The Week in Radical Leftism, 09/22/2023


Welcome back for Day 976 of America held hostage by the Biden* regime! But first we jump into the Wayback machine of seven years ago – onto the crazy!

02/17/2016 – Peace Corps Guy

Long but a good read about a do gooder who has his eyes opened working for the Peace Corps in Africa

06/2023 – The Deplorable Underground (Link to book’s Amazon page)

Kurt Schlichter isn’t the only one who can write an excellent Leftist Dystopia series!

8/26 – Rigged 2020 Election Machines and Software Exposed in a Must-Watch Documentary Coming Soon

Meh. Until we see someone go to jail over 2020 nationally or what happened in AZ last year, this is just a preview for 2024.

8/29 – A story of betrayal: Former Minneapolis cop tells all

The Somalification of an American city

9/12 – China’s Aggression Encompasses Information Warfare

One of many fronts where we are being attacked by China

9/13 – Branch Covidians Unleashing Covid Tyranny Round 2

Fauci Flu 2: Electric Boogaloo!

9/15 – Is This The CREEPIEST Thing We’ve Ever Seen Biden Do?!

And that is a very high bar to clear…

9/16 – Q: Is it really all just about the Benjamins for “transgender” doctors butchers?

It’s truly scary when greed is the preferable motivation

9/16 – CNN’s Fake ‘Fact Check’

I’m actually old enough to remember when CNN was considered a news network

9/17 – How we can prevent COVID mandates from coming back

The proper response is this NSFW reply from Robert Ellsworth and the boys

9/17 – Days After Biden Approves $6 Billion Ransom Deal, Iran Takes Another Westerner Hostage

Back in the days when I was on Facebook and Barry O was President, I’d post something like this with the simple comment, “Our semi-weekly incident of Iran or Cuba sneaking up behind Obama and yanking down his gym shorts while he’s standing in front of the girls’ locker room”

9/18 – Grassroots Work Is Key to Upward Mobility, Not Policy Papers

Great point – We can write all we want and share stories, but what makes a real difference is when we all take individual action.

9/19 – EU Power Grab

Pay attention – we’re just on a different  timeline.

9/19 – Richard Nixon’s Last Crusade

Interesting. And unsurprising to hear sound advice ignored.

9/20 – New AIDS Memorial Sculpture is Butt(hole) of Local Jokes.

Sorry, but I’m at a rare loss for words here.

9/20 – ‘Medical Murder’ Outpaces Heart Disease and Cancer, Becoming America’s #1 Cause of Death

I do miss the days when I could believe that my doctor viewed my health as a higher priority than serving as a marketing rep for Pfizer

9/21 – Randi Weingarten’s Divisive Rhetoric

As Iowahawk pointed out years ago, “Remember who they’re united against”

9/22 – Libraries Clearing Shelves Through ‘Equity-Based’ Book Weeding

And these nimrods accuse us Normals of “book banning”

Coming Soon – Using Big Banks to Fight Back Vs a Corrupt Concert Organizer. This will get published and I’ll add a link Saturday morning.

Have a great weekend!

Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, as well as Parler and GETTR, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.

Cross posted at Flopping Aces
<!– Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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Your posts, your followers’ posts, and those of Julie Kelly, are glorious, “Brother Bob!”

02/17/2016 – Peace Corps Guy

Basically, they want to live the day to day lives they have lived for centuries. No ambitions, no dreams, just have enough food for tomorrow and a place to sleep out of the rain. That’s kind of the attitude our wards of the state (black AND white) have here, isn’t it?

06/2023 – The Deplorable Underground (Link to book’s Amazon page)

Sounds far too predictive.

8/26 – Rigged 2020 Election Machines and Software Exposed in a Must-Watch Documentary Coming Soon

I would be satisfied with some acknowledgement that there has been election fraud and it is very dangerous, if not harmful. Then maybe they’d have the balls to step in the way of it, starting with universal voting by mail. That is nothing but the Democrat’s attempt to get as far away from positive voter ID as possible, and the reason is more than obvious.

