An octennial plague re-emerges from the dirt

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Locusts show up every 17 years. Influenza pandemics occur about every 50 years. Halley’s comet returns every 76 years or so. But there is another plague that emerges octennially in the November prior to an election year. It is insidious. Bad things happens when it appears. Russians are stirred to action.

It is the plague known Hillary Clinton.

She has reappeared in another vain effort to assert herself as relevant or important. The cause of this plague is Donald Trump running for President.

Clinton is loaded for bear with advice, some for Joe Biden.

Hillary Clinton warned President Joe Biden in a private meeting that he needed to take the threat of a third-party challenger seriously, as he faces all-time high disapproval ratings and sits behind former President Donald Trump in some surveys.

NBC News reported Monday that Clinton gave the president the warning while she was at the White House for the Praemium Imperiale Laureate ceremony alongside first lady Jill Biden earlier this month.

Clinton saw her own White House dreams dashed when she lost the 2016 election to Donald Trump – with a number of Clinton’s allies labeling Green Party nominee Jill Stein a spoiler.

But she also had some poorly disguised advice vis-a-vis a particular Russian threat:

Hillary Clinton, the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee, has issued a warning about Russian interference in the 2024 election.

“I fear that the Russians improve themselves to be quite adept at interfering, and if he has a chance, he’ll do it again,” she said Sunday on MSNBC. “He [Putin] hates democracy. He particularly hates the West and he especially hates us. And he has determined that he can do two things simultaneously. He can try to continue to damage and divide us internally, and he’s quite good at it,” she also said.

Clinton said Putin didn’t want to see her in the White House so he worked against her.

Since Donald Trump may well the nominee, this warning brings intentional echoes of (he whispers)- Russian collusion. To this day, democrats still believe this horsecrap.

Fears of Russian interference in U.S. politics remain widespread, and Democratic voters overwhelmingly agree with Hillary Clinton that Russia is to blame for her defeat in 2016.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 47% of Likely U.S. Voters believe it is likely that Russian interference changed the outcome of the 2016 presidential election, including 26% who say it’s Very Likely. Forty-six percent (46%) don’t think it’s likely Russian interference changed the 2016 election, including 32% who say it is Not At All Likely.

As Joe Concha remarked, democrats believe that Vladimir Putin himself crawled into voting booths and voting machines everywhere and changed the results.

This despite a Senate report stating Russian efforts did not affect the vote. Never mind that Clinton herself was the architect of the Russian collusion scheme. Never mind that she paid for the dossier. Never mind that she and her campaign spread the vicious rumor about Trump and Alfa bank.

But to hammer home her propaganda she also said this

“So we are where we are, in part of the challenge is to continue to explain to the American public that, you know, the kind of leader Putin is, this authoritarian dictator who literally kills his opposition, kills journalists, poisons people who disagree with him, invades other countries, interferes with our election, that is part of the alternative we have to reject this in this election,” she said.

“We have to reject authoritarianism, we have to reject a kind of creeping fascism almost, of people who are really ready to turn over their thinking, their votes to wannabe dictators. We can’t allow that to proceed,” Clinton also said.

“Creeping fascism”? “Wannabe dictators”? That describes Joe Biden better than anyone else I can think of.  But why would Putin skip messing with the 2020 election? Didn’t Putin hate democracy enough to change the 2020 election? Didn’t he hate us enough?

Or does Putin hate Hillary more than anything else? That’s actually possible, as she was the one who started the war when she interfered with Russia’s 2011 elections. Now she projects that hate onto everyone else but herself and her own failures.

The worst part of this is that we likely have to endure this plague through next November and there is no cure. The good news is we won’t suffer her again for at least another eight years when she returns to her subterranean lair.

Yet I for one enjoy the thought that two men will forever live in her head- Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump.

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One wonders how evil people like the Hildabeast continue to spew lies and grand entertainers, sinners all but loved as Hil is not, like David McCallum and Bruce Willis and Treat Williams suffer suffer and suffer for two of them to death!

Remember: “Can’t we just drone this guy?” The sentiment is probably mutual.

I noticed when Psaki interviewed Hitlery, she forgot to ask any questions about the election interference with the Russian dossier she and the Russians created. To present her as a respected expert just shows how degenerate the Democrat party is.

Our constitution has specific language to deal with this creature and others of her ilk, and there are many… Nuremberg 2.0 not just her, but the mRNA participants and all the creatures that are intentionally destroying our country. As a Patriot, I would pay to kick the stool out from any of them…. what do you think Patriots?