bringing peace to the region.
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) November 24, 2023
He was going to save the world by building a railroad all around the world
“You may recall when we did the G20 a little while ago, I was able to get a resolution, a statement passed through there saying we are going to build a railroad from Riyadh all the way through the Middle East into Saudi Arabia, Israel etcetera all the way up to Europe. Not the railroad, it’d be an underground pipeline then railroad,” the president continued Friday.
“The whole idea is there is overwhelming interest and I think most Arab nations know it and coordinating with one another to change the dynamic in their region for longer term peace and that is what I am going to continue to work on,” Biden said.
This brings to mind Jake Sullivan’s boast about quiet the Middle East had been under Biden.
Appearing at The Atlantic Festival on September 29, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan listed off a string of achievements in the Middle East, among them how the region is “quieter today than it has been in two decades.”
Like everything else Sullivan says, it was a lie and it was darkly amusing seeing it blow up in his pasty face.
The only honest thing Biden said was that he couldn’t prove it, and that would be true about pretty much anything he’s ever said.
The truth is, Biden not only didn’t bring peace to the Middle East, he’s also gotten us into two wars. You might remember that when Russia annexed Crimea, Obama barely blinked an eye. Biden signaled Putin it was ok to invade Ukraine as long as it was a “minor incursion.” Biden’s pathetic and shameful Afghanistan disaster made clear that Biden could not only be trifled with, but that he could be bullied around at will. Even today as attacks on US bases in the Middle East continue, Biden responds only with pinprick bombings. To send a message, Trump took out Soleimani.
Biden projects three things: weakness, weakness, weakness.
Donald Trump kept the Middle East peaceful with the Abraham Accords
During former President Donald Trump’s administration, deals were struck between Israel and several Muslim-majority countries in the Middle East and North Africa to establish formal diplomatic relations. Those countries included Morocco, the United Arab Emirates, Sudan and Bahrain. Throughout his presidency, Biden had been working to expand the deal to establish formal recognition between Israel and Saudi Arabia, which has long been a friend of the Palestinian cause.
In his blind fury and haste to undo everything Trump did, Biden screwed that up too.
A ceasefire was arranged in the Israel-Hamas conflict, but no American hostages were freed.
This is just another reminder that Biden has been wrong on just about every foreign policy ever, and honestly, he also sucks domestically. There wasn’t a war in the Middle East under Trump and neither was there an invasion of Ukraine.
Joe Biden is a universal disaster.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Biden like Clinton and Obama can always count on the M.S. Media bottom feeders to save his neck
Only joe would toady up to oil rich nations by promising to build them a rail line and oil pipeline while his own country swims in deep debt.
Of course those countries were all for it.
What a fool joe is.
But, Hamas isn’t the only koran-obeying faction in the ME.
Once Hamas is brought down (IF it is) the PA, Fatah, the Houtis, al Qaeda, the latest iteration of ISIS will replace it.
Even the Iranians’ Republican Guard could.
All of these want Israel wiped off the map with the USA right behind.
biden is clueless. A complete failure his entire miserable life.
Such a disappointment for the fa left radical democrats
Really? Let’s review the facts: United States senator, two-term Vice President, and current President of the United States. He hasn’t been impeached, and he’s not under indictment for anything. He has never had to declare bankruptcy, as far as I can tell. He doesn’t stage a regular embarrassing meltdown on social media.
He seems to be doing fine, compared to some.
Yet he is a 100% failed lying, corrupt, treasonous piece of pedophile shit.
Biden was Vice President for 8 years and is now in the 3rd year of his own presidency.
Take a good, honest look at the disasters he has brought upon our country and others.
A sad sack who cannot recognize the illegitimate grandchild fathered by his drug addicted loser son.
Biden publicly recognized his granddaughter back in August, after discussing the matter with his son.
That was three months ago. How long has it been since the DNA results proved 99.9% that the little girl was Hunter’s child? Nice that the President of the United States had to get permission from his crackhead, whore mongering son to recognize his own biological grandchild.
At least 4+ years. Has the issue not been political he and his fake doctor wife would have continued to ignore the fatherless granddaughter.
Would you like to talk about your cult leader’s adulterous fornication with a porn star?
I’m guessing Trump’s eventual divorce settlement with Melania will include a non-disclosure agreement.
We can. Right after we talk about Biden’s adulterous affair with a married woman that caused her divorce.
And he raped Tara Reade in the senate walk tunnel under the capital.
Comrade Greggie will never admit that because #believeallwomen is only if the woman is going after a conservative/Republican.
I realize you’ve got to keep up your attacks to distract from the moral depravity of your indicted cult leader. Only by reelection can he avoid criminal conviction.
But he will live on in your head, torturing you forever. Driving leftists insane is his greatest talent.
I realize you’ve got to keep up your attacks on Trump to distract from the moral depravity of your cult leader. Only by reelection can he avoid criminal conviction.
Sure. We can start with the fact that SHE denied it ever happened. Now what?
Brain-Dead Eco-Freaks and their Liberal Media Ring Kissers praise Biden over ANWR since most of them are total idiots who watched junk like Captain Planet when they wee kids and was brought up on this modern Eco-Freak Movement
This is intentional to show how little respect the Islamic radicals have for Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, the corrupt, incompetent, lying, treasonous pedophile. He is so stupid that if he was actually trying to bring Saudi Arabia and Israel together, he destroyed it himself by funding Iran’s ability to support terrorism. They respected Trump; they laugh at Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden.