Joe Biden will once again pay ransom to terrorists.
There are reported to be 20 American hostages held in Gaza by Hamas. Biden is going to pay Hamas $100 million for their release. Oh sure, it won’t be called that (it will be called humanitarian aid), but it is what will happen.
“Today I am also announcing $100 million in new U.S. funding for humanitarian assistance in both Gaza and the West Bank,” Biden said. “This money will support more than one million displaced in the conflict affecting Palestinians including emergency needs in Gaza.”
Thing is, Hamas steals money given for humanitarian purposes.
The aid package announced by Biden comes after the United Nations organization reported that its fuel and medical supplies meant for Palestinian refugees were reportedly stolen by Hamas, according to the Times of Israel.
The Biden regime knows it’s going to happen again.
Biden State Department spokesman Matt Miller says there are “legitimate concerns” Hamas terrorists will “divert” Biden’s $100 million aid package, intended for Gaza and the West Bank, for their personal use.
But hey, not to worry because Biden has an “understanding” with Hamas
Biden official claims there is an ‘understanding’ with Hamas so they won’t be stealing any of the $100 million in US aid
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) October 20, 2023
Israeli officials know the truth
‘I know Hamas very well because for five years of my life I dealt with them,’ Ido Gabay, former chief of staff for the national security adviser in the Israeli prime minister’s office.
‘There is zero chance that you will get 100 percent of this aid to the ones who need it.
If we had a President with a shred of credibility, he’d have what would be called plausible deniability. But this is Joe Biden, and he set the stage for this when he paid Iran $6 billion for 6 hostages, plus he’s an inveterate liar. Terrorists kidnapping Americans is becoming routine. Thanks to Biden, the US is an easy target for extortion.
Biden has gotten us into two wars. Ukraine will go on forever and now a war in the Middle East.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
This is what comes from Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s showing how stupid they are by believing every ounce of his weak bullshit; be begins to believe our global adversaries are just as stupid.
America is supporting terrorism and promoting instability in the region. biden is human trash
A renowned commentator on Israel and Jewish affairs, Caroline Glick, has launched a warning to Israel that America, through the Joe Biden administration, is no longer a friend.
He was dispatched essentially to blackmail Israel into allowing “resupply” of Hamas provisions in Gaza, on the threat of America withholding military supplies needed by Israel.
Further, Joe Biden’s recent visit there was staged to force a delay in Israel’s response to the Hamas terror, as commanders were ordered to stand down until his trip was completed, she charges, describing Biden himself as acting as a “human shield” for Hamas
The obama/biden regime is intent upon protecting hamas at all cost.
Biden set up the whole money-laundering scheme in Ukraine during the Obama years to enrich Obozo and the Big Guy. THAT was his job, his sole purpose. That’s why Obozo picked him for VP. How else do you think the magic N3gr0 and Big Mike could afford a $100 million spread on the Vineyard? It ain’t from books and speeches.
White House Asks Congress for $106 Billion – $61 Billion for Ukraine, $14 Billion for Israel, $9 Billion for Gaza and Humanitarian Relief
The people behind Joe Biden have put together a single $106 billion request of financial support intended to force Congress to fund the priorities of the Obama/Biden U.S. foreign policy.
The supplemental appropriations request also includes funds to support the continued flow of illegal aliens at the southern border.
Biden and Obama what a perfect pair of cellmates they would make doing life terms for Treason
Our money doesn’t just buy weapons for our enemy. //// Captagon has been touted as “The Jihadists’ Drug”. You will start to see Captagon marketed more in major urban zones….to the riot participants.
Democrats support genocide against he Jewish people. They can no longer hide their anti semitism. bidens trip to Israel was only to slow done the eventual annihilation of hamas.