Wealthy Left-Wing Groups Corruptly Fund The Associated Press to Publish Stories Aligned with Their Propaganda Agendas

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Surprise surprise surprise:

The Associated Press, the country’s top wire service, is now bankrolled in part by millions of dollars from left-wing foundations, including one founded by “1619 Project” author Nikole Hannah-Jones.

The news organization last year announced a series of “partnerships” to subsidize reporters covering climate change, race, and democracy. A review of the donor roster shows that the vast majority fund left-wing political causes, while none are supporters of conservative initiatives.

The Ida B. Wells Society, founded by “1619 Project” lightning rod Hannah-Jones, has teamed up with filmmaker Steven Spielberg’s Hearthland Foundation, for example, to foster “more inclusive storytelling” at the Associated Press.

In some ways, it was a natural partnership: The AP’s global investigations editor, Ron Nixon, serves on the Ida B. Wells Society’s board of directors. In others, it may prove more problematic, given that Hannah-Jones’s own reporting has been disputed by historians, who have argued—among other things—that her account of the motivations of the American revolutionaries is factually inaccurate.

The funding, much of it from these sorts of overly political actors, will make it more challenging for the Associated Press to swat away accusations of political bias. In one high-profile example, critics blasted the organization for revising its style guide to instruct reporters to avoid the use of terms like “the French,” which the AP indicated was “dehumanizing.”

AllSides, a group that tracks media bias across the industry, last year changed its rating for the AP from “center” to “leans left,” citing what it said was an increase in “word choice bias” and “bias by omission of views” in its coverage. AllSides says it closely monitors the Associated Press’s content because the AP’s content is “broad and far-reaching.”

The media industry is “supposed” to be the truth-seekers and completely transparent, correct? But what we are seeing now is the MSM, who often scream and demand for maximum disclosure, are hiding it own dirty secrets. Zero curiosity investigating themselves. Writing up stories for left-wing groups and their mega-rich cohorts.

…There was not a peep of media consternation about the exposure that some of their alleged fellow Incorruptible High Priests of the Truth were taking money from foreign oligarchs to do “research.”

Which, by the way, almost certainly then became planted stories appearing in the media. A foreign oligarch is probably savvy enough to avoid saying “I am paying you to plant this story.” He knows that a few members of the Incorruptible High Priesthood of the Truth would understand that as a gross violation that could get them blackballed.

But if he says “I’ll pay you $50,000 to do ‘research’ on Trump’s empire for me, and then you own that research to do whatever you want to with it,” well, the “researcher” can then write it up as a “news” article and get it published. He can say “no one demanded i publish it” — yes, but they did pay you $50,000 to do a month’s worth of work, which is now all conveniently sitting in your hard-drive, and can be sold again, this time to a leftwing media publisher.

This corruption is not surprising to most of us I know. No surprise that they get paid discreetly and then plant stories their masters tell them to plant. Just as sickening however is the fact that none of their peers show any curiosity. While they pressure others to show all conflicts of interest…they remain quiet when it’s one of their own.

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More proof that most of the news we get from the M.S. Media is leftists Propaganda and Not real news

It’s now legal to lie to the American people…… Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 (SMA): Put simply, our government was permitted to lie to people in other countries, but not to us here at home. The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act (SMMA), ………..BURIED in the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (Obama’s term): REPEALED the 1948 Smith-Mundt Act: allowed the same propaganda disseminated by our government to foreign publics, to now be released in the U.S. for the very first time. OUR government is now ALLOWED to CREATE PROPAGANDA tailored specifically for U.S. public consumption, using ANY media as it sees fit, while remaining ANONYMOUS as to the source of the material being reported. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Smith-Mundt+modernization+act+2012&va=b&t=hr&ia=web

AP is a left wing POS and keeps reinforcing the narrative proudly. Go broke!

The left is cratering and is growing more and more desperate and dangerous. More propaganda will be required. More censorship will be required. More election fraud will be required. More violence will be required, if they are to survive. They have crossed their own Rubicon and it is impossible for them to retreat back into a party that is moderate, patriotic and ethical. A new party is required and this degenerate, pathetic, corrupt version of the Democrat party will have to fight or die.

Be vigilant and go nowhere unarmed.

LOL. The AP is the SOURCE. All Intelligence is Directed BY the Media, not the other way around. This is the part you are not aware of. Why are you trying to make it sound as if they are just paid by someone else? Are you working for AP? This is disingenuous