8/29 – A story of betrayal: Former Minneapolis cop tells all

The left exploited the death of lifelong thug Floyd for political purposes and watched much of the nation burn down with glee. The only thing about Floyd they were grateful for was his death.

9/12 – China’s Aggression Encompasses Information Warfare

If the US had held China responsible for COVID (who cares if we funded it? THEY made it and released it) and rallied much of the free world to support it, we could have shut China down and dealt the CCP a death blow. But Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s personal revenue stream was far more important.

9/13 – Branch Covidians Unleashing Covid Tyranny Round 2

It’s great to live in a region that WILL NOT comply with a repetition of that madness. Aside from being part of the PROOF that masks and shutdowns don’t work, we are simply (aside from the transplants) not the sheep you find in blue states.

9/15 – Is This The CREEPIEST Thing We’ve Ever Seen Biden Do?!

The Crypt Keeper will always out-creepy himself. No problem.

9/16 – Q: Is it really all just about the Benjamins for “transgender” doctors butchers?

Doesn’t anyone remember Obama accusing the medical profession of unnecessary surgeries just to pad revenues? Now they have a sociological excuse to surgery! The left is 100% behind it!

9/16 – CNN’s Fake ‘Fact Check’

I keep links to stories. When needed, I can rapidly find them not having to filter through hundreds of other articles some browser WANTS me to see. When someone responds with, “Oh, yeah? WHAT evidence?” I can usually rapidly respond with so many references that I have to split up the response. I am still in awe of how totally ignorant some people prefer to keep themselves.

9/17 – How we can prevent COVID mandates from coming back

So many of the “truths” about COVID prevention were wrecked that it would be difficult to implement and maintain them again. But, when they try, just call any gathering you want to have a RIOT. We know riots somehow magically didn’t spread the virus. Might hold off on the looting, though.

9/17 – Days After Biden Approves $6 Billion Ransom Deal, Iran Takes Another Westerner Hostage

Gosh, if someone could have predicted this and warned Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden before he did something so stupid and…. oh. Wait. Nevermind.

9/18 – Grassroots Work Is Key to Upward Mobility, Not Policy Papers

Creating an opportunity-rich environment for people to advance through is what America should be. The left exploits the fact that those opportunities not effortless or rapid, characterizing hard work as impossibility. I’ve had it easier than many, I’m sure, but I’ve had it a lot harder than many as well. That’s just the way it is.

9/19 – EU Power Grab

We’ve had our American culture for only about 250 years. Look how difficult it is for the left to wrest our Constitutional rights and freedoms from us. Much of European culture goes back a thousand years; expecting them to just amalgamate all the European culture into something that satisfies a central socialist ruling elite is a recipe for disaster.

9/19 – Richard Nixon’s Last Crusade

Nixon wasn’t corrupt in government like Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, he merely became an accessory to a crime. Remember when THAT was the worst? Yes, we’ve really come a “long way”, haven’t we? Clinton, Obama and Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden failed to learn the lesson that the coverup is worse than the crime (usually, except in Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s treason and corruption). But Nixon, unlike incompetent Obama and Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, was actually a pretty good President.

9/20 – New AIDS Memorial Sculpture is Butt(hole) of Local Jokes.

The Balloon Knot Memorial?

9/20 – ‘Medical Murder’ Outpaces Heart Disease and Cancer, Becoming America’s #1 Cause of Death

I’m just glad all the rumors of “death panels” were proven untrue. Whew!

9/21 – Randi Weingarten’s Divisive Rhetoric

This is what happens with unions. The shift from shielding workers from employer abuse to being a leftist political power whose primary purpose and goal is to continue to enhance their own power. I guess this was one benefit that came out of the COVID hoax; parents got a great view of the leftist propaganda being fed their children. The response by parents also has had the benefit of drawing out the true character of teacher’s unions: they want control of children to use as weapons and power.

9/22 – Libraries Clearing Shelves Through ‘Equity-Based’ Book Weeding

Need to make more room on the shelves for gay porn.