The Squad’s Delusions


The Squad is at it again.

AOC is now calling for a immediate ceasefire but when pushed, by CNN of all outlets, her response was, how should I say, completely outside the realm of reality.

She was asked “What is Israel supposed to do about Hamas after they’ve murdered, brutalized, abducted over a thousand of their citizens? Are they supposed to do nothing?”

It took her 3 minutes to say well, the cease fire wouldn’t just be one-sided.

The anchor, Abby Phillip, emphasized that Israel had already been attacked and asked “Do you genuinely believe they should not respond to that?”

She sputters about saying that Israel has a “right to self-defense” but then went on to discuss collective punishment, what their ultimate objectives were…yada yada.

Phillip tells her the ultimate objective is to eliminate the terrorist…pretty damn straightforward objective. Her response was to discourage direct action and complains about “indiscriminate attacks.” Nick Arama:

I’ve never seen anything in a war like Israel’s care for civilians. They “roof knock” to warn civilians to get out. They told civilians to evacuate the area in advance of a possible ground invasion. Hamas told them to stay and continue to be human shields. Yet, AOC continues this nonsensical response and wants to completely hamstring the rules of engagement. And the problem is we’re seeing some of this same thing from the Biden team as well, with the focus seemingly being on aid and the people of Gaza, not getting the hostages back and taking out the terrorists who just killed Israelis and Americans.

Brent Bozell had a perfect response to this train wreck of a interview:

STUART VARNEY: You know, Brent, that really was a struggle, wasn’t it? Well, the president is now on his way home. You know, he’s really coming back to a badly divided party, is he not?

BRENT BOZELL: Yeah, and I’m sorry, but she’s a blithering idiot. The question that the CNN reporter asked repeatedly was what should Israel do after a terrorist attack. The answer was, respond and declare war on the terrorists, which they did. [Laughter] It was a quick question, should have been a quick answer. She stumbled and stumbled and stumbled because for the simple reason they don’t want to give the benefit of the doubt to Israel. And, therefore, it’s all about the Palestinians. This was never about the Palestinians. This is about Hamas, a terrorist organization.

But she can’t do it. The far left cannot do it. She and the Squad cannot show solidarity with Israel

AOC, the squad and the rest of the leftists in this country have no problem with the cold blooded murder of babies, the rape and torture of Jewish women in their own homes, the kidnapping of Jews and parents being slaughtered in front of their children.

Will innocent Palestinians die? Most likely yes. War is messy. But the fault doesn’t lie with Israel, it lies with Hamas as they use these innocents as human shields.

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BRENT BOZELL: Yeah, and I’m sorry, but she’s a blithering idiot. The question that the CNN reporter asked repeatedly was what should Israel do after a terrorist attack. The answer was, respond and declare war on the terrorists, which they did. [Laughter] It was a quick question, should have been a quick answer.

Foreign policy in the hands of this bartender?

Looks like an insurrection

I wonder which terrorist supporting democrat members of Congress arranged for a group of this size. It appears to be much larger that the 2:30pm group tour.

Not only was is a hamas rocket, it landed in a parking lot. No one was injured or killed.

The reporting I saw said the errant rocket may have killed dozens that were camped out in the parking lot.
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Well if it did then there will be less dozens for the IDF to kill.

The first casualty of war is the truth, Biden never saw beheaded babies.

Who is in charge of ‘Capitol Security’ now… and how much did it cost to allow this to happen?

Take it up with the Speaker of the House.

She actually said, “they’ll both ceasefire?”
What a dope!
The only reason Hamas, or any warring Muslim group, accepts a ceasefire is if they are losing and need time to RE-ARM!
They even have a name for that in their koran.
It’s a “hudna.”
Not like OUR ceasefires.
A hudna (Muslim ceasefire) is in BAD FAITH from the start.