The Week in Radical Leftism, 10/27/2023


Welcome back to Day 1011 of the Biden* occupation!

10/15 – Islamic Jew-Hatred, Dhimmitude & the Doctrine of Sacred Space

The only good thing to come out of this horror is how many eyes are finally getting opened.

10/15 – Globalists and Communist-Jihadist Axis Seek to Destroy Civilization (Video)

And The Radical Left sides with all of them

10/17 – Ted Cruz rips Dems for their role in keeping illegals in ‘modern-day leg irons’

…And anyone else who votes for them

10/18 – America Now: The Symbiotic Relationship Between America & Israel: Trump Gets It

Even if you feel that America is too close to Israel, you can’t deny the importance of the relationship

10/19 – Third Possible Sharia Supremacist Nominated to Federal Bench, Republicans Yawn

This is why my hair isn’t on fire over the House Speaker fiasco. If the GOP can’t fight garbage as obvious as this what’s the point in the party’s existence?

10/20 – Joe Biden’s Economy is So Bad, It has Become a Security Threat

Not sure how much I agree with this, but given how often the Political Generals tell us that Climastrology is our top security threat, I’m OK with some hyperbole from our side to shift the conversation.

10/20 – On Israel, Progressive Jews Feel Abandoned by Their Left-Wing Allies

A painful lesson in how easy it is to lose your perch on the grievance mongering totem pole, and this is only element of this horribly story where I feel zero sympathy for Jewish Leftists. How many times have we heard us Normals smeared as anti-Semites (granted, occasionally valid) when the vast majority of Anti-Semitism has come from the Left? Now Jewish Leftists get the same harsh lesson in victim hierarchy that women got when they were replaced by Transexuals and that black Americans are experiencing as Democrats aren’t even pretending to give a damn in their efforts to replace them with Hispanics.


Sure, it’s pure political theater. But it’s refreshing to watch Republicans do something smart for a change.

10/22 – Seattle Dystopia: Students at Three Schools Targeted by Masked and Armed Gangs

When street thugs are allowed to openly harass kids coming home from school you’re well on your way to total collapse

10/23 – University Students’ Support For Terrorism Isn’t Ideology, It’s Conditioning

This is by design. Maybe this red pills more Lefties?

10/23 – Woke Investing Takes Massive Hit As Investors Lose Interest: REPORT

As Ace said so well, something to the effect of “You can waste money on DIE initiatives in a Trump economy. You don’t have the money to waste in a Biden* economy”

10/24 – Damming the Rainbow Tide

Well that was fast. I was getting ready to write a post on supporting the NHL for standing up to the Gaystapo. Then this happened.

10/24 – This is what is happening in America

And there will be more. By design.

10/25 – Is Reason For Biden’s Net Neutrality Push-Hiding Failures In Green Policy?

Not the most exciting topic right now, but one that we can’t afford to ignore.

10/26 – The Extreme Danger of Mail-In Voting

Thank you D. Parker for writing out something I’ve been thinking for a while. It brings up the obvious question of why aren’t Republican leaders making the obvious argument that mail in voting takes away the Civil Right of the secret ballot? Or did I just answer my own question…

10/27 – 1 in 10 American Jews Support Hamas

I’m at a loss for words, so I’ll leave this one to the immortal Damien Sandow:

Have a great weekend, and Happy Halloween!

And I’ll leave you with this PSA, Black Sabbath’s ode to drunk driving. Remember kids, don’t drive drunk unless you want to get chased by a bunch of zombies wearing the same cheesy masks from the Zero the Hero video!

Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, as well as Parler and GETTR, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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The Biden Admin just came out against Israel’s strategy that is taking out Hamas in Gaza.
Their FAULTY reasoning?
If Israel can’t get 100% of Hamas it shouldn’t even start going after Hamas at all, says a US spokesman.
Isn’t that the same “reasoning” the biden admin uses for why they never go after illegals?
Makes no sense whatsoever.

I’m glad Israel is defying joe’s weak, Iran-loving viewpoint.
Hamas will do what it always does:
After a few leaders get killed (like their air force head overnight) as many as possible try to melt into the civilian population.
Too bad for them that the IDF had many spies taking facial recognition of Hamas fighters.
They’ll get theirs later, one by one.

Yeah, but they aren’t allowed to use the money for anything that isn’t nice. There are RULES.

10/15 – Islamic Jew-Hatred, Dhimmitude & the Doctrine of Sacred Space

So, this is what “free Palestine” means? Free it from democracy and subject it to Islamic oppression? THAT kind of “free”?

10/15 – Globalists and Communist-Jihadist Axis Seek to Destroy Civilization (Video)

Imagine being reassured that you will be evacuated after watching the idiot Biden regime abandon everyone in Afghanistan. Keep those poor souls in your prayers, for sure.

10/17 – Ted Cruz rips Dems for their role in keeping illegals in ‘modern-day leg irons’

Democrats are the party of slavery. They had to let their old ones go, so now they need new ones. Cmon, man!

10/18 – America Now: The Symbiotic Relationship Between America & Israel: Trump Gets It

I don’t pretend to be an Israel expert after just one visit 23 years ago, but the fact is that non-Jews are in no way oppressed and are welcome to participate in the Israeli success. However, their hatred of Jews precludes them coexisting and they would rather exert all their energies and wealth into exterminating the Jewish people.

10/19 – Third Possible Sharia Supremacist Nominated to Federal Bench, Republicans Yawn

Democrats don’t mind disqualifying a nominee if they believe in the founding principles of the US, why shouldn’t a leftist nominee be disqualified for subscribing to anti-American tenets? In fact, shouldn’t that be a requirement?

10/20 – Joe Biden’s Economy is So Bad, It has Become a Security Threat

It’s actually pretty clear. Our SPR is all but depleted, we depend on foreign energy suppliers and our manufacturing base has been sent to China, which just happens to be our primary threat. All of this was addressed and resolved by Trump and all of THAT was intentionally reversed by Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, who was also on the CCP payroll.

10/20 – On Israel, Progressive Jews Feel Abandoned by Their Left-Wing Allies

Do they really think proclaiming themselves liberal, progressive Jews would save them? The Nazis didn’t even spare Jews that fought for the Fatherland in World War I; in the eyes of anti-Semites when they hold power, a Jew is a Jew. There is no modifier that would spare their lives.


As the leftist media did with Trump and are going with DeSantis, if Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden or any other prominent Democrat hasn’t denounced anti-Semitism in the past hour, then they should be deemed in support of it. It just so happens, though, that in this case, it’s true.

10/23 – University Students’ Support For Terrorism Isn’t Ideology, It’s Conditioning

This is the condition of the education of the youth today. They HAVE no knowledge of history except for the re-written version provided by the left, which in essence simply renders them stupid. When they act according to their historic knowledge, they’ll simply have to accept the consequences. I wonder, do they hold Democrats responsible for the January 6th riot?

I would certainly hate to be in school now and believe my grade depended, in no small part, on accepting the ideology of the instructor.

10/23 – Woke Investing Takes Massive Hit As Investors Lose Interest: REPORT

Capitalism cleanses the mind as well as providing widespread opportunities. Support stupid, degenerate, amoral policies, lose your money.

10/24 – Damming the Rainbow Tide

So, when is Hetero Pride Night?

10/24 – This is what is happening in America

This is the left and the left is violent, racist and full of hate.

10/25 – Is Reason For Biden’s Net Neutrality Push-Hiding Failures In Green Policy?

The left has to control the narrative or the truth will destroy them.

10/26 – The Extreme Danger of Mail-In Voting

But the danger of NOT using mail in voting is that Democrats lose power. Mail in voting also lends itself to entire zip codes (where Republicans might dominate) could be “lost”.

10/27 – 1 in 10 American Jews Support Hamas

That is like going to an island of cannibals and telling them you support their lifestyle. They’ll tell you, “Yeah, but you’re still made of food.”