Biden did NOT have to receive the bribes directly for him to be guilty of bribery

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The Bidens have collected at least $20 million from Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Russia and Romania. The monies went primarily through Hunter Biden and his cronies and then to the Biden family. Devon Archer testified that Hunter called up Joe more than 20 times to prove he had access to Pop. Joe has flatly denied that he ever talked business with foreign actors but then he’s denied a lot of things. he denied having any knowledge of Hunter’s business activities. That was a lie. Joe denied that Hunter made any money from China. That was a lie. The official state line went from Joe Biden had no knowledge of Hunter’s business to Biden was not in business with his son.

Guess who came to dinner.

Joe not only knew of Hunter’s business activities, but he was also part of them. It was easy to get Joe to those meeting. All one had to do was make a contribution to Biden-related businesses.

  • On Feb. 14, 2014, the Russian oligarch Baturina, Russia’s wealthiest woman, wired the Rosemont Seneca Thornton bank account $3.5 million. Two months later, she attended the dinner at Café Milano with Joe Biden.
  • On April 22, 2014, Rakishev used a Singaporean entity, Novatus Holdings, to wire Rosemont Seneca Bohai $142,300. The next day, the exact same amount was wired out to a car dealership in New Jersey for a luxury sportscar for Hunter Biden. “Around the same timeframe as the payment for Hunter Biden’s sportscar, Vice President Joe Biden attended dinner with Kenes Rakishev” at Café Milano.
  • In 2014 and 2015, Hunter Biden and Devon Archer received approximately $3.32 million from Burisma in their Rosemont Seneca Bohai account. “On April 16, 2015, Vice President Joe Biden attended a dinner with Vadym Pozharsky” at Café Milano, the committee noted.

Make a donation, get a dinner. They would get a lot more.

Burisma put Hunter on its Board of Directors in April of 2014 guaranteeing him $1 million per year. This turned out to be a valuable investment. Hunter was put on the Board of Directors as a means of “protecting” Burisma.

Devon archer testified that in December 2015 the Shokin investigation was heating up Hunter “called DC” following pressure from Zlochevsky and Pozharski but he could not confirm to whom the call was made.

Archer continued his testimony by saying that during the drinks, Zlochevsky told Hunter Biden that Burisma needed “help from the United States government” to deal with the pressure the company was under from Viktor Shokin, a prosecutor in Ukraine who was allegedly investigating Burisma, according to Jordan and the source. Archer then stepped away, and Hunter Biden was told to call “D.C.,” but Archer did not testify whether or not “D.C.” was then-Vice President Joe Biden.

Archer said that the mere presence of the “Biden brand” would be intimidating- in this case intimidating enough to shut down Shokin investigation into Burisma corruption. While as of now it cannot be confirmed that Joe Biden was on the other end of that call, it is a fact that within days Joe Biden made a trip to Ukraine in which he said that the prosecutor’s office “needs to be fixed” and that the billion dollars in aid to Ukraine would be held up unless the prosecutor was fired. By March 2016 Shokin was gone. Biden would later lie about it while bragging about it.

In fact, they even left a road map for us


This was extortion. Period. Full stop. democrats keep making noise about a lack of the evidence any money went directly to Biden but I have some very bad news for them.

It doesn’t have to go directly to Biden.

Bing AI and I had a chat this morning

If money is conferred to a US politician for benefits and the money does not go directly to the politician but to his family, it can still be considered a bribe. The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) prohibits the willful use of any means of instrumentality of interstate commerce corruptly in furtherance of any offer, payment, promise to pay, or authorization of the payment of money or anything of value to any person, while knowing that all or a portion of such money or thing of value will be offered, given or promised, directly or indirectly, to a foreign official to influence the foreign official in his or her official capacity1.

What Biden did was a crime and there is a punishment for that:

The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) is enforced by both the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). FCPA violators can face criminal and civil penalties, and there are punishments for both the responsible individuals and the entities involved. For individuals convicted of FCPA violations, penalties can include: Up to five years in imprisonment Up to $100,000 in criminal penalties Up to $10,000 in civil penalties. For entities convicted of FCPA violation, penalties can include: Up to $2,000,000 in criminal penalties Up to $10,000 in civil penalties. Entities considered “domestic concerns” can be fined up to $2,000,000. If the penalties are considered “willful violations,” i.e., the violation includes false or misleading statements in FCPA-related reporting requirements, there are additional possible penalties: Individuals can be fined up to $5,000,000 and a prison sentence of up to 20 years, while entities can be fined up to $25,000,000. A company may also be required to disgorge any profits that it received as a result of the bribery (plus interest), and the company may be barred from contracts or other dealings with the U.S. government1.

This is only the tip of the iceberg. The total value of Biden malfeasance is more than $20 million and no one paid any tax on any of it.

Pass the popcorn


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Dems and their media have been playing the “well, OK, then moving the goalposts,” game as joe gets more and more implicated in bribery.
Worse, they play the, But, Trump,” game to the tune of keeping him too occupied in court to win the next election.
Note that these are both GAMES.
The dirty tricks aspect of their larger strategy have yet to begin.

Bribery is that a Impeachable offence?


Can’t the assets of someone that has been living off of bribes be confiscated? This family of criminal shitbags have not earned a living in honest enterprise. How about confiscating all their homes and turning them over to the left’s beloved illegal immigrants?

I can’t say it strongly and often enough; there is NO POSSIBLE DOUBT or defense of idiot Biden and the Biden Crime Family’s corruption and treachery. Idiot Biden sold out the American people and nation. The evidence is overwhelming and, unlike the accusations against Trump, actually exists.

If Hunter was a mafioso, he would have been whacked long ago. Who keeps such records of their illegal activities? No surprise such a moron is the “smartest guy” idiot Biden knows.

After 4 years of investigation, there’s still no evidence that Joe Biden had any knowledge of his son’s scams.

Trump faces multiple criminal charges based on testimony and evidence presented to grand juries.

After 4 years of investigation, there’s still no evidence that Joe Biden had any knowledge of his son’s scams.

“Scams”? What “scams” would those be? Tell us what “scams” Hunter was running and how they didn’t involve old daddy, “Pedo Pete”.

We already had idiot Biden on video bragging that he got Shokin fired so he couldn’t investigate Burisma, which was paying Hunter $1 million a year. So, there’s that. I think that’s a pretty definitive illustration of how their “business” relationship worked. We now have evidence of idiot Biden getting involved in Hunter’s deals, both on the phone and in person. We have a letter idiot Biden sent to Devon Archer congratulating and thanking him for being in business with Hunter. His signature on that letter is sort of a smoking gun, dude.

What we don’t have a shred of evidence of is idiot Biden ever doing ANYTHING that did lead to personal profit for himself, and that includes pushing the indictments of Trump to try and keep him out of the campaign.