Welcome back to Day 878 of America held hostage by the Biden* regime! Lots of links, but no commentary this week. I usually do my editing toward the end of the week, and helping chaperone a school field trip yesterday threw things off. Anywho, on to the crazy, but first a trip in The Wayback Machine to last September:
9/1/22 – Prof’s Claim That Rushdie Attacker ‘Likely’ Incited by ‘Mossad Operative’
Federal Progressive Subsidy Database
5/24 – ‘When the Mob Came’ Is the Cancel Culture Takedown We Needed
5/29 – UN WHO Coming in for the Kill With “Health” Schemes
5/30 – Patrick Byrne – Patriot, Putz or Deep State Player He Plays All Three Parts Perfectly
6/1 – Clare Lopez Exposes Chinese Bio Weapon (Podcast)
6/5 – The Prism of America’s Education (Podcast, scroll down a bit)
6/6 – Lock It Up!Feds Trying to Put the West Off Limits
6/6 – The Pyramid of Far-Right Radicalization, Explained
6/7 – The Left’s Assault on the Scientific Method
6/9 – HHS Whistleblower: Standing Up Against The Evil Medical System | Jodi O’Malley, MSN, RN (Podcast)
6/9 – Dads’ ‘Toxic Masculinity’ Protects Kids From Pedophiles
6/10 – Five — Count ’Em, FIVE — Flaming Skulls for FBI Whistleblower Report on Biden
6/11 – In Tennessee, Government Overreach Left An Elderly Woman Homeless
6/13 – The Problem Isn’t Guns, It’s Richmond
6/14 – The 2024 Reality TV Show to Blow Up Leftist Election Fraud
6/15 – Who Is Alex Soros? Ask CRC
6/16 – Space Force Chief Says State “Anti-LGBT” Laws Threaten US Military Readiness
ICYMI – I weighed in on Three Cultural Issues Where I’m Not Taking the Position You’d Think
Have a great weekend!
This is the flag the U.S. government expects young men in the military to die for. https://t.co/pmcz0vRHru
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) June 11, 2023
Particularly noteworthy when compared to McConnell, and other similar Republicans in Senate https://t.co/VLZWjWEHZQ
— Mollie (@MZHemingway) June 12, 2023
Can't wait to see all of the brave [Patriots] in Miami tomorrow. pic.twitter.com/TSXWx4Vsy6
— U.S. Ministry of Truth (@USMiniTru) June 12, 2023
Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, as well as Parler and GETTR, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
This weeks truth teller.

Not all heroes wear capes
Crazy week, huh?
Yeah, it wouldn’t be the people who threatened to kill him. I don’t really think radical Islamists need any external help doing crazy shit.
Of course, these are the same people who still cling to the “fine people” lie despite the truth being provided for years. They have been vaccinated against the truth.
Isn’t it interesting how when “One World Government” is considered, it’s never of a model of the most successful, freest and most equitable example ever seen in the history of the world? It’s always emulating past failed totalitarian police state examples.
No doubt the US paid for its development.
As long as there are enough Democrats in Congress to block good policies, we’re going to have the wasteful failures we’ve had. As long as we have Republican weenies in Congress, we will have enough Democrats to block good policies.
It’s funny… you can farm, run cattle, drill for oil, extract natural gas, install a pipeline… do almost anything on land and still use it for other purposes, but once you plop a solar farm on it, that’s it. Done. Now it’s nothing but reflective acres.
It’s pretty simple: anyone with traditional values and common sense is an enemy of the totalitarian state, so they have to be vilified with propaganda. How much violence does the most extremist right wing group commit compared to just ANTIFA? The left accusing the right of what they themselves are doing?
Isn’t linear thinking merely logical thinking? “If this, then that and if that, then something else”? If the results of that process does not result in the outcome some want, they blame the process, not the hypothesis. The left prefers to arrive at THEIR conclusion, then work backwards to try to create a justification. Creative thinking results in things like in The Walking Dead, gasoline lasting for decades without going bad because it creates more plot twists. I guess tearing down the scientific method is integral to leftist indoctrination: don’t examine what we tell you, just BELIEVE it.
I wonder when they will have a climate conference and review all the dire predictions they have made that have come true?
You know who is lonely? Bitter, disappointed liberals that drive off all their personable friends (conservatives) leaving only the bitter, disappointed friends that they don’t want to be around. Like climate change, white supremacy, the loneliness epidemic is yet another problem that doesn’t exist the left wants to solve with our freedoms. What is the cure for loneliness but human association and what did Fauci and Co. explicitly ban when his virus took over the world?
One day, the truth about the pushing of these vaccines will be made widely known and those vaccine zealots (those NOT making money off the death jab) are going to be shocked.
In other words, sometimes, some people just need an ass-beating.
It’s funny that those who thought the fact that there is a guy named Trump and a place called Russia is grounds for impeachment have absolutely no curiosity in idiot Biden taking a $5 million bribe from Burisma and then weakening our own energy production. Most can’t even answer the question if it should be investigated for fear of facing the truth.
Another example of a good concept turned bad by government weaponization.
I reiterate, when will the climate zealots conduct a review of all their predictions that have come true (aside from the prediction that those promoting climate change will get rich and fly on private jets)?
Didn’t you hear that trucks roll around like ice cream trucks, playing music and selling AR-15’s? I know it’s true because Grampa Grope says so.
It is going to take a MASSIVE amount of election fraud to drag idiot Biden’s corrupt and fossilized ass over the finish line and that is how election fraud gets exposed. Of course, the exposure and reaction could tear the nation apart, so it would be far better, on several levels, if the Democrats would simply not conduct any fraud and lose.
I guess time will tell if Alex is as successful at anti-American harmful policies as Nazi-sympathizer dad. I’m sure Democrats love him just as much.
Aside from the fact that there are NO “Anti-LGBT” laws, I doubt there is a single mentally ill, gender-confused tranny contributes anything to national security.
In other words, sometimes, some people just need an ass-beating.

Or sumthin’
Mapping Attacks on LGBTQ Rights in U.S. State Legislatures – In the last few years states have advanced a record number of bills that attack LGBTQ rights, especially transgender youth. The ACLU is tracking these attacks and working with our national network of affiliates to support LGBTQ people everywhere.
Good. As a society we need to rid ourselves of this cancer.
What would you be without people and things to hate?
New evidence shows biden took north of 20 million and maybe as much as 30 million in bribes.
A conservative.
I have no clue what your answer is supposed to mean.
It’s not surprising you don’t get it. You leftists are racist, violent and cannot live without hate. The opposite of conservatives.
So opposing people who want to r@pe or mutilate our children is evil?
There are no LGBTQ “rights” being violated. Anywhere. They violate normal citizen’s rights not to be subjected to degenerate behavior everywhere they turn.
There are no “attacks” on the LGBQWERTY community, only on animals who want to mutilate kids or creeps who want to perform adult themed shows in front of young children.
You must be proud to count them as allies!
Nice article it names the purpose of each law and no ones rights were trampled.

Most you cant butcher kids.
Please show where any right granted to everyone has been trampled.
Burning the US flag freedom of speech, Burning a rainbow flag a hate crime, whos 1st amendment rights are being violated you ass backwards fool?
This is what your agenda is doing
Remember when the homosexual’s argument was “what we do in the privacy of our bedroom is our business”?
The left cant see individuals, they must separate and put in a box with a label. The homosexuals by and large have fought for a good image then comes asshole perverts to tear it all down exhibitionists, cake buyers ect.
We are not phobic we just do not have to accept it. What they do in private is their business, are public and school libraries full of playboys or other straight porn? Do straight people have parades, banners ect? You dont have to push something that comes natural, they wouldnt put breast enlargements in a little girl, she would have to wait until she was of age, and it would be called elective not affirming no insurance would cover that.
Accept, hell, we are expected to EMBRACE it, have it permeate every aspect of our lives. Heterosexualism is not even that overt. Trans is a mental condition, not a “rights” issue. Like with the 2nd Amendment, I think we normal people have given up enough. NO MORE. Certainly not the children.
Don’t get me started.
A couple things about this story.
Massive bear? Please thats scrawny 2 year old.
Surprise yes bears will claw things open if there is food in there, campers cottages, houses, coolers, tents, anything.
I think this was Goldilocks house, payback.
A lot of useful idiots are making themselves plain to see.
Soon, if the WEF wins, they will have this end